The Bragging Thread

I accumulated 666 “Helpful” points. The devil made me do it. >:)

Both my kids called H and me today! They were concerned because we cancelled our trip on MD orders, but it was great being able to speak with both of them today!

DH got a good review, a nice raise and an awesome bonus!

D1 did her own taxes. Just pulled up one of the online programs and took care of it.

The art kid with no degree just accepted an excellent job offer. They came after her 3 times and kept increasing the salary, benefits and perks until she finally said “Yes.”

Well, at least I will sleep better.

I think this is a brag! I NEVER have to be part of anyone’s FAFSA or Profile again…EVER! Woohoo!!!

People who don’t live in a crowded area with limited (relatively) inexpensive housing may not understand this, but…
We received a lease copy from the owner this afternoon, and got all students and parents involved to sign it and fax it back to the owner this evening, before another group who called later and said they wanted the apartment.
Hopefully, there are no further issues, and my son and his friends have a place to live next year.

Wrong thread.

I hate to seem too high tech, but work restrooms now have barcodes for everything.

S2, who graduated college 4 years ago, has finally decided to take the GRE. He needs to go to grad school to advance further in his career, so we’re glad he’s actively considering it.

Yay for S1, got an offer for a summer internship in Portland.

Junior D has been involved in theater since middle school. In high school she has had only one bit part early freshman year. She kept trying out for every play and working stage crew. When she said she was trying out yet again for the spring play, I was thinking, “That’s nice, dear, but the director thinks of you as a crew person, so get ready for another disappointment. . .” She got the leading role!

DD got a summer internship at Cisco, in SF. Her first regular job. She had a research assistant position with stipend, but this will be her first regular hours job!

Ds black and white photo of our German neighbor got 2nd place at the state German competition in the arts category!

I slept all the way through the night without waking up in pain!! First time I remember that happening since around November.

Phew, I finally hopefully got the right combo of meds that I think will work to knock out this blasted infection I’ve been plagued by for at least a month! It’s taken visits to 3 MDs, a chest ct, a chest X-ray and a sputum sample! It is really tiring coordinating medical care. Along the way, I’ve had the support and encouragement if 2 RTs and a relative who us an md. It has been a VERY rough going and required canceling travel and more!

Probably a little silly in the brag scope of things, but my DS was approved to spend his sophomore year (college) abroad in Germany! I’m so happy for/ proud of him - and am now trying to figure if I can afford to visit him while he’s there :slight_smile:

D called today with two pieces of news… first, she was one of 8 applicants selected for a great summer research fellowship. Second, after a few weeks of calling different landlords and looking at properties, she’s secured and negotiated a lease on an off-campus apartment for next year! This is huge for my shy D who hates talking on the phone. Is it strange that I’m more proud of that then the fellowship??

I’m not sure this is a brag as much as a “I’m over the moon excited” post: My Tesla X has left the factory and should be in my hands between March 15 (ha ha, that’s funny Elon) and March 29. I have been waiting 2.5 years for this car. It has to make it from CA to NJ and then go through QA and prep.

Yay, @IxnayBob ! Congrats!!! How exciting. We are still on the fence. Mr. B does not like the doors, but the car is amazing. It is not flashy, but packs a lot of stuff. However, the doors is a dead giveaway that says, look, I just plunked down a wad of serious ca$$$h on a set of wheels. So… He does not want his coworkers to think of him as a big ass. Here is the plan B. We have 2 (!) checks ready to be delivered to the local Tesla showroom on March 31st. :wink: