The Bragging Thread

Thanks everyone. I’m in the most fortunate position I can imagine. My specialists work very closely together and they’ll all be under the same roof if/ when I give birth.

Plus literally everything is covered under my insurance. I owe an incredible debt to my grad student union for that. It’s also why I want to do all of this before I graduate. I don’t know what the future holds.

@romanigypsyeyes - Congrats!!!

Time flies - an eye blink and the baby is 23 and going to be someone’s wife on Saturday! We are gaining a terrific SIL.

DD2 finishes her UG degree in a year, and is in a great field for employment (civil and architectural engineering).

Happy for you @romanigypsyeyes - parenting is a rewarding experience but also one of sacrifice. Your wait will be a happy one.

D’s kickstarter (her second) is more than 50% funded in 4 days!

My son just got his dream job, for almost twice the pay of his last one. Not that it even matters that much to him, but he will soon be financially set for the rest of his life (unless he marries a spendaholic :-O). He will be with his people, doing what he loves, and the company is all about gaming. Hallelujah, a mid twenties guy’s fantasy!

Congrats to bus’s son and gouf’s entrepreneurial daughter!

Baby kiddo got contacted by the publisher asking her permission to use the artwork she drew for her friend’s article on the cover of their scientific magazine. :slight_smile:

That’s awesome, Bunsen!

Hmm, does she still have a boyfriend? I’m still looking…need a lovely, smart girl…need grandkids. Actually looks don’t matter, just smart, kind and funny.

No BF currently. She is cute in addition to being smart. :wink:

I knew she had to be cute…though it wasn’t necessary, it always helps. No boyfriend, that sounds promising! Do kids let their parents set them up anymore? I think we could do a much better job than they could…

Gee, and you’re both in the same neck of the woods, no?

D2 got a new job, too. She stuck out the current for a year, for her resume. Same underpaid profession, but she likes it and has a real instinct for the work/clients. Pays more, pays for a full 40 (last didn’t cover paperwork hours,) and paid time off. Now if she’ll pay down some bills.

S1’s long-term girlfriend was on Fox Business Channel this morning being interviewed about Trump’s visit to our state last night-she covered it for the local newspaper.

Son just got a job! Yea! Great start to his career! SO excited for him! Doing a happy dance! :smiley:

We got a state congresswoman to agree to propose a bill next year for something we’ve been working on for years. We’ve all poured literally hundreds of hours into this. I’m so, so happy.

We have no idea if the bill will get anywhere but this is a huge step.

she got into the management training program - so proud

“No BF currently. She is cute in addition to being smart. :)”

I came here to brag about my daughter but cannot miss this opportunity. Can offer you a boy who grew up with 2 cats same colors as yours. Currently, lives in Manhattan but is talking about moving to Brooklyn and adopting a dog. I think he should adopt a girlfriend.

DD1 was married a few weeks ago. Not worried about DD2, currently 21 and looking forward to single life. However hopefully she will decide when she finds the right guy to not blow it!

My S finished his first year of college competing at Ivy League Championships (after he got a PB in his event). My younger S finished his sophomore year with 4.1 gpa and made the varsity basketball team by having a stellar summer league. I got a nice pay raise this summer. My family survived a summer with kids driving all over creation and no accidents. I was able to accomplish back to school shopping in one place, one hour, under $300.

@CALSmom Knock on wood.

Work with a couple of fairly new CNAs that I thought may have just graduated HS - no they both are 21; one has a mom that is a RN. Gosh, so glad my kids had good direction, good education, personal drive. So proud of DD1 and DD2.

I love reading this thread on Saturday mornings with my coffee, sure beats the negative stuff all over my facebook feed.

My S and his GF found a lovely 3B/3B house in Maryland with an even 30 minute commute in opposite directions for both of them with no traffic. Its also just 2 hours from her families lakehouse at Deep Creek Lake. They will close at the end of the month…not bad for a 25 and 27 year old, one of which (yes my S) who looked like he might not graduate high school.

D was awarded, out of the blue, a scholarship from the American Math Society. Better news is that her school did not deduct it from her finaid statement so she can use it for any additional expenses of her potential study abroad…

Which brings me to #3 good news. D wants badly to attend a study abroad program that her school does not have on their list. She jumped through hoops to get it approved and it was, just a few days ago. Now to get accepted into the program itself.