The Bragging Thread

Awesome! What does your D want to do? Is she inspired to continue teaching? How much longer does she plan to teach? It’s great that she’s done so well with her kids! Did they advance in math as well?</p>

<p>My kiddos are enjoying their roadtrip so much they don’t check in all that often. They’re nearly 1/2 way there & are spending two nights in Chicago, sightseeing & having some fun. :)</p>

<p>HImom - how cool for your kids to be going across country together - they’ll remember it forever and tell their kids all kinds of stories about it someday! :)</p>

<p>My d plans to stay in education but not in the classroom (going to grad school next year). Though she may return to the classroom at some point - she intends to keep her certification up. She hasn’t heard about the assessments for math yet. Last year her class did better in math than in reading, but she took a year-long course in reading instruction that she thinks really paid off for the kids.</p>

<p>A little brag for me - I visited her classroom last month and was apparently a big hit. I read a couple of Dr. Suess books aloud and just fell in love with the entire class. My d said it was mutual. (I may have bought their enthusiasm by giving everyone a spiffy pencil, though.)</p>

<p>My brag is a self-centered one. Our son, working in another state since graduation in 2010 will be spending a week of his precious vacation time with us in July! We will be at the family cottage, which just may be part of it, but HOORAY (for me).</p>

<p>My D has been on the artistic team for TWO student films so far and hopes to be on at least one (or more) next year, for her senior year! We’re hoping this will help her network and get a paying job in her field upon graduation. She said it was unusual for her to be the artistic director as only a junior but she LOVED it!</p>

<p>We figure it will also allow her to be able to stage and do interior design for many settings, including real estate and potentially commercial properties & resorts.</p>

<p>We’re also glad that the old 1992 car is still behaving itself in the kids’ long cross country drive. We did make S buy the AAA with extended towing, just in case it decided to act up, but thankfully things are going well. :slight_smile: I am curious as to whether & where they will stop between Chicago & DC/VA.</p>

<p>Frazzle1 - our girls will NEVER think teachers have an easy job.</p>

<p>I am bragging because thus far I have survived 3 full days in Washington DC with 50 8th graders and we leave tomorrow night. We haven’t lost anyone yet! I have never walked this much in my life…all the monuments and dead presidents are blended into one big blur by now! Also a thumbs up to DC drivers–much more courteous than those in Boston who try to run over pedestrians :)</p>

<p>Well, here’s my “brag”. </p>

<p>My D just started her summer research gig with Doctor Blah Blahblah. I can’t quite remember the fella’s name. I don’t know exactly what he does. (Thoracic-y? Cancer-y?) I have zero idea what she is really doing day to day (something “more clinical”, whatever that means). She feels she will get her required med school thesis out of this. She’s getting paid something. </p>

<p>She’s very excited about her summer. I’m just happy she sub-leased her apartment on Craigslist :eek: and didn’t get murdered doing it. </p>

<p>My role has been re-defined. Again. </p>

<p>And I’m OK with that. That’s my brag. Go me. ;)</p>

<p>Both my kids, S and DIL are now employed one month after graduation in their career field. Yay, Yay, Yay!</p>

<p>Thumper!!! Less than a week left!!</p>


<p>sryrstress–Congratulations!! I would be exhausted and “peopled out”.</p>

<p>My brag is that I provided 7 (yes 7) bouquets of flowers for a friend’s daughter’s graduation party. All from my own garden.</p>

<p>My 22 year old daughter washed the bathrooms on her own initiative, not just hers but ours as well. :)</p>

<p>munchkin–I am impressed.</p>

<p>FIVE more days but who’s counting? I have an interview for a part time job next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. It would be GREAT.</p>

<p>YIPPEE!!! The kids have arrived at S’s new place & they are happily moving in! The 20 year old car is still in one piece and the kids still love one another! I couldn’t ask for more! I’m SO happy and relieved! Both of them sound quite pleased as well. They stopped at a few nice places along the way, Tahoe, Chicago, Philadelphia, and other spots. D is also impressed with S’s new place to live–starting to visualize the potential of going there for spring break, even tho it’s NOT on the metro!</p>

<p>I’m just very happy and I admit relieved, as this is the longest roadtrip they’ve taken to date. :slight_smile: I guess the car still has some life left in it. ;)</p>

<p>You’re a brave lady, HImom! I imagine you’ve had a few anxious moments since they’ve been on the road. So glad they arrived safe and sound.</p>

<p>…and to think I was going to teach you how to be a trophey wife Thumper…not now…not if you’re going back to work…</p>

<p>ahhh well, my trophey wife memories have all but faded…perhaps you should look for someone with fresh experience.</p>

<p>I can brag on my son. He just graduated from HS yesterday 9th in a class of 754 students. He is a true evnvironmentalist love the outdoors and nature. At the same time he is excellent at math and science. He decided 3 years ago that he wanted to become an environmental engineer.
He is starting at my alma mater UF in the fall. And yes his major is Environmental Engineering.
Of all the things that I am the proudest of my son is that he is a gentleman and a great young man. Now the time has come but my wife and myself to the test. We shall soon find out if we laid the foundation to his future in the right way.
I have a feeling that I am continue to be very proud of him.</p>

<p>Hats off to you, your wife and your son, gator!</p>

<p>Well, what makes a “trophy spouse”? If it’s being considerably younger than the spouse, I probably qualify. If it’s drop dead good looks, that is pretty subjective and subject to change. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I’ve talked about “retiring” or not when H retires in 18.5 months and everyone is puzzled because I have what they all consider their dream & my dream job. I do love it & enjoy working with them, so none of us can figure out what I’d retire TO, if I really decided to stop doing the non-profit I started & still love.</p>

<p>I have a brag today! My son started an internship a few weeks ago that was supposed to be for 16 weeks. He just was told that he could continue on indefinitely! He is very excited because he loves the company and what he is doing. It means pushing back his December graduation until the spring, but he is ok with that because of the nice salary he is making and the experience he is gaining. So, looks like I will have two in college for the full year!</p>