The Bragging Thread

<p>Love all your brags–the mighty and the minute. :)</p>

<p>“madbean - wow!!! Staff writer on Jeopardy is one cool job.”</p>

<p>It’s kind of the perfect “braggy” job–so I rarely mention it except–here!! Will point out–I have always had pretty quick recall, but was never even asked what college I attended to land the job. </p>

<p>–Oops, sorry tatin! I did not write sports questions. But when a friend recently mentioned she lost her Jeopardy game in the Final Jeopardy question–Category: Women Writers, I had to admit it was mine.</p>

<p>I got my picture in a major newspaper - for being unemployed. I was laid off from my job at a baseball stadium because of the 1981 strike.</p>

<p>I painted my parents’ house instead.</p>



<p>When H was a little boy, he tried to separate a dogfight between his family’s German Shepherd and the dog next door, and was rescued by the neighbor, astronaut Jack Lousma (support team for some Apollo Missions, and went up on Skylab.Was the recepient of the “Houston, we have a problem” message of Apollo 13.)</p>

<p>Madbean–a friend of my brother’s in HS also became a staff writer for Jeopardy. You’re not by any chance related to any science fiction authors, are you?</p>

<p>I also would like a runner-up breastfeeding award – nine years. I have to think if the hours were added up that it’s one of the biggest expenditures of time on a single activity in my adult life.</p>

<p>I just walked out of the Nordstrom Rack without buying anything!</p>

<p>I think this thread should be on Facebook so I can * like* it.

<p>I got to play a bit of hockey with Gordie Howe. He was probably around 60 at the time. I have a picture of me & him in full gear, and a signed stick.</p>

<p>^^^I am soooooooo jealous!!!</p>

<p>Ah, that reminds me–H pitched in a charity softball games against some of the Giants a bunch of years ago, and struck out Otis Anderson.</p>

<p>And two of the Devils brought the Stanley Cup to the childrens ward where he worked, and posed with my S (not a patient).</p>

<p>I recently published a successful novel.</p>

<p>I got through a year+ of cancer treatments with good cheer and positivity.</p>

<p>Our dog is the cutest dog in the whole world, and if you don’t believe me, my two daughters will share their 1,500 Facebook pictures of her, as well as her blog and the wall calendar that D1 made for D2 this Christmas.</p>

<p>My kids are not CC stars, but they are thoughtful, hard-working, funny, well-rounded young women who will make wonderful mothers themselves someday.</p>

<p>Last Sunday I finally got my Christmas tree taken down!!!</p>

<p>I won a stuffed burro (toy, not real) in 5th grade by guessing the number of jelly beans in a jar.</p>

<p>I can name all the major bones of the body from occipital to calcaneus and point to them (learned in 7th grade).</p>

<p>I have two complete romance novels written…in my mind.</p>

<p>I found a $185 round trip airfare from Chicago to Ft. Myers for next month.</p>

<p>Thumper said this belonged… a local gas station buckled under the weight of pigeon poop! </p>

<p>I ALSO modeled as a kid, once far a scholastic catalog!</p>

<p>My brother was nominated for a Grammy and worked on The Social Network, but was a real pain in the neck as a kid, got in trouble a lot, and dropped out of college. He world really like that I m proud of him, since he was the “problem child”.</p>

<p>Also, I really love my husband! I’m mad at him right now, but he’s the best!</p>


I remember thinking “That guy’s going to be president” when Obama gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention, but I don’t think I told anyone either!</p>

<p>I forgot one!! have two kid patients, same family, rejected by Nanny 911! They just stopped filming .</p>

<p>my dog thinks I hung the moon</p>

<p>We have a roof over our head that doesn’t leak, food in our bellies & cupboards, loving family & friends, and more income than debt. We are in pretty good health and looking forward to seeing what new surprises and challenges life has to offer us.</p>

<p>I forgot this one…I think it’s a “brag”…</p>

<p>My son and I sang in a choir that sang at a governors inauguration ceremony(lots of fun). The reason I’m not sure it’s a “brag” is the governor left office…in disgrace. Oh well…I still got to sing at the Capitol. (I had to take a personal day from work and wrote the reason “singing at the Governors inauguration”…my boss didn’t believe me!!).</p>

<p>H (bf, at the time) and I saw “A Christmas Story” in the theater during it’s opening weekend (and loved it).</p>

<p>The man who does maintenance on all my buildings at work has met every presidential candidate since Jimmy Carter, including all the winners and all the oddball ones.</p>