The Bragging Thread

<p>Our DD16 started recently as a volunteer at a NFP and today I hear they’re calling her an intern and have selected her as a mentee. Also, this summer, wherever I’ve encountered those who’ve seen her in action in volunteering, workshopping, service, working, or social activities, they’ve praised her to me. She’s built a great reputation and has become a wonderful young woman, despite a horribly rough start as a child and young teen. Such a victory. Where once we weren’t sure if she’d make it, now we feel confident she will — with bells on! </p>



<p>S2 and his long-term GF are looking to buy a house together and, depending on location, a car. All of a sudden S2 is asking me questions, listening to the answers, and in general being very appreciative of my knowledge and experience.</p>

<p>Feels good.</p>

<p>That’s so true, VH. Even though S1 doesn’t always follow through on our advice, at least he no longer thinks we’re don’t know anything, which for him started at 4.5 years old.</p>

<p>DH has a coffee mug with a similar Twain quote: “When I was 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in 7 years.” He had originally given the mug to his father and took it back when his father died.</p>

<p>Wow, VH, that is a big deal. In this day and age buying a house together is almost as big a commitment as tying the knot.</p>

<p>DH and I helped S1 and our newly-minted D-I-L move into their apartment at IAS this weekend. Still a ways out from a regular faculty position but it feels like they have arrived. There was even a basket of goodies waiting for them in the fridge. :)</p>

<p>^^^ @1moremom, I know. I’m happy for them. They’ve been together for almost four years, and we love her. Love. LOVE her. </p>

<p>Isn’t that a wonderful feeling? I always say (about new D-I-L) I couldn’t have made a better choice myself. Congrats!</p>

<p>After several years of working many different jobs, I just got my new office AND IT HAS A WINDOW! This is my first office with a window and it’s HUGE. It makes such a difference when you’re used to working in a cement block with no natural light. </p>

<p>I am SO excited! </p>

<p>Hurray for windows! Hope you get sun to complement your window.</p>

<p>It’s so sunny with a clear blue sky right now. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, I live in Michigan, so it’s about to be an ugly white mess sooner than I care to admit :frowning: </p>

<p>At least it looks pretty while it’s snowing.</p>

<p>Super, romani. For a while I worked in a place where we had the crappiest bathrooms and I daydreamed of better. When I finally got a job with beautiful bathrooms, I was, like, OK, got it, done.<br>
Take a picture of the beautiful view today and hang it on your wall when the weather turns. </p>

<p>Like this?

<a href=“”>;/a&gt;


<p>Haha. Unfortunately, my view is a parking structure, but at least I have trees! </p>

<p>Wowee zowee!!</p>

<p>And sky. You have sky. Lots and lots of sky!</p>

<p>I just got back from my first day of teaching (it was fantastic! my students were really engaged and actually talking!) and my office is FILLED with sunshine. </p>

<p>I’m convinced that life cannot get any better than this :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Take a mental snapshot of this day.</p>

<p>Livin the good life, romani. You deserve it. <3</p>

<p>It is super sunny here and - ta-da- we don’t have homework! So I can catch up with work this weekend. :slight_smile: Or maybe clean the house! </p>

<p>Romani - I know what you are talking about. Even a sliver of gray sky is better than a dungeon. :)</p>



<p>Yep, remember to take out that picture when it’s December and grades are due and students are asking for extra credit or explaining why they should get an extension or why you graded their essay questions wrongly (always too low, of course–someday I would like to hear that I graded a question too high).</p>

<p>But for now, enjoy! </p>

<p>S2 has just started his first-year courses in his PhD program. While some of his classmates are struggling with the required math course, he’s finding it easy, and a repeat of what he had as an undergrad. I think he’s going to do really well.</p>