The Bragging Thread

I can eat cereal for breakfast. I know. I’m awesome.

I finished my third semester on time with no incompletes and all As. Yes, expected for grad school but it’s the first all done, all As semester of my PhD program since I got sick my very first semester.

That was with three ER visits that morphed into two hospital stays.

And a professor wants to talk to me about submitting my final paper for possible publication. I wrote about using archives to address human rights abuses… not really my field (at least not the lens I usually use for my work) but I guess I did well enough :stuck_out_tongue:

We all got along from Fri through Sun.
We usually do fine, it’s just that there will be some moments when someone melts a little. Not this time.

Both DDs are on the right path! H and I can relax a little!

My S made the deans list with a double major in Physics and Math - and has been diligent with his grad school applications. I guess he is a grown up :slight_smile:

I got an A+ for the paper I wrote for my class! :slight_smile: (my classmates must have lazy-arsed their papers, LOL!).

On the first day of her second semester of college, D’s teacher told her that the department head and he had been talking about helping her get certified to substitute teach and to work around whatever classes-or to create independent studies for her as necessary. But she’ll have to wait until she’s 18…

I only ate half of the scone.

I single-handedly, voluntarily wrote every math olympiad test/solution set for my district (grades 4th-8th). 270+ questions, WHILE applying to 18 colleges.

Oh, and this morning I actually managed to get up and shower without spending my routine fifteen minutes sitting on the edge of my bed staring at the wall.

Today, I’m marching :slight_smile:

We found out last night that D, a college junior, was asked to put in her application for “Outstanding Senior” at her university. Those two A-s on her transcript may keep her from being selected, but we are very proud of her academics nonetheless. And she plays on the rugby team.

If you could come up with a number that is the product of physical power, intellectualism, and kindness, hers would be a Hall-of-Fame worthy number. I am feeling lucky and blessed to be her dad.

A movie star saw my S2’s video project and said it blew his mind. Yay!

D’s kickstarter for a printing of her and friend’s webcomic is already 25 per cent funded and it just started yesterday!

D just got a spring semester internship with the Democratic party in her college state. She was also offered a summer teaching residency that it turns out she is not old enough for, but another site can still interview her for their location. Next week she’ll interview for her college honor society. She’s not even 18 yet and is already doing more than I ever have. So very proud of her.

Phew! Just finished planning 3 trips – 1 is medical and 2 are for my nonprofit, including all air, car rentals, and lodging for all of the trips. As a bonus, one of our best friends is going to join us for part of the 3rd trip. It will be to a national park that none of us have toured before and I’m really looking forward to it! Best of all, H is happy with all the arrangements! To top it off, because I booked all the travel by 1/31 when I was still a Gold United member, I got complimentary economy plus seating for H & me for all legs of all trips! Woot!

S2 got into his first choice for grad school. He’s still waiting to hear from others to see what kind of financial aid they’ll offer. It’ll be quite a change for him since he’s been out of college for 5 years, but it’s a necessary step in his career.

D’s and friend’s webcomic is now an official “Projects We Love” on Kickstarter!!!
Over half way funded!
So excited!

I testified in my state capitol against a couple of bills. A totally new experience, and an intimidating one. But it went well, and I’ll be back.

Son’s doctoral dissertation: He defended it this AM and he passed! His advisor will be submitting it for publication, and they want him to present it at a conference next Fall. Hooray!!!