The Bragging Thread

<p>P.S. very nice Romani!</p>

<p>Now THAT is cause for celebration, thumper! hehe </p>

<p>Come to think of it, I don’t think I have either! woot progress! </p>

<p>It isn’t final but it sounds like my D & her BF have been offered what sounds like a wonderful opportunity.</p>

<p>It is not going to pay anywhere close to six figures,( just a poke at another thread):wink: but they won’t have to worry about room and board or even transportation, because they will be living on site, in one of the most beautiful areas that I have ever been.</p>

<p>I am so excited for them and can’t wait to visit!
:smiley: </p>

<p>Wonderful news, ek! They’ll be working together? That sounds like a pretty sweet gig! </p>

<p>D1 got a 30+% raise this week! She had taken on a lot of responsibilities after two people above her were terminated, and put together a very thoroughly researched job comp and asked for this amount; after review, they came back and met it! Now she’s got all these places in mind she wants to travel to, and wants me to go with her.</p>

<p>Great news! </p>

<p>Holy cow!! 30+%??!! </p>

<p>I’d love to hve my child wish to travel with me.</p>

<p>Funny thing is, although she can obviously afford it now, she’d probably try to find some way to get me to pay for it! (I would politely decline) I asked her what her first purchase was going to be, and she said a Louis Vuitton bag.</p>

<p>Rather than gaining the Freshman 15, DS focused on nutrition and actually using the school gym, and lost 25 pounds. He looks and feels great!</p>

<p>D14 has begun speaking at regional conferences and other high schools, with two planned this week. This is my kid who was shy and reserved and horribly bullied in middle school. I’m amazed. </p>

<p>A change of school can do wonders.
That’s wonderful!</p>

<p>Son had a phone interview today for a potential grad school acceptance. A much needed confidence booster! Hope to write back soon with some positive news!</p>

<p>fingers crossed for your s, montegut!</p>

<p>finished my second half marathon with a new PR. Walked only once at a water stop to wash down some GU. Took over 12 minutes off last PR. On my way to a good full in early May. </p>

<p>Can’t wait. The training is much hard than the actual run. </p>

<p>Wow! Awesome, Dad II!</p>

<p>The Olympics may have not been nice to my little cousins, but the US Opens!!! Great!!!</p>

<p>My gawd, she’s not even back in the country, 3 months left on her grant and she’s seriously looking for a job. Not just looking, doing her due diligence. First skype interview set, second pending. Thanks for letting me say all that. I’ve had the same concerns we all do. </p>

<p>My husband rocks!</p>

<p>She said “yes” =D> </p>