The Bragging Thread

Looks like my youngst son got the summer job he interviewed for today. both will be employed this summer. Yeah!!!

HIMom, he needs to grab the opportunity while the employer is still willing to pay for it! As far as workload
 Ask our CC 50 yr olds who managed to get an MBA while working a demanding job. It is not without challenges, but is very doable! The worst part is being tied up to the school’s vacation breaks. :slight_smile:

Yea, we’ll talk him up on it when we see him in less than a month. He sorta knows he has to do it, but he’s been enjoying NOT being a student.

MY brag is that I was intereviewed by US News & World Reports & it should be in press (or online) in a week or so. I also gave them contact info for an expert, who has agreed to be a part of the article as well. We’re attending the same conference and he’s offered to speak to her tomorrow.

Matching wedding rings came today.

3 weeks now. Eeeek

Congrats, Romani. S1 and FDIL have started looking at rings for their upcoming wedding, but no decisions yet. Wedding is in 3 months.

Oldest DD graduated with her Masters in Music (3.85 GPA) a week ago this past Friday. Had an interview for a teaching job Monday, got a call the same day for a second interview (happened Wednesday), and is meeting with the Superintendent tomorrow to officially accept the job!

Youngest DD just signed a contract for her second year dancing with a small ballet company. Promoted to full company member/soloist and doubled her pay (although to be honest, still not even close to enough to live on without a second job). She is being paid to do what she loves the most though so in my book it is a definite win!

Ah, and DS10
he has a lot of challenges. A few weeks ago things were looking bleak in the 4th grade. However, his teachers and I got together and came up with a plan of action. I am happy to report that DS is doing very well right now and his teachers are very please with how he is progressing again.

And congratulations to everyone on this thread for the wonderful accomplishments of your children. Additional congratulations to the many engaged couples!

PR in my 2nd full marathon. The weather was so hot that day, almost 20% of the racers did not finish and many finishers got PW. Did walk a lot in the final 6 miles - either that or pass out.

DD graduated from Yale with M.A. degree!. She was fully supported, and worked some, so graduated with no loans and even some savings in the bank. DS and his SO, flew in to celebrate with us in New Haven and we had a lovely time. DD is married, and DS has a significant other. Life is good. That’s the bragging. :slight_smile: Now for the employment part
 hoping DD will find interesting job in her area of interest.

I want to brag that I stayed out of the mall all weekend. I usually wind up going and buying things I really don’t need, because they are good deals. I am trying to get rid of stuff!

The US News & World Reports article I was interviewed for came out & is a very nice piece. I forwarded it to my board members and asked for permission to add it to our website. It’s about COPD and the environment and has a lot of interesting information from various medical experts as well as a bit from patients.

Got my promotion.
And the raise I was hoping for, too!

After DH’s trying several techniques for several weeks with no success, I was finally able to repair the shower drain.

All my kids are gainfully employed - one full time and 2 with summer internships. Yes! They can just put that sunscreen and beach volleyball away for a while!

Had a few people PM and ask over the last few days so here’s an update:
Less than 10 days until the wedding.
Pretty much everything is set. Food, tents, etc.
Lost a whole dress size (oops
 hope the dress still fits!)
Weather is looking gorgeous.
In-laws are coming up on Monday so it looks like the party is starting this weekend.

All in all, everything wedding is coming together nicely :slight_smile:
I will provide pictures afterwards to anyone who wants them (via PM)

Woo hoo! Congrats!

Way to go, romani! Congrats. :slight_smile:

Please add me to the picture PM. Just take the time to relax after the wedding. We can wait.

Would like to be in the picture pm too. Congrats!

@BunsenBurner and @HImom added :slight_smile:

I will take plenty of time to relax. I’ll probably make my soon-to-be-spouse go through pictures while we’re on our drive to our “honeymoon” (in the far away, exotic land of Ohio!)

Oh, how exciting, the final countdown!

Wishing you a stress-free celebration.

Add me to the photo PM list, please.

Photos!! Me too!!
My s’s is just shortly thereafter!! Can’t wait!!