The annual boarding school dirty laundry thread

@CroissantMiser: This is true. I posted upthread how I handled that nonsense:

I must have missed that…That’s a great piece of info…assuming i can find that on their website? Thanks!

It makes me crazy when I visit S2 and see laundry lying about that can’t seem to make that 6 foot distance to the laundry bag. Next year he can leave laundry anywhere on the floor he wants, without the expensive, under-utilized laundry service. :-w

@Heartburner: Yes, there is a separate fee for regular laundry service at Exeter. We sucked it up and bought in all four years–even paid extra for the Look Sharp dry cleaning service–mostly because of the dress shirt and tie requirement. It was a good decsion. Ironically, his first work study job at college was guarding the E&R bags at the student pick-up site–for other students since he’s now washing his own jeans and t-shirts.

Lol, is that karma, or what…

Love the karma–but it was a sweetheart of a work study job–not much to do except sit around with the bags and study. :

After reading this thread I am now of the belief that the clothes she thinks went missing E & R probably dry cleaned and put in another location… The ironic part is that she will probably come home at the end of the year with tons of dry cleaning.

We never did the laundry service. Think it was good for my son to learn to do laundry himself. Machines are in the dorm. Dry cleaning happens at holidays if needed.

There laundry services privide quite small bags and are IMHO outrageously expensive. Kids are getting a huge gift of going to BS. they can at least take responsibility for their dirty clothes.

At the end of the school year S2 is flying directly from school to meet up w the rest of the family for a summer trip. I sure hope he’s coming w clean clothes…



Is that a probable “no”?

Kids should do their own laundry, unless it’s dry cleaning. How much more coddled and swaddled do they need to be?

I’m with you, Parlabane!

@GMTPlus7 That would be a no.

Thank you for reviving this thread. I was looking forward to see how quickly @Parlabane would weigh in with an opinion and if it differed any from those he has give over the last 4 years!! :))


Says one of my favorite actresses: ‘Make sure you do your own laundry - it will keep you honest.’

Cate Blanchett

At my kid’s new school, laundry service is mandatory >:P >:P

P4W–a heads up from a parent who just completed year 1 at NMH regarding E&R: They will DRY CLEAN most everything–which is an issue b/c dry cleaning is not delivered back to the dorms like regular laundry…it’s dropped of in the facilities building behind the RAC. This led to some logistical issues with my child as she “had no time” to go there and p/u a lot of her clothes so she ended up doing a lot of her own laundry in the dorm basement. I believe ChoatieMom suggested writing a letter to E&R “absolving” them of liability and making sure they wash most if not all of the clothes…just an FYI

E&R is crap. Typical of a monopolistic company.

I wonder why local cleaners don’t offer a similar service.

NMH had its own laundry years ago. I bet other BS did as well.