The Bragging Thread

<p>S1 is graduating, Cum Laude and on time, on May 10 with a degree in sports journalism - broadcasting… He starts his internship May 14. Like Marilyn upthread, it’s more a sigh of relief, but it’s nice to have something work the way you want every now and then. </p>

<p>My 18 year old senior son has completed several job applications over the last several days, so he will hopefully be employed this summer. Now if only his 20 year old brother would do the same, I’d have a better brag.</p>

<p>Jym, I just saw your post. D made her choice and will be pursuing a Masters at the JHU School of Public Health. I’m relieved that the decision stage is over. :slight_smile: Now we have to plan for her move back. </p>

<p>My D, who graduated almost 3 years ago with “not practical” major and had since worked in internship and contract kind of jobs has landed an amazing full time job with benefits in her major at a nice private university! So proud of her, she has signed a lease on her first apartment.</p>

<p>D is finishing up her first year of grad school and was just awarded a great TA position of Opera Administrator for next year! Not only will that give her terrific experience but it covers most of her tuition and gives her a living stipend too. I’m so proud of her!</p>

<p>In 2008, I decided to follow a dream, quit a solid State job with good pay and benefits, moved my whole family (including my 80 year old mom) to Hawaii, started my own business, and after 5.5 years am loving my new life and actually making a living. Got DS through HS (well, a month or so to go) and into a good college that he actually wants to attend, with enough financial aid that we can swing it (OK, he helped). Phew!</p>

<p>I also started a non-profit organization that supports youth robotics programs. Yay, me.</p>

<p>Oh, and I actually made my April estimated tax payments on time this year, for the first time ever. Thank you, FAFSA deadlines! Now maybe I won’t owe next year, because I will have made all 4 estimated payments. </p>

<p>A resolution I wrote for MY (Michigan Youth) Consent Day officially got its first supporter in the state Senate! We’re trying to get more support before it officially gets proposed. </p>

<p>I know resolutions aren’t a big deal, but growing up and through the beginning of college, I was extremely, painfully shy. To go from that to being able to talk to legislatures is a huge leap for me :slight_smile: </p>

<p>D’s school won a 2nd in beginning and 3rd in advanced Japanese skit writing/performing for a contest today. D was co-writer of the beginner’s level skit. They beat several other schools including some which have more students, resources and have been around much longer. </p>

<p>I bake awesome homemade dog biscuits-- canine crack</p>

<p>GMT7, is that serious? Crack?</p>

<p>D won a fellowship for the upcoming school year, so her full + funding is getting better each year. She earns her MA next month, so now only 4 more years.</p>

<p>My last day of work FOREVER is coming fast. June 5. I can’t wait.</p>

<p>DS#1, the reason Pima and I found and joined these forums 7 years ago, completed that Air Force’s year long pilot training school and was awarded his wing’s yesterday in a very special and moving ceremony. 2nd generation AF officer and flyer, off to slip the surly blues as a C-130J pilot. Pima and I couldn’t be prouder…</p>

<p>Wow, Bullet, that is a huge reason to celebrate - congrats!!! And good to see you posting here in the Cafe! :)</p>

<p>Wow, great news and good to “see” you two.
In my school, kiddos learn all the service anthems for our Veteran’s Day assembly, so I can sing along…
“Up we go, into the wild blue yonder…”</p>

<p>@gloworm, of course I’m kidding! But the dog does go nuts for them.</p>

<p>S1 worked with the Secret Service in providing security for President Obama’s speech at University of Michigan earlier this month. S1 had a verrry good seat for the speech.</p>

<p>Son graduated Saturday with a bachelors of science in mechanical engineering. He will attend grad school in the fall to pursue a masters in biomedical engineering. This has been his goal since the tenth grade and I am so proud of him for sticking to it!</p>

<p>S2 just learned he’s been accepted in his desired PhD program, with full funding. It’s been a long spring!!!</p>

<p>Great news VH, and Montegut!..and everyone else too!</p>

<p>Whew!! Finally!! Yay!!</p>