The Bragging Thread

Finished my MPH program today and I graduate next Thursday.
I can’t believe how these last two years have flown by!

Taught myself calculus in freshman year of high school, as we are a small school and I couldn’t take higher classes…

My kids made me proud today. We had a memorial service for a very close family friend (really their grandfather figure). My oldest son stood up and spoke, which is totally out of character for him, and then his younger brother did also. This was totally unplanned and unexpected.

D. graduates in 2 weeks. Got her first choice of residency.
Grandson got accepted to an amazing HS that requred audition.

We used a folding bag in our recent trip. I put some water bottles in the bag, which caused it to drag and end up with a hole in the corner due to friction when we were pulling it along to get from where the taxi dropped us off to the hotel. H and I were ambivalent about repairing or tossing the bag. I decided to try mending it and did a creditable job of rescuing the bag, so we can have it for more trips. We love it because it folds up small but because it’s fairly rugged cordura nylon, it can be checked as luggage in case when we travel we end up bringing back more than we left with. I figure I saved us maybe $25-50 in the purchase price of a new bag, plus the time having to hunt one down when we have one that is once again perfectly servicable. Best of all, I had remnants from the bottoms of slacks that I shortened and hemmed that worked perfectly for the patch. If I say so myself, the patch is barely visitble!

The 3 most beautiful words in the English language on a 14 hour flight:


With Global Entry, I skipped the humungously long immigration line.

DD approved for graduation with her Master’s degree… heading to New Haven next week to watch the celebration, and stay in the residence halls and ride the train… I want to stay in the oldest, Hogwartsiest residence Hall there is, and will enjoy every lump in the single bed mattress!

Not trying to brag since it’s not too uncommon, but I’m graduating from high school in 7 days. 8->

Both my soon-to-be graduates have jobs!

I have lost enough weight that I had to safety-pin my skirt waist-band so it sat up at my waist. (Don’t worry, the top hid the tuck)

The wedding is a month away!

We just figured out that S is making over double the amount our family of 4 was living on most of his life (until about the last 5 years of H’s career). S is only supporting himself! We are thrilled for him and he’s quite content with life!

We are trying to convince him to get a grad degree, but time will tell if he decides to.

HImom, sounds like he might not need it.

My oldest is graduating from college on Saturday!!! He has received numerous awards and honors! I am over the moon as we wouldve never expected him to excel in college. He was never in an honors/accelerated class in high school. We are beaming!!!

Congrats, partyof5!

Well, IF he decides he wants a promotion above what he’s getting now or switch employers, lots of them want folks with a grad degree–MBA or MEE. We just want S to have the options and told him it would be easier to go back to school NOW than in a few years when he’s far older than most of his classmates. I think he’s seriously considering it. His employer has a program where they will pay him to go to school – either full time or part time as well.

Oh heck, if his employer will pay for it and he can continue working, then by all means he should go for it. I was imagining that he’d have to quit in order to go. All that lost income!

Yippy, no UC tuition increment for the next 2 years. By then my kid #2 will graduate.

Scoutson is PBK! Really happy because it’s a recognition of his work ethic, which will benefit him more than whatever he’s learned. Hats off to you, son!