The 10 Worst Mistakes of First-Time Job Hunters

<p>This article showed up in my inbox this morning courtesy of LinkedIn. It's pretty basic stuff, but even some of the points that make many of us say "Duh" (e.g., "I would have gone to the career center") can be breaking news to some college kids. </p>

<p>See: The</a> 10 Worst Mistakes of First-Time Job Hunters | LinkedIn</p>

<p>This article also reminded me of another job-seekers tips list I read in "Dear Abby" (a guilty pleasure of mine for decades) several years ago. See Recruiter</a> offers tips for job seekers | The Columbus Dispatch </p>

<p>My own related tip is that "OK" is rarely a way to begin a business message (unless it is in response to one that ends, "OK?") :)</p>

<p>Great article.
One thing I’d add is that if you’re a sophomore or a junior, now’s the time to start looking for an internship. Many of the application deadlines have past/are coming up quickly and many companies are also already done with full time recruiting.</p>

<p>Also, keep in mind that, depending on one’s field and on whether or not a paid internship is imperative, it’s possible to “create” internships rather than simply applying to existing ones. I know college students who have petitioned newspapers, filmmakers, women’s centers, etc. to give them unpaid positions by suggesting ways that they could provide assistance. These “internships” are often win-wins … an extra pair of hands for the sponsoring organization, and experience + resume-fodder for the student.</p>