The Bragging Thread

<p>jym, you’re gonna be an MIL??!! Fantastic!!</p>

<p>Yes. She’s a doll!</p>

<p>Congrats! Can’t wait for your MOG thread ! :(( </p>

<p>so exciting.</p>

<p>Congrats jym. Welcome to the MOG club.</p>

<p>Congratulations to jym! Big son or little son? Can’t wait to hear all about it!</p>

<p>Am waiting for them to officially announce it. Dont know what they are waiting for, but they wanted to wait a few days…</p>

<p>S sold a 2K-3K word story to The New York Observer! His very first, and his very first attempt to sell something!</p>

<p>jym - is that “Say Yes to the Dress”? or the Ring? Congratulations.</p>

<p>We’ll be looking for you on Lori and Monty’s show!</p>

<p>Congrats, consolation.</p>

<p>LOL, not ME on SYTHD.</p>

<p>Got a pogo stick when I was about 10. Match made in heaven for my tomboy ways. Executed 750 something consecutive jumps without stopping. Eventually wore out the rubber tip on the thing and replaced it. Got our kids one about 15 years ago and I couldn’t even manage to balance on it, so those days are over!</p>

<p>Congrats, Jym! Is there a date set yet? Or a time frame? Wonderful news and best to the happy couple! </p>

<p>Yes, congrats jym! Looking forward to another wedding thread. :)</p>

<p>My kiddo got into her grad program of choice!</p>

<p>So much good news! Congrats to dragon’s D! </p>

<p>I have a small brag that isn’t about me. Yesterday TWO of my good friends became first time moms. Boy and a girl born 3000+ miles and a few hours apart. </p>

<p>Lots of good news. Congrats everyone.</p>

<p>After spending his spring break last week all worried about the lack of response from REU / internship applications, DS was accepted to 2 in one day this week!</p>

<p>What is REU? And congrats, no matter what they are! :)</p>

<p>I had to ask my friend this just last week- it stands for Research Experience for Undergrads. It’s a really cool experience from what I’ve heard :)</p>
