The Bragging Thread

<p>I bragged a week or so ago that S2 was accepted with a research assistantship to the one grad school he applied to, for a PhD. His older brother was awarded his Masters this past weekend, on his way to a Psy.D. in psychology. There will be TWO Doctors Very Happy in a few more years. Amazing. I am one proud mama.</p>

<p>Great news VH!!</p>

<p>Great news, VH. You have good reasons to feel proud.</p>

<p>My youngest daughter is very interested in pursuing a major in ASL interpreting . She does pretty well with it in her high school and her teacher is very encouraging and a great mentor. They have been working very hard in their class on an end of the year show that has a strong anti-bullying message. My daughter created a video for a project , using the other students and also some deaf children. She did such a great job that the singer who’s song they sign to has added the video to her webpage and FB fan page. Also, the record label and the organization that will they are teaming up with for the anti -bullying campaign has too . Proud moment for this mother :smiley: I am hoping that she can add this to her college applications next year</p>

<p>lje62, that’s wonderful. </p>

<p>After a slow start out of the gate during the first few weeks of his freshman year which had an impact on his first semester GPA, my son received a 4.0 his second semester! He was especially proud of his A in English 120. :)</p>

<p>D2 graduated from college today. A triumph.</p>

<p>DS#2 loves his new job. Still working on permanent housing, between trips to Chicago and Brussels. Rough life.</p>

<p>The decision has been made!</p>

<p>Lots of happy news! Congrats, all!</p>

<p>Montegut, What decision is that? It must be good news, so congrats!</p>

<p>I have to share what my thirteen year-old daughter’s teacher wrote in her yearbook.</p>

<p>“You are a student I’ll never forget. To be 100% honest, when I first met you I was intimidated by your intelligence. It is difficult to be nearly 30 and encounter a 7th grader who is definitely smarter than you. However, I was put at ease when I realized that in addition to being crazy smart, you’re caring, selfless and put others before yourself.”</p>

<p>35 years ago, after graduating with a biology degree, I tutored high school students in math and science to earn extra money. One year, I taught at my alma mater, and saw one of my students in high school there. She was still a troubled young girl, but she had wonderful parents who cared enough to get her extra help with her studies. Today, I sat at a table with 20 attorneys, in a big federal case, and there, leading the proceedings, was my troubled young friend. At first break she recognized me and said, You were my math tutor! I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of this young lady. She not only finished high school, but went on to college and law school, and is now a partner in a major law firm. I am just busting my buttons and crying tears of pride. Just makes you think that you can have some difference in a troubled young person’s life, and give them a little bit of encouragement to help them find their way.</p>

<p>My D has decided to get married ! I don’t want to jinx things by posting on the wedding type threads, but Wow, who’ld of thought? We’re still grinning silly and trying to absorb it. Wow. </p>

<p>Lots of happy news! Congrats, all!</p>

<p>I’m getting married one year from today :smiley: </p>

<p>Congratulations, romani!</p>

<p>I called S2 last night just to chat and learned S1, who lives eight hours away, was visiting S2 for the weekend. It makes me so happy to know that my sons get along and enjoy each other’s company.</p>

<p>I called my mother today and learned that S1, who lives in the same town, went to her senior-facility apartment to watch the World Cup soccer game with her last night. My kids can be absolute total jerks sometimes, but they’ve always been wonderful to their grandparents. </p>

<p>Well, this must be in the bragging thread. I had a dream that Brad Pitt was flirting with me. :D</p>