The Bragging Thread

Successfully added 10% of my contacts from my old phone to my new one and am very pleased as the old list included many duplicates and folks I rarely reach out to.

Also, successfully deleted over 2500 emails!

He got a sweet and well deserved promotion.

D passed her boards. I wasn’t worried, but it’s nice that it’s official.

My dog loves brussels sprouts

D1 bought an apartment in Manhatten, NYC. It is among the most expensive real estate in the world. She is 27 yrs old. Yesssss!

DS (MS2) paper was accepted for publication in a major Medical Journal. First Author!

Mentor shared that this is the second in over 50 that he has been associated where review panel accepted without any further revision.

DS now has three publications under his belt!!

S1(MS1) has six research papers so far, mostly clinical, while taking two years of gap year. Hope he doesn’t spend any more gap years before he starts medical practice. I’d like to see at least one child make money by the time I retire at full SS retirement age of 66.5 yo.

actually I will be at the maximum SS age of 70 by the time he starts his practice. I am a late beginner as a parent as D is still in HS. She got in her dream school in SCEA, but the EFC is high for me. Hoping that she gets some better deals in the RD round.

I watched all four NFL wild card games this weekend.

I did not ;:wink:

I filled my SUV gas tank—from red-light-was-on to full—for $25.

On Saturday, I worked four hours, met my lady friends for our monthly breakfast, taught my ESL students for two hours, and did a big grocery run.

Also took a two-hour nap. I had to, after all that other stuff!

I met DH 32 years ago today!

Congrats @jym626 !
This October will be my 31st.

Congrats @dadofs !

In May, we will have been married for 30 years! We haven’t figured out how to celebrate, but will do our best! :wink:

Take a trip to Hawaii!! Oh, wait…



Well we will be in SF in May–maybe have an amazing evening at a fine restaurant there. The city certainly has more than its share! :smiley:

My very hyper, sometimes uncontrollably hyper, dog-child (see avatar) met her first toddler today… and was AWESOME! She was very sweet, very calm, and showered him with light kisses. I am a very, very proud momma.

(And then of course she came home and ran around like she was chasing an invisible squirrel at top speed- but she was calm when it counted!)

Posting here too…I passed my drug test.
Had multiple job offers recently. I know it is not much of brag compare to some people who are retiring.