The Bragging Thread

Big brag (for me) - my Christmas cards went out in the mail a week ago (the years I have done them, they usually have gone out the week between Christmas and New Years), AND I finished all my shopping - everything is wrapped and under the tree! How’s that for organized? Everything is decorated as we are hosting our condo associations’s annual meeting/holiday party tomorrow night, too. This is just a really big deal for me!

My church rocks! I’m in charge of the “Christmas Mittens” presents this year (gifts for children in need) every mitten was claimed and every gift turned in on time without anyone needing ‘reminding’ This was the easiest volunteer job EVER!

I am officially on vacation…I don’t return to work for 5 weeks! The kids will be home from college soon and I can spend as much time with them as we want! Looking forward to the holidays. <:-P

DD1 finally got her job confirmation, and it is $11K higher than we thought! She begins at the beginning of the next pay period, Dec 27. Her wedding planning is well underway for July 2017 nuptials; DD2 is MOH and very organized, so I can be calmer as MOB. Found out from niece what her wedding budget from parents was, and ours was in same ballpark/same amount actually.

I painted my basement bathroom. Cleaned out all my kitchen cabinets and fridge. I am not an organized person, and it is super-hard for me to even think about projects like this. Some of these cabinets haven’t been cleaned/purged in 8 years since we moved to this house. Finally I have the motivation/energy to get this done. Major de-junking of the house continues…

My D has a job lined up after graduation! Great offer…and local! Woo Hoo! <:-P <:-P <:-P

S2 has a job in his field! He’s getting paid to do what he’s been doing for fun for the past 18 months. Please let him get through the probationary period without problems!

S2 made THE best video for the school show, hands down!!

I wrapped nearly all my holiday gifts and mailed all the ones for out of state loved ones. I’m very relieved.

I think for my folks, we will take them out instead of buying them gifts. They have too much “stuff,” including gift cards.

D arrived last night. S bought her the plane ticket with his points or miles without any prompting or request from us! S will be arriving in less than a week! Yippee!

I replaced eight old, scratched, paint-splotched brassy doorknobs on the upstairs bedrooms, bathroom and closets. Installed brushed silver (well, maybe nickel or aluminum) to go with the new fixtures in our renovated bathrooms.

Proud of myself.

Really proud of my brother for re-negotiating his co-op schedule to fit in a part-time “dream” job that will hopefully further his career goals. I wouldn’t have had the nerve to do that had I been in his position. Also proud of myself for not talking him out of it :wink:

Dean’s List for sophomore D, who has lots of dyslexia and language disabilities, and also lost her hearing this summer and had implant surgery Thanksgiving week! It was a very stressful semester.

She is so happy and I am so happy for her. Same kid where my thread last year was “Does she take the D in Anatomy or take the W?” She took the W, changed her major to Accounting, and never looked back. Lots of good advice in that thread-thanks!

This is one of those things that are exciting but more so to likeminded people namely parents of college bound competitive kids. My kid, our 4th, is a junior at a competitive boarding school. Class pres, pres of several clubs, varsity athlete, dorm proctor, etc-scored 224 on her PSAT and got her report card w straight As today. But the brag is she was that kid who blew the curve in her AP Stats class exam. Kind of chuckling here to be on the annoying end of curve busting rather than the affected end. She was invited to TASP yesterday. I dont know if everyone is but it seems to be something complementary. Thanks for indulging…

@ChoatieMom We are a Navy family-live in Annapolis and sponsor 6 midshipmen. For this game, even we rooted for Army. Way overdue win! Congratulations!

S1 got his first ever 4.0 report card of his life, first semester senior year of college. We have gotten that from our other two kids, but he really worked hard for it this semester. It’s about time that things bounced his way for a change.

S2 seems to have grown up overnight. He has been, his whole life, too smart for his own good – sometimes sarcastic, not particularly polite. In the last month or so, he’s been charming, appreciative, delightful. I think some alien has snatched his body and replaced him!!

H wanted to have a custom sun shield in his car repaired. He looked through my threads and said none of them were appropriate. I looked it over and said aloud that it looked like dental floss to me, so I used a self-threading needle and some dental floss and made the repair rather than going to a fabric store and trying to find the perfect thread. Win/win–looks just like the existing thread and is nice and sturdy (mint-flavored too). Lol!

Lots of good news this month. DS18 PSAT score should be good enough for NMSF. I made equity partner at my firm.

DS bounded into the kitchen the other night and announced that he was making dinner. He made pasta–from scratch–with a creamy mushroom/basil wine-splashed sauce and even cleaned up afterward. It was as delicious as it was good to look at. God love you Gordon Ramsay; your YouTube videos are making a chef of our son.