*THE Berkeley Thread!*

<p>Are you ready for the ride.....?</p>

<p>That untamed, seething passion that courses through the blood of even our smallest Bear is phenomenal. Are you ready for the intellectual stimulation and unrivaled electricity that pulses through Berkeley?</p>

<p>Taste the chez panisse, gobble down at Top Dog, and cruise the streets of San Francisco. Prepare for football, prepare for debate, and prepare for philosophical discussions < for those that meet me :). </p>

<p>Jaunt through Telegraph and assimilate with the natives! Play the Camillon bells at the Campanile. Run through the fields at Memorial Glade. </p>

<p>For those of you that crave what I seek - for those of us that thirst for knowledge - for those of us that love Berkeley.....</p>

<p>THIS IS FOR YOU! :)</p>

<p>YES! This is for me! :D</p>

<p>omg i was getting converted to UCLA but this thread has me on the fence again…</p>

<p>all those things you said sound so interesting.</p>

<p>I knew you two would be the first to respond! AJ!!! how are you?? haha we’re finally on simultaneously.</p>

<p>@ jane: Madre, you know you’re more Berkeley…I am SOO Berkeley haha. It runs in the family. I had to create this thread to convince myself to wait until spring if I have to.</p>

<p>I am <em>this</em> close to committing to Berkeley right now for good. There’s just 1 tiny thing holding me back…damn spring admission!!! hahaha.</p>

<p>emil, so you decided on berkeley already?</p>

<p>@ o0racle: I’m very close. I’m meeting with L&S on Tuesday. If it goes well, I may be able to become a fall admit. I have compelling reasons as usual :).</p>

<p>mijo, if you can convince the ppl at Berkeley put in a good word for your mother. let me know what the outcome is if you can get into Fall…maybe i can too…
lol don’t let your uncle Evan see this.</p>

<p>Alas, uncle evan has admonished me already lol. :slight_smile: I’ll definitely let you guys know if I can switch into psych for fall…guaranteed it’ll be a thread haha. I’ll be too excited!</p>

<p>Ahh I’m so stressed out over this. I’m contacting so many people. That’s why I haven’t been on here as often.</p>

<p>@emil meeting with l&s? what’s l&s. Can you share your compelling reasons? But if its not comfortable for you to reveal it to anyone then its okay. I’m really splitting hairs deciding whether to wait until spring for berkeley.</p>

<p>@nic Of course dude! I don’t know what it is, but now that I have been accepted into Berkeley I feel almost 100% like I’m going there! Before I was admitted It was 50-50, more or less. Now I’m thinking I was just trying to protect my emotions, because I wasn’t totally confident I would be getting into CAL. Now that I’m in, I almost have no doubt I’m going there!</p>

<p>And I’m good man, glad to see you on the forums as well :slight_smile: We’ve been two trains passing in the night or something like that - two ferries, is it? lol either way, I’m good man, so happy I got into Berk :)</p>

<p>get your berkeley goggles on sale now before the rush comes in august, you will need them</p>

<p>@bagelsbagels: I’m at UCB all the time; there is definitely a plethora of hot girls there. haha or perhaps I have already developed the goggles condition.</p>

<p>@ o0racle: Well I’m trying to switch from phil to psych. phil - 0/3 prereqs done. psych - 5/7 done or 4/6 (missing 2). I’ve registered for both of these over summer, have documentation of it, and will have all my prereqs done by the end of summer with a 4.0 in them < pending A’s in my last 2. I’ve taken 8 psych courses, have a resume, and letters of rec from the head of neuroscience at NASA…let’s just say that I’m going all-out to get this one through. All this said, I’m hoping that they’ll see my relentless drive to become a psych major at Cal in the fall.</p>

<p>If it falls through…I’ll be feeling dumb for making this thread lol, because I may end up going to ucla.</p>

<p>yeah im pretty sure you’re already are wearing them so you’re all set :)</p>

<p>How are there still ppl who’s “location” thingys still say “UC Berkeley or UCLA” seriously?? how is that even a question??? I dont understand that kind of thought process at all >< just choose UCB!!! asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklsdfghjkwertyuioxcvbnmwefghjsdfgh</p>

<p>well its hard…Los Angeles is my home and UCLA has been part of Los Angeles culture since forever…its ingrained.
its a tough choice for me</p>

<p>@ CalBearGuy: Dude, it’s actually hard for me hahaha. You know I love Berk! However, I wouldn’t have my major and would be a spring admit at UCB…unless I can get things changed! hehe</p>

<p>Here are my two awesome Berkeley youtube vids I’ve seen from this site:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1F6ksYihbQ[/url]”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1F6ksYihbQ&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BP09VHK58[/url]”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BP09VHK58&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>…still, its Berkeley, even those who got Spring should be thankful, its Berkeley, take it! Think back to when you were in HS, do you think you would have ever gotten this?? Regardless of what semester you were admitted, you should keep in mind that you got into the nation’s premier public university, just take it!! Even if they gave me Fall 2011, I woulda taken it.</p>

<p>CalBearGuy have you joined the fbook group yet?</p>

<p>I’m glad you got in too, man! haha I still want to rush in the fall! Ahhh Berkeley…how bittersweet the acceptance was with that spring 2011 coyly written in smaller font beneath the “congratulations” sign. </p>

<p>Yeah, UCB is just…I love it lol. Sometimes I just walk around and am at peace. I take my time passing through Telegraph, eat at Smart Alec’s (normally), and read a book somewhere on campus. The environment is fantastic. The liveliness…indescribable. I knew you’d solidify as a Bear! haha.</p>