The Bragging Thread

Congrats VH! Reconnecting with former classmates has brought me much joy in recent years.

Correction: We had around 145 bios or obits from the 221 people we found. 66%!!!

it’s been a good last 24 hours. last night son got his first college acceptance letter (from Alabama). then today (he is taking dual-enrollment classes at CC), from out of the blue one of his adult classmates who has been taking engineering classes with him, offered him an internship at his company. yipee !!!

My 1000th post

Using GE, 'twas the best decision to have enrolled. Out of airport in less than 15 mins at a busy airport with a gazillion international flights.

My 8th grader is a new student at a large suburban school this year after 2 years at a private school. Yesterday a child from the self-contained special Ed class crashed into him in the hallway. My son stopped, helped the boy up and helped him pick up his belongings. The special needs teacher came along and yelled at my son assuming he had caused the fall. Her student told her to let it go and that it was ok, my son had done the right thing. Just another great thing about being in public school - my son now interacts with all different groups of people.

@2muchquan are you going on Saturday? I will be at MSU for an engineering tour this weekend. I’m really excited

My daughter got a job offer!! It’s a job that many think you have to attend an “elite” school. It’s unbelievably amazing on so many levels! Plus, it’s in Chicago! (close to us)

It reinforces my belief that you don’t have to stress about attending an “elite” school. (She’s at UIUC, majoring in business…not accounting or investment banking.)

We told her to “run your own race”. She did and boy, did it ever pay off. I think I’m still in shock.

Art kid just got a 9% raise after…drum role…6 months. Crushing it in corporate America! Let the good times role.

^^ Congrats and best wishes for everyone’s good news!

Brag to share (and fingers crossed that this will be a good year! :slight_smile:

S2 is in his 4th year of med school and Oct 1st was day that residency applications were processed. As of today, he has received 28 interview invites, including some to tippy tippy top! Hoping that a few more will come in. Unfortunately, he’ll be crisis-crossing the US like crazy since most of the dates/locations don’t flow well, but no complaints!!!

He’s worked super-hard these last few years, received top Step scores, and was one of 20 world-wide researchers to receive an award for his epilepsy research. Right now, he’s doing an “Away Rotation” at UCLA. Then he’ll be doing one at UCSF.

We pray that it all works out!

National Match Day is March 17, 2017



Ha! Autocorrect!!! *criss-crossing

Instead of NOT coming home for Thanksgiving like he told us two months ago, our model cadet has been excused from classes Thanksgiving week to come home for NINE days to speak to the West Point experience at briefings to local applicants during T-week. We’re over the moon! And, he has three A+s so far this term. :slight_smile:

(Love this thread.)

Great brag @mom2collegekids! Good luck to your S!

Small brag, D’s company announced layoffs today and thankfully she still has a job. She might make a job change but now she can do it on her own timetable.

@ChoatieMom So happy to hear that your son will be home for 9 days!!!

@deb922 whew!! No one wants to job hunt this time of year!

After spending many painful (literally… their chairs are super uncomfortable for someone with joint problems) months in the Michigan state archives, today I found the holy grail needed for my dissertation. I almost cried. Unfortunately I need to get all sorts of permissions to view the files but THEY EXIST!

Actually Mr R found it and it’s his birthday so I think I accidentally stole all of his birthday luck.

Hi! My youngest son just got a new job with great possibilities.

^^^ Excellent news!

I had lunch with boysx3 on Tuesday! She is doing great. We talk a lot about life with the “new normal,” but we also talk about lots of fun stuff as well!

Glad to see you here, @boysx3 !
Proud to share DS is doing very well at work. Very well.

So happy to share that my D passed the NY Bar exam!! Another lawyer in the family.