The Bragging Thread

I love nurses. They make the world go round :slight_smile:

Today marks one month since I needed to use my wheelchair! :D/ (I’ve been in the ER twice in a month and am still in a decent amount of pain but I’m walking pretty well so huzzah!)

D was offered a job at Firestone to be an automotive technician! They will send her to school to get her ASE certifications and pay her a bonus for every cert she gets. Yay. I’m so proud of this kid- she has learned how to cope with her ADD, panic attacks and anxiety issues. With her doctor’s help she has stopped taking Adderall and Prozac and learned coping skills to help her get through those moments.

Automotive techs are the most valued employees at car dealerships.

^^ Yep… I just want her to have a job that will allow her to live on her own. I don’t worry about my other kid- he’s frugal and has a computer science degree- already making good money. But D is the one that I know can do better but will take longer getting there. We have 10 years until we retire. My goal is that she will be established by then. :wink:

ChuckleDoodle - Congrats to your D. It seems like she’s come a long way!

On the weight loss front, for the first time today since middle school, the second digit on the scale is a 3. I’m officially down over 50 pounds, and feeling great! Just 8 pounds away from no longer being overweight, and a little more than that from hitting my goal weight (not aiming to be super slender, just fit).

My D is wrapping up her summer internship in NYC today and just received a full time job offer starting next summer after graduation. Just ~10 more months and she’s fully launched! Woot! Woot!

Now where is that thread about NYC housing?..

My recent CS grad/ASD son got his first phone interview. I am super excited/hopeful! (because he is living in my basement. . .) Fingers crossed!!

This is totally a brag about myself.

I have been handling and organizing my 50th-year high school reunion, which will occur on September 10. I allegedly have a “committee” behind which I can hide when necessary, but I’m doing about 95% of everything.

Out of a class of 240 people, we found everyone but 19. (Names such as “Charles Bell” and “Mary Brown” don’t help.) Thirty people are deceased. So out of the 191 remaining, 83 – or 43% – are actually attending.

I’ve collected brief biographies from all 83 attendees, plus some from people who aren’t coming, and will be distributing them to everyone before the reunion. I secured the hotel, with catering, and the DJ. I’ve been collecting and keeping track of the money (although I was able to lasso someone else into being the Treasurer) as well as which spouses are coming and what their names are.

I’m really, really proud of myself!

Wow, VeryHappy ! That is seriously impressive

Oh! - 12.5% of the class has died by age 68! Sad.

I don’t think that’s an unusual statistic.

Just got another Yes. So we’re up to 84/191, or 44%!

D called - SIL passed his citizenship test !

@VeryHappy I went to my 45th reunion last year and 30 people showed up without having registered. The folks at the venue had to set-up two new tables. I don’t know if you allow last-minute attendees, if so, be prepared if they show up. One of my friends was on the organizing committee and she said no one even thought about folks coming who hadn’t registered.

Thanks, @Bromfield2. We are prepared. We’ve got 45% of those still alive and found already coming. About a third of those remaining have specifically declined, and the rest have acknowledged that we’ve found them but have chosen not to engage further. So while it’s possible a few will show up, I’m not expecting a huge unanticipated crowd.

Just got a text that DC got AOA! To say I am proud is the understatement of the year. >:D<

DC AOA? What does that mean?

Do tell! :slight_smile:

Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society is my guess. Am I right? :slight_smile:

Yes, what @doschicos said! It is Honor Society for medical school.

OK, here’s the deal:

For the last two and a half years, I’ve been organizing my high school class’s 50th reunion. It has been a labor of love. I have probably spent around 1200 hours on this, including searching the internet for classmates, sending snail mail letters to those I thought likely candidates, getting returned letters, following up on other leads, etc. I found 221 of our 240 classmates.

I also collected biographies from as many people as I could. We had around 120 bios (or obituaries) from the 221.

Last night was the party itself. Of the 191 who were found and are still alive, 85, or 45%, came, around half with spouses/partners. I got a standing ovation for all my hard work, one former classmate told me it was one of the best nights of his life, and everyone agrees we need to do this more frequently.

I feel like it is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life.