The Bragging Thread

<p>I got a summer job! :smiley: I’m also getting paid $1.25 above minimum wage per hour, which I really wasn’t expecting. I just have to pee in a cup tomorrow.</p>

<p>Three days…but who’s counting???</p>

<p>Congrats, hyperjulie!</p>

<p>Am headed down to my parents’ house tomorrow for health care duty. Mom is permanently and totally bedridden, Dad had knee replacement surgery a week ago. After telling me he had arranged for home health nurses and a neighbor who’s a LPN to come help, I found out tonight from my sister (who is already there) that he has done none of this.</p>

<p>S2, who is concerned about me walking into this maelstrom, made me salads and healthy goodies to eat on my 600 mile drive tomorrow. He is such a terrific mensch.</p>


<p>I know it´s not until tomorrow, but as you know, I am not with lots of access to computers until August. I just wanted to be sure I wished you a happy retirement. Today is my veg day.</p>


<p>Thanks Glo…yes…tomorrow is the LAST day. It’s a bittersweet time. I’ve loved my job for the 30 years I’ve been in the same place. BUT I also am looking forward to my new opportunities. My retired friends tell me they are busier now than when they were working.</p>

<p>Hey Thumper, have a great ‘last day’.
Did you have that interview yet?
If not, good luck!</p>

<p>thump,thump,thump. What’s that sound? thump,thump,thump. Oh, that’s just thumper1. Headed out the door. </p>

<p>Big congrats.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your retirement, thumper!</p>

<p>congrats to thumper!</p>

<p>Thumper, congratulations!!!</p>

<p>And then there were NONE. Today was the last day. It was wonderful. We always have an end of the year slide show and this year’s featured another teacher retiring and me at the end…very sweet. Lots of folks came to say goodbye. I decided to pass on the “end of the year party”…already said my goodbyes…time for the others to enjoy the fun and move on. It was a great job!</p>

<p>Interview was postponed to Thursday…stay tuned.</p>

<p>Thumper–So happy for you. Congratulations and all the best on this wonderful day.</p>

<p>C O N G R A T S Thumper!!!</p>

<p>No CC retirement for you though…still much more knowledge share needed from you here.</p>

<p>Thumper, congratulations my friend! Ya done good!!!</p>

<p>I’d just like to brag about my mom a little bit. Today, we went garage saleing as we typically do on a Saturday, and after we got home, it somehow came up in conversation that she has apparently started putting stuff aside from our expeditions for my boyfriend and I when we get an apartment together. Obviously I have nothing to do with how thoughtful my mom is (I didn’t raise her), but no matter what issues we have occasionally, I have an awesome mom and I am really proud of her.</p>

<p>As for me, I’m also proud that I’ve picked a boyfriend that my mom is so fond of. He is a kind, funny, charismatic, and thoughtful person and my family absolutely loves him. Which is good because I love him too. Which reminds me, just a bit over a month until our sixth anniversary. :)</p>

<p>Belated (by 1 day) congratulations to thumper! Enjoy your new adventures, whatever they may be.</p>

<p>OK, a bit of a shallow brag, but I’m so excited:</p>

<p>My D’s dance company is going to be on America’s Got Talent next week. I’m not sure how much of their act will air, but we were notified that they would be on the show. </p>

<p>The story is, they performed at at dance convention and a producer from the show was there and asked them to audition. They were picked for the New York auditions round, and had an all expenses paid trip to the taping before the celebrity judges and audience.</p>

<p>I am so proud of the girls for getting up on the stage and audience and totally nailing their number. They are a great group of girls, they work hard and are so supportive of each other. And this was a totally out of the blue kind of thing. They don’t go to national conventions or pursue professional opportunities.</p>

<p>Great news about your daughter’s dance company. There is NO SUCH THING as a shallow brag on this thread!!</p>

<p>There is NO SUCH THING as a shallow brag on this thread!!