The Bragging Thread

<p>I got Comcast to give me a $20 credit for their stupidity!! Actually its more like $40 as they paid up twice in as many weeks for their stupidity.</p>

<p>I got Sears to give me a 10% credit for delivering a defective new fridge because we had to then re-empty it & put our stuff in the next delivered new fridge a week later! The 1st few agents I spoke with didnā€™t offer any adjustment or relief but I finally spoke with someone who offered the 10% credit as a gesture of goodwill.</p>

<p>Did they buy you fresh food too?? Or give you a meal coupon? That would have been nice</p>

<p>Today, our rising senior D got full time job offer for after graduation from company she interned with this summer. Sheā€™s doing happy danceā€“us, too! Getting closer to having one off the payrollā€¦woo hoo!!!</p>

<p>We were just happy that they gave us the 10% discount. We just didnā€™t rely upon the fridge to serve other than as a good ice chest in the interim. :frowning: Oh well, the 2nd one they delivered has worked pretty well.</p>

<p>I worked as a Summer Orientation Leader for SSU this summer (for the 2nd year in a row). It was a long summer for me and by the last session, which is only 1 day instead of our normal 2-day program, I was worn out. Thankfully, I was put into a registration lab with a faculty advisor who happens to be MY personal advisor and whom I absolutely adore. </p>

<p>We had a pretty smooth time in the reg lab and released all of our students within about 45 minutes. I went out to the ā€œresource fairā€ to relax with the rest of my colleagues and celebrate the fact that we were finished. </p>

<p>My supervisor, who is also our schoolā€™s Associate Registrar, came up to me and said ā€œMiss HGFM, do you know what your advisor said about you in the faculty huddle today?ā€</p>

<p>I was afraid he had said something negative, so I managed to mutter out, ā€œNoā€¦ā€</p>

<p>ā€œHe said that you are a beloved student by the Psychology department.ā€</p>

<p>Now itā€™s not very often that I get recognized for things, and I know that my advisor is advising quite a few students in addition to teaching several classes per semesterā€¦so it felt GOOD that he singled me out like that. :D</p>

<p>HGFMā€¦that is SO nice. Glad to hear your brag!!!</p>

<p>Um, Iā€™m amazing at video games of course, what else to say? :wink: On a more serious note, Iā€™m the only one in my grade to be an AP Scholar w/Distinction (as a junior)</p>

<p>My D (Boston College '12 Accounting) just got offered a full-time position with a Big 4 firm after she graduates next Spring. She is finishing up her summer internship in San Jose CA and thatā€™s where sheā€™ll be working beginning next September.</p>

<p>I was called late yesterday afternoon and told that my grant application had been approved & weā€™ll be getting the requested funding. Yippee!!! This will help us get through the rest of the year and help us attract more funding. Our assets will be up almost 50% between this grant and the subcontract weā€™re getting this year!</p>

<p>It came at a great time because funding around here is extremely bleak, especially for us non-profits.</p>

<p>Congrats HIMomā€¦for bringing in some great opportunity to your community! You done good! :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, HIMom!</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragementā€“it has been a wild time for non-profits. Mostly doom & gloom. Have recently hired some amazing new staff that Iā€™m sure with more training will be able to help take us to the next level (many of my original staff are not able to continue for various reasons).</p>

<p>I have an MSW and would like to return to workā€¦but sadly live pretty far away from the great state of Hawaii. :slight_smile: Keep up the momentum and be proud of your new funds.</p>

<p>Last day for my student summer internā€¦bright, quantitative kid from top 10 Uā€“now she says she will consider working for government after graduation and that her internship surpassed all of her expectations!</p>

<p>Great to read, FAMM! Always great to attract more bright folks to working in government. One of the staff members I was speaking with yesterday said she really enjoys working with me as sheā€™s learning so much & is fascinated by the breadth and range of all we doā€“guess itā€™s part of being a small non-profit. :slight_smile: Sheā€™s an MD trained in another country & got a MPH here. She canā€™t hold herself out as an MD here because she didnā€™t take the licensing exams but definitely has the people skills & knowledge to be a great asset.</p>

<p>I moved into my suite today and it has surpassed my expectations. The bathroom is not only large and private, but it is also one of the oddball suites that has a separate room for the shower. My room is quite nicely sized and itā€™s all mine! </p>

<p>I loved being able to call my mom and tell her how excited I am. I know that she worries and to hear that I am thrilled makes her feel a lot better. Iā€™m really excited to be an RA this year, and getting the nicest living arrangements on campus is an amazing perk that I did not anticipate. Now Iā€™m going to go curl up in my full-sized bed and get a good nightā€™s sleep. :D</p>

<p>DS is in the last week of his (paid!) internship, and just found out that the company has awarded him a $5K scholarship for this year.</p>

<p>Really pathetic brag: I just made it through
Mafoolā€™s Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day at work. </p>

<p>Yes, I knnow that there are all sorts of reasons why I have nothing to be upset about (I have a job, I am healthy, son is launched and employed, etc.)</p>

<p>So. That is my brag. I have a job. I made it through today and still have a job. I am healthy. My family is healthy. And, God willing,tomorrow will be a better day.</p>

<p>Now, back to your more cheerfully scheduled broadcast :)</p>

<p>My son started law school today. His birthday is this weekend. This should have been a super happy week for himā€¦ but on Saturday he buried a friend from college. </p>

<p>He called the parents of the boy, whom he had not met, and offered to help in any way he could. He contacted a family friend of ours in France, where the boy died, to help the family with logistics. He was a pallbearer and spoke at the funeral. He arranged the housing for 20 college and grad school friends of the wonderful young man who had died in an accident. He took the time to understand the religious/cultural traditions of the family of the boy, who are West African. </p>

<p>Terrible events like this are milestones in a young personā€™s life. I could not be more proud of my son, who worked through his own sadness and found many ways to show great care and thoughtfulness to others. </p>

<p>The tragedy of his friendā€™s death is unspeakable, of courseā€¦</p>