The Bragging Thread

Great news @NEPatsGirl! Sounds like your kids are “adulting” well.

S got a job offer from his internship! Won’t tell the name of the company but it is a “Big 4” and he will be on the consulting side. He starts his final year of university next month.

I held my tongue and did not post something I was dying to post on a CC thread. Baby steps.

Bragging about both my kids:

S1 finished his internship for his Psy.D. and has moved with his fiancee to the location where he’s going to do his post-doc. The opportunity in this location is great for both of them (she is also a psychologist) and the pay in this location is also great. (It’s very very rural and the location is desperate for psychologists.) Their wedding is October 7 and they are very psyched (no pun intended!) to finally be moving on with their adult lives.

S2 is in a Ph.D. program and has become very unhappy with the program. He’s got his Masters and has spent three years there. He finally decided to apply for jobs in his field (science-related) to see what happened. He got a job in the town where’s he’s already living! and is still going to be able to continue in his doctoral program, with the likelihood of finishing at the same time he would have if he had stayed in it full-time. He’ll need to work an additional 12 or so hours a week to do it all, but he’s willing to do it for the two years it should take to finish.

Proud of my new college freshman, who seems to be adjusting well during the first couple weeks. She joined a club unrelated to her major/previous interests, auditioned for improv group–and got a callback (!) even ran a 5K (this kid hates exercising) and went to a football game (a first). Just happy that she’s having fun and trying new things. Classes are good, roommate is nice. Couldn’t have asked for a better start.

Very tiny brag–7th grader got 100% on her first math test. Teacher emailed that very few students did so well. Proud of D, who is in a regular (not advanced) class.

My daughter scored a perfect 340 on the GRE yesterday. She is 19, graduating in the spring and applying to Ph.D. programs. This was her first sitting. She refused to prep for the SAT in high school, which killed me because I knew she had a 1600 in her. She insisted she did not need a 1600. She was correct, but she prepped a bit for this and was excited enough about her score to text me with it. I feel kind of vindicated.

Our son made the highly competitive USMA Cyber Team after a three-day competition. He’s one happy cadet today.

I love your brags @ChoatieMom! I can’t imagine how hard it is to have a child at a service academy and want you to know that it warms my heart when I see his progress.

Yay! DD made NMSF! NBD to a lot of folks on here but it is exciting for us.It was fun to get the news to her (her school has not yet received notification) after she sent me a school video of her giving convocation speech at her boarding school (as school co-pres). Proud of her!

I’m teaching this semester. This is only a brag because I’ve been too sick to teach for the last year and a half. I was finally cleared this past spring pending a relatively healthy summer.

Today is my first day :slight_smile:

Awards ceremony at DDs BS this morning. Now she is in a meeting w the headmaster. I assume she is now being notified of NMSF. All she could tell about the awards ceremony was “Just got a big award…” So excited for her though I have no idea what she may have gotten (boarding school drawback).

Son was elected his dorm floor’s VP which is good since it is mainly upperclassmen and he is just a freshman. He also got a bid to a fraternity with nice guys and a high average GPA, and has a new girlfriend who was valedictorian of her HS, pre-med, and “good at everything”. He is very happy. (Now if we could hear something about academics it would be nice).

D1 just started her super senior year as a ChemE. She just got a job offer from a top Chemical company. She is also engaged to be married. Her fiancée is also a ChemE working for the same company. Even cooler neither of them have any college debt. Great start guys!

D was interviewed and had an article posted about her accomplishments. I saved the photo and article and sent a copy to my parents. (first grandchild)

It’s nice to see maturity and caring from S18. Neighbors left town due to Hurricane Irma. He went over to clear most of the down branches. All without any prodding from us. Yay!

Finally got a job offer! It was the third choice as I’m still waiting to hear back from the other 2 companies I interviewed for last week but man, what a confidence boost!

She got in! D was approved for the AIT Budapest study abroad program for software engineering and computer science. She had to jump through hoops to get her college to approve it and then compete for one of the 50 spots. She’ll be leaving right after the holidays to take Hungarian at the Babilon Language School before her program starts in February.

And…my S who is 27 just closed on a beautiful 3B/3B house in Maryland. He has come leaps and bounds from the 17 year old who hated high school and left me chomping on my nails and swilling wine daily. I knew he had it in him but didn’t know how he was going to make it happen

I couldn’t be more proud of my two kids.

My kid just sent in the common app for Likely Letter to be recruited as an Ivy athlete. Will hear back on Oct 1 and the rest of senior year no more colleges to worry about!!!

I love reading this thread. It’s such a heart warmer. Congrats to all of the proud parents!

Just got son into his dorm room for the fall quarter of his sophomore year. He is visibly excited to get back to his studies. Nice.