The Bragging Thread

<p>So sorry robyrm2. Sounds like your S is a very mature young man and I’m sure the young man’s family and friends were very appreciative of someone stepping in and handling things. My S2 went through a similar experience in losing his two best friends in a car accident one month after h.s. grad. (3 yrs ago). It’s gut wrenching for all involved.</p>

<p>Now, my brag…
S1 (military spec. ops officer) just returned from a trip to China in support of VP Biden’s visit there.</p>

<p>robyrm, so sorry about the loss. Your son showed outstanding compassion and organizational skills.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your S on starting law school but still taking the time to step forward and ease the family and friends in their time of such great sorrow. It sounds like you raised a very capable and compassionate young man. Our world needs attorneys with his attributes!!</p>

<p>robrym2- At this sad time, you have another opportunity to see the man your boy has become. His contributions are poignant and display both character and aptitudes that will serve him well throughout his life. All a mother hopes for her children is revealed in this experience. Sorry for the loss.</p>

<p>So sorry for your son’s loss, robyrm, but be proud of the fine young man you have raised.</p>

<p>Your son sounds wonderful!</p>

<p>My brag of the day…I’m officially retired. School starts tomorrow and I do NOT have to go. It’s the first time in my LIFE that the “year” hasn’t started now.</p>

<p>We were published! Our non-profit was in the local newspaper which reaches basically all households on our island. Best of all, it was “earned media,” so it was free to us! </p>

<p>We also got a grant and a subcontract award–in the same month! Yippee!</p>

<p>Wow Robyrm2, I am in awe of your son’s maturity and compassion. We all hope that our children will turn into caring, responsible adults someday and your son clearly has.</p>

<p>I am so proud of myself. My formerly feral cat has gone back to her old ways since she’s feeling better from her kidney infection. She was scheduled to go in for a recheck and to get her vaccines. She was scratching and hissing and running behind furniture, but I refused to give up! I put on the gardening gloves. I turned furniture upside down. And when I finally caught her, despite her fury, I didn’t let go until she was safely deposited in the cat carrier, with the open door facing up in the air. Her bloodwork looked good today, she got her shots, and she’s staying overnight to get her dental. And believe it or not, I don’t have a scratch on me!</p>

<p>I’m very happy. In this tough economy, I have received a grant from a major foundation in our state (the 2nd largest of the 6 grants they awarded this time around), a subcontract of a subcontract from the federal government, and several generous donations/sponsorships form other organizations that believe in what we’re doing. This will supplement the major grant we’ve been working with so we can DOUBLE the # of clinics we offer from 20 to over 40 this year! We have also doubled our staff from 5 healthcare workers to 10 recently and have a steady stream of volunteers who enjoy working with us!

<p>Congrats, HImom - that kind of support is obviously a reflection of your hard work and ingenuity. Well deserved!</p>

<p>You have so much to be thankful for and I am sure it was well deserved! These are the things that make differences in the lives of people. !</p>

<p>It is fun and exciting (tho tiring) to be working in the nonprofit world. We have made some very interesting alliances and it continues to amaze me that things are coming together as well as they do much of the time. One thing is certain–life is NEVER boring! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>One thing I’m very hopeful about is that one of my recent hires is trained and licensed as an MD in another country (tho not in the US). She is also a MPH here and very interested in research & data analysis. I’m hoping to groom her so she can stand in my place if & when I take a LONG (multi-week or even multi-month) vacation. She is the only member of my staff (other than me) who has no job other than working for our org. All the other staff have full-time jobs as healthcare professionals. It’s an unusual business model, but has worked well for us. She has already turned down other jobs because she is enjoying working for me & us so much. ;)</p>

<p>Few weeks ago my friends talked me into going to see a plastic surgeon to get few shots done one my face. They all said how easy it was, it would make me look years younger. I took them up on it. A friend made an appointment for me with someone she worked for - promised to give me a discount too. My whole family was against it, and I was kind of apprehensive too. </p>

<p>The day came, met the doctor. He asked me what I wanted out of those shots and what kind of improvement I was looking for. I showed him some lines around my mouth and eyes. He looked at them carefully, then he said, “I am here to make money, I could give you those shots, but I don’t think you need them. Why don’t you wait?” He didn’t even charge me for the consultation.</p>

<p>That’s my brag.</p>

<p>GREAT! Always good to have an honest doc and have him recognize that you’re great as you are, even tho you magnify flaws that re barely visible to others.</p>

<p>Reminds me that I went to talk with the famous CPA in our state that specializes in non-profits. He didn’t charge me ANYTHING for talking with him and giving us advice. He also provided me with resources to talk with my board about regarding advocacy!</p>

<p>I’m the only junior taking AP Bio this year. (: It’s usually only seniors who do.</p>

<li><p>I have gone to public school my entire life, the ones most people in town consider the “stupid minority schools.” Now that I’m in high school (there’s only one) my grades are just as good and/or better than students whose parents paid years of private school. </p></li>
<li><p>Been to Europe and had an amazing time there. I’m hoping to go again as a graduation trip before heading of to college.</p></li>
<li><p>Finally learned to drive.</p></li>

<p>Finished 4 years of math and 3 years of science all in 2 years during middle school via FLVS. 5 on AP calc/ ap physics freshmen year… Like a boss</p>

<p>Since I started my RA job, I have really earned the respect and trust of my boss. Plus, the professor I had my first semester here that I am taking another class with remembered my name. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Additionally, I have gone to two classes with a professor who is very distinguished in his field and has won the highest honor available to professors in our state educational system. At the end of the second class, during which I participated and answered many questions, he pulled me aside and said that he could tell I was very bright and that if I weren’t a senior, he’d have loved to have me as a research assistant. It made my week.</p>

<p>hyperJulie, if you’re interested in doing research for the prof, let him know; he may be able to find a way to work with you to your mutual benefit. Great that he noticed you out of the entire class!</p>