The Bragging Thread

<p>My son was just offered a dream job - a seriously, objectively dream job. He’s still thinking it over because it is outside of the path he was on, but whatever his decision, I’m so proud that the person/group he would be working for saw his potential.</p>

<p>I have been posting on this site for over a year. Today, I learned how to edit my post. I am awesome!</p>

<p>Just up loaded my photo. Please comment on how handsome and fit I look :)</p>

<p>Dad II- Exactly how I pictured you! :-* </p>

<p>I have not yet put my Sr DS up for sale…the college app process is killing me :-/</p>

<p>I’m not old.</p>

<p>The weight listed on my driver’s license is correct for the first time in 20+ years. </p>

<p>I’m officially down 15 lb and my research is going to be featured in a revised version of a book that my PI/boss authored. </p>

<p>Of course, it won’t be published until after my PhD apps are in. Oh well. It’s still quite exciting to see something I’ve worked for well over a year on in print for people outside of my lab to see :slight_smile: </p>

<p>So happy–bought D two gifts for her 25th bday (today). She loves BOTH of them. One is a lovely beaded necklace that goes with pretty much everything–it has several strands and you twist it tighter to make it shorter and less twisted for longer. It is from Smithsonian. I also gave her a handcrafted leather over the shoulder small bag for “stuff.” She likes it so much, she is using it now, on a day out with her friends. I’m usually fairly decent at picking gifts for her, but really feel I found JUST the perfect 25th birthday gifts for her. Yea! </p>

‘Accepted for Publication’ can be included on your apps.</p>

<p>Thank, mominva, the problem is that apps are due in two weeks and she won’t submit it until January at the earliest. </p>

<p>But the author is A- writing me a letter of rec and B- the faculty member I want to work under for my PhD so I think my CV is a little unnecessary for her haha :slight_smile: </p>

<p>It’ll just be good if I don’t get accepted this year and then can strengthen my app for when I apply to other schools. </p>

<p>“Being submitted for publication January 2015.” And perhaps, “by Dr Jane Doe,” etc. Maybe you thought of that.</p>

<p>I had a sweet surprise visit by D2. She’s not that far away and I knew she had a tight weekend schedule but she came for the overnight. We had dinner guests and were just finishing when she got here so she did the dishes for me. :)</p>

<p>I wish my kids lived close enough to just drop by. Sigh. I’m waiting until everyone is finished with graduate school (sadly, another five years or so) before I decide where I’m going to live in perpetuity. I really want to be closer to them.</p>

<p>My offer was accepted on a condo; 2015 will bring major changes for me.</p>

<p>Yay, Mominva!</p>

<p>PCR < .0001% (undetectable). After 12.5 years, it has finally happened. So why don’t I want to tell you?</p>

<p>Yay, CD!</p>


<p>I was the $100 Petsmart gift card winner at the store. My dog and dog niece are both going to have good Christmases. I’ll also probably buy some treats for the local dog shelter :)</p>
