The Bachelor

<p>Tessa won! I'm so happy, I was afraid that Bevin would win. Did anyone else watch the finale?</p>

<p>I watched here in SoCal. I could guess by the editing that Tessa was going to be the one...but it irritated me that he "fricken' loved" both Bevin and Tessa. Why do I get sucked into these kind of shows???!!</p>

<p>I just didn't trust Bevin...she seemed kinda shady.</p>

<p>Tessa just kinda struck me as the girl he forgot about but kept giving a rose to each week. At the same time, Bevin just seemed whiny and overzealous. I could tell from the editing that her was going to pick Tessa, but he really did seem to like Bevin more.</p>

<p>I got sucked into it just last night. I wanted Tessa to win just because whatsherfaceblondegirl was sooo annoying.</p>

<p>Really, who would go on a show like that? You're essentially dating man dating 24 other women at the same time. Pfft, what ERA?</p>

<p>I was really struck by Bevin's disguised attempt to ask for pity from the very first time I saw her up until the post-show episode. I gathered from whatever's left of the editing that she seems insincere, desperate, attention-craving, undignified, cheesy, insecure, dependent, trite, overly emotional, and uninsightful. I got an OK impression of her in some episodes, but this somehow changed because she was inconsistent. I don't think she was as natural as she could be (or maybe she's just naturally unstable?). Her confidence is fake and disturbing. She seems like the type who'd cry easily and who'd make a big deal out of trivial matters. Andy has liked Tessa all along, since she kept her even though she basically told him in the beginning that she had no feelings for him at that point (I always wondered how the other girls, including Bevin, became head-over-heels in love with the guy after only two days...). All he was looking for was confirmation of Tessa's reciprocated interest. It seemed to some people that he had more chemistry with Bevin, but that was because he didn't want to set himself up for a major disappointment just in case Tessa doesn't fall in love with him; Bevin was practically obsessed with him from the very beginning (that was scary). If Tessa hadn't been in love with him, she would've made it known, but she was, and that confirmation was what Andy was looking for.</p>

<p>In the beginning, I actually didn't like the Bachelor and didn't want Tessa to end up with him, but I grew fond of him over time.</p>

<p>I just find the whole show really creepy. I think I saw part of one episode then I would just see it being advertised. Ugh.</p>