The Belk scholarship to Davidson.

<p>Hey folks, I was hoping to get some advice if possible; Davidson College is my first choice for college and I am really thankful to have been chosen as my high school's nominee to compete for the Belk scholarship!</p>

<p>I understand that they ultimately choose 8 students for it out of about 800 nominated; for anyone who has won it or who has competed for it, what are some things to look for? What types of things must I be ready for? I'm curious to better understand the process more so could anyone please chime in who has some idea?</p>

<p>Thank you so much in advance, I really appreciate your help,</p>

<p>the kitesurfer.</p>

<p>using that ‘search this thread’ link up there; some of those go back to 2004! Whew! Folks been talkin’ about this one for awhile it looks like! :)</p>

<p>-the ks.</p>

<p>‘hello, hello, hello…is there anybody IN THERE!?’…(just a prospie)</p>

<p>‘they’ll be no more…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!’ </p>


<p>the ks.</p>

<p>Kitesurfer - my daughter is her schools Belk nominee as well. She’s very excited and has been working on her application. I just wanted to wish you good luck and thank you for pointing out the search function! Hope you get good news from Davidson…</p>