The Bragging Thread

<p>DD’s fiancee visa application is at the consulate and interview is in a few weeks. I’m going to be MOB next March!!! (Courthouse wedding, casual dress, big party months later…! ) DS just accepted a job with a large energy company and will make megabucks; he says he’s going to help them comply with environmental laws so it’s not a sellout. ;-)</p>

<p>Congrats anxiousmom! MOB and an employed kid! Doesn’t get better than that!</p>

<p>H did environmental engineering (still does some) for an energy company. Good for your S! </p>

<p>My son in law also ( he has just graduated with his masters in environmental engineering) has been hired by the federal govt power administration.
Plus it is just across the street from where my daughter works so they can carpool!
They also had a courthouse wedding, with the reception last month.</p>

<p>And my youngest daughter, who has just started a new job with her Bf, has been without power for five days, but she is still hanging in there! At least it’s cooling off a little.</p>

<p>anxiousmom, congrats! That’s a similar track to what S & DIL did. Only took five months for her to get the fiancee visa approved. However, she didn’t actually enact it until a few months later, as she was trying to get an H-1B visa since she already had a job offer here. (Warning: at least for UK residents coming in on the fiancee visa, DIL had to go get a physical in London and once she got to the US. In both cases, there is a limited panel of docs who can perform those.) The fiancee visa was the back up plan, but it worked beautifully, and she had her green card about three months after they were married. We also did the small courthouse ceremony/later big celebration.</p>

<p>They should be sure to keep documentation (plane tickets, photos, documentation of family visits) for the immigration folks. They want to know it’s a real relationship. ;)</p>

<p>New son-in-law was promoted to Associate Professor at Harvard. D is also in a Boston-based career, so it is nice for them. They can both walk to their workplaces from their home. Nice to see them settled, for a while at least.</p>

<p>Thats great to be able to walk to work.
Except my niece who works at Microsoft found that it isn’t always an advantage when you are the only one who shows up during a snowstorm.</p>

<p>I can sing the alphabet backwards.</p>

<p>Update - DD1, entering junior year nursing, is one of the VA nursing academic partnership scholars at her school, and will be advised by the head of the program, who has DNP. Hope this helps strengthen her application to Navy Nursing :)</p>

<p>I did it. </p>

<p>And you didn’t think I could. </p>

<p>Ha. </p>

<p>Son signed the lease on his first apartment last Friday. He will have to set up cable/internet, furnish the apartment, do his own laundry in the basement laundry room, stock the fridge and pantry, and walk or ride the bus to class every day. But he will be living with other adults, ranging from families with kids to elderlies, so it’s a place he can stay in once he gets a job. He also learned that being admitted as a non thesis masters candidate was not a bad thing, as all grad students start off that way, and it is up to him to find what path he wants to take to get his master’s, thesis or nonthesis. </p>

<p>There was a tall handsome guy in my house today that was not one of my relatives. I was not allowed to come down as I was in the second floor doing something else. My husband got to see what he looks like. My daughter came back to get the pool key for a BBQ in a tiny itsy bikini. ;)</p>

<p>S17 got all his required summer homework done for his AP and gifted classes and high school doesn’t start for another week and 1/2. Yea! I was really afraid he was going to wait until the last minute to get it all done. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Taught sis to use excel and track recent expenses today. She needed to learn for her job. It went MUCH better than expected! Taught her to create headings, label pages, make entries, make categories, sort, add rows and delete, and total each category. </p>

<p>Also taught her to make grid lines and header and footer. </p>

<p>I love Excel more than any human being should. It is a godsend in my line of work lol. </p>

<p>Today, a press release I wrote was featured in multiple news stories around the state. It’s the first time we’re really putting our project out to the public and the response has already been fantastic. I’m beaming :smiley: </p>

<p>She’s a keeper! What a girl! Three cheers for healthy, happy relationships.</p>

<p>My favorite brags on here are the ones about happy, healthy relationships. Wonderful, saint! </p>

<p>D is in Africa-Ghana, to be exact, on a trip with other students from her district and the Free the Children Foundation. She will be helping to build a school, among other things. She left Tuesday and will return next week. Only one student from each high school was chosen, and she was chosen above older students at hers-she was only a freshman last year. She decided to do this, wrote the application essay, did the interviews and there she is. When she returns she will have to do a seminar for the faculty and staff at her school, engage other youth, and create a service project based on what she learned. I can’t wait to see what she does. </p>

<p>My 8th grader had his first day of school yesterday. He is in high school math. The sheet he was given gave him his homework for the night. It was a ton of problems. It took him over 4 hours to do. He was not happy about it but was determined to get it done. Today when he got to school all the kids were complaining about how they spent hours on the work. The teacher was confused then she realized that the home work sheet was wrong and the kids had done all the homework and in class work for the first unit which will take at least 3 days. DS said that there were only 2 kids in the class that did not do all that work last night. I am amazed that so many 8th graders were willing to put in that much effort in math and didn’t give up because it took so long to do. </p>

<p>I hope that teacher is reprimanded. </p>

<p>Hopefully the teacher was just confused with an online lesson plan program and this won’t happen again. </p>