The AP Physics Course.....

I took an Algebra 2 course this year (I am a Freshman) so I could be ahead in math; my course had an extra trigonometry unit that my school doesn’t usually teach in Algebra 2. Since I took this course, should I take AP Physics? I really enjoy math and science, so I thought this would be right up my league…I guess. My schedule for next year is:

AP Gov
Honors Precalc
Honors English (regular English is full of morons)
German II
Honors Chemistry
Strength and Conditioning (alternates every other day)
Guitar I (alternates every other day)
Digital Communications
Business Computer Apps (dropping this class though)

Please tell me if I could handle this; I do know I want to take this class, and I am willing to do the work, no matter how hard it is…but is it smart?

Which AP Physics are you referring to?

AP Physics 1; I wanted to take electro-magnetism, but my school doesn’t have it.

What classes did you take this year and what are your grades?

It would probably be helpful to ask people at your school for an accurate description of the rigor of your prospective schedule.

That’s basically what I’m planning on doing next year as a sophomore. Do you have basic knowledge of precalculus? I’ve done my math courses up till calculus, so I know AP Physics will be a lot less time-consuming if you have a strong maths fundamental earlier, instead of having to learn the math along with the physics. If this is your first time with Precalculus, I’d suggest you learn it first and then take Physics the year after. AP Physics 1 does require a decent knowledge of Precalculus.

No it does not.

Weird, my district’s course descriptions and past year students’ recommendations say so. Sorry for that.

At my school you have to be taking AP Calc at the same time for AP Physics…

@ErenYeager which AP Physics does your school offer
That requirement would be reasonable for AP Physics C

I had an extra unit in my online Algebra 2 course about trigonometric identities and graphs.

I took Honors Geometry this year, but I took an online course for Algebra 2 that had an extra unit about trigonometric identities…I am just wondering if its a smart idea with my schedule; I know I would like to do it, and I know I am willing to do the work.

@IAmNotCreativ My school says Precalc for AP Physics 1 (which I will be taking next year, first period :() and Algebra 2 for AP Physics C.

@sternyc most schools require honors precalc for ap physics. Its a requirement since you need a strong foundation in algebra trig, not really precalc because of the fact that they want to see if you actually “got up” to the point where you can take precalc if you know what I’m saying.

@Decepters The Precalc req isn’t a problem for me, since I’m up to the Calc course. My trig is really advanced, so I’m not bad off for Physics. I’m guessing the sin/cos comes under the rotational momentum?

The main problem for me is that I’d be doubling up Bio/Physics, and the Course Coordinator said that some Bio labs might be necessary for Physics (??).