The Bragging Thread

<p>^^ I think the teacher should treat the class to root beer floats! </p>

<p>She seem sorry about it and sent a note home with the kids for the parents. The thing is my DS13 had her in 8th grade for the same class. I remember it being a weed out class and a lot of kids dropped back to regular math in the first few weeks. So when I saw the amount of homework that my son had to do I thought it was correctā€¦she did give the kids that did the all the work extra credit points. He was happy about it.</p>

<p>Kudos to your son, MG! :)</p>

<p>I took a class that was attended by much more experienced folks, and I was not intimidated! I knew as much as, if not more than they did! </p>

<p>Way to go, BB!</p>

<p>Our D in 2nd grade was given a VERY tough word problem as a ā€œbonusā€ question that was ā€œoptional.ā€ It took our S who was literally the top student in the 4th grade several HOURS to complete the problemā€“it was really WAY over the heads of the 2nd graders as it used many concepts they had never even been introduced to. When I spoke with the instructor about it, she said, ā€œWell, it is OPTIONAL, meaning no one HAS to do it.ā€ I countered that it made sense if at least it bore some relationship to concepts the kids had at least brushed or had mentioned sometime in their lives instead of throwing it to them cold and making them sad and frustrated that they had absolutely NO idea what to do and that it took a kid two grades higher hours to complete, out of his own curiousity.</p>

<p>After graduating college in May with a B.S. in Computer Science and looking for work, my son got a job offer! Iā€™m so proud of him. The offer was slightly less than what he wanted so he countered with his request of 3K more per year. They denied the request, but after much thought and discussion with friends who are working in same career fieldā€¦and making less $$$, he signed the offer letter.</p>

<p>Heā€™s now looking at his student loans and working out a schedule on which to pay off first! His plan is to pay off the higher interest loan first and be completely debt free within 18 months with his 40K debt. I donā€™t know whose kid he is but I think Iā€™ll keep him around for a while. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Congrats! Sounds like a great 18 month plan! In this economy, it bird in hand sure is a good thing. We know a lot of kids who are only getting part-time jobs and jobs where hours fluctuate, so hard to pay bills, much less pay off debt. </p>

<p>Our utility company is a membership cooperative. They were supposed to share profits back with the members, but havenā€™t since 1976. They got sued in a class action suit and the board was all canned. They are now having to pay back the portion owed to the members from 1988-2012. Class action suits usually pay a pittance but we got a VERY nice check! </p>

<p>20 YO DD returns after a two week class (on scholarship) and an additional 5 1/2 week adventure in Switzerland and Italy, to begin fall nursing classes, continuing on scholarship. Also selected with 19 other students in an honors program with VA work experiences.</p>

<p>Younger sis is in flagship SEC marching band (and concert band, both on scholarship); has had a summer internship work experience and begins honors, eng, STEM MBA programs with Presidential Scholarship and eng scholarship.</p>

<p>Proud of their accomplishments and that they are fine people - hardworking and thoughtful of others.</p>

<p>I am going to be a GSI (Graduate Student Instructor) this fall in a history class that focuses on the intersection of race and gender in a certain geographical region that is very near and dear to my heart. Masterā€™s students in my program very rarely get GSI positions because we donā€™t have an undergrad department and GSI positions in other departments go to their own PhD and Masterā€™s students first. </p>

<p>When I went to interview with the professor, he said that he had originally taken out the section of the class that I was most passionate in (the discrimination against the Romani in Europe) but because of my cover letter, he added it back in. Iā€™m thrilled- I never even had the opportunity to take a class that even talked about the Romani in undergrad and I now I get to help teach about it! </p>

<p>DD in a fully funded Masterā€™s program has just been offered a teaching fellowship position, leading two sections, for an additional big chunk of money. Being the frugal type, she will probably graduate with much money in the bank and no debt. Good thing she didnā€™t lister to her mother, who told her, ā€œThere is no funding for Masterā€™s programs; expect to pay tuition, room and board and take out some heavy loans!ā€</p>

<p>@anxiousmom your thoughts are probably similar to mine - after all, look at our CC log in names!</p>

<p>However, I think it is best to at least think most practically, so that when good things come oneā€™s way, you can appreciate it versus expecting it and maybe being disappointed with too high expectations.</p>

<p>Just was on a radio program about an important health topic and helped the MD hostess/emcee with a problem she was having by connecting her with a friend who was trying to find a problem for her environmental economics class to work on. She will be working on the problem that the MD hostess raised with me and both are thrilled with the win-win for the students! Yippee! The world works in mysterious ways!</p>

<p>Went with S1 to buy his first car in his name today. The one he was driving was hit-and-run and totaled. He received a settlement from the insurance company and had some $$$ left in the college fund his grandparents had for him so he was able to make a sizeable down payment on a gently used 2012 Chevy Cruze. He even got a very reasonable loan with no co-signer. Heā€™s excited and Iā€™m proud of him.
ETA: And Iā€™m even prouder that the insurance is in his name! We were going to spin him off of ours on Sept. 1 anyway ā€¦</p>

<p>What a wonderful opportunity I was given! I am so grateful to you guys. Thank you! Itā€™s been great. </p>

<p>Paid internship offer! Yay!</p>

<p>We are having one additional exhibitor for our event that will bring equipment never before in our state! Iā€™m VERY excited and think this is a GREAT opportunity for patients and caregivers and healthcare providers to learn more about the latest and best new equipment that rarely makes it across the ocean!</p>

<p>I have been nagging DS13 to try and find some sort of research opportunity at college because engineers have to have some sort of work or research experience before they graduate. He found out about an opening put together a cover letter and a resume and applied. He went to a 1 hour interview and got accepted. I am so proud of him! He will get college credit , he can continue on with it each semester, they even give all the students a title and the project sounds really interesting.</p>

<p>My kid is back from Europe, I think it should be in the bragging thread for at least a day. :D</p>