The Bragging Thread

<p>^^GA2012MOM, I want a re-enactment! (in Svedish)</p>

<p>My cousins recently ran into Drew Brees, his whole family and dog, and had a nice chat with them all and took photos.</p>

<p>I was a waitress in a restaurant in New Hampshire around 1974 when Paul Newman came in, wearing his GTO jacket, with his car-racing buddies from Loudon. He ordered steak. I can’t talk about the tip; I’m not cheesey that way. Later, I auctioned off his leftovers to the other waitresses in the kitchen. </p>

<p>The bartender was excited, too, saying, “Paul Newman spoke to me!” (x2). I asked him what did Paul say? His answer: ‘Where’s the bathroom!’"</p>

<p>I keep remembering weird stuff: I once laid on a hospital examination table that Harrison Ford had just been on. I didn’t see him but the nurses told me. They were still buzzing. Too bad they had to change the paper.</p>

<p>When I was in 4th grade (43 yrs ago), I had a poem published in Highlights magazine.</p>

<p>S1 graduating in May cum laude in Radio/TV/Film, won a Silver (1st place) Telley Award in 2010.</p>

<p>I can pick up socks with my toes.</p>

<p>I once flew from Detroit to Boston with the Boston Celtics 
 the hall of fame team (mid 80’s). I was waiting to board the plane & noticed a tall man who reminded me of Larry Bird. I then noticed someone who looked like Robert Parish. And then 
 Kevin McHale. It was so very cool!!</p>

<p>We used to walk along the beach on Oahu with famed conductor Andre Kostolanas (sp?) sometimes as a very young child (mom recognized him). Had dinner & watched Daniel Dae Kim (S spotted him) at the same diner; he went trick-o-treating with his kids at my sister’s house & she took a picture of him. (Trick?)</p>


This is the coolest way ever to tie shoes:</p>

<p>[Ian’s</a> Shoelace Site - Ian Knot = Ian’s Fast Shoelace Knot](<a href=“]Ian’s”>Ian's Shoelace Site – Ian Knot (Ian's Fast Shoelace Knot))</p>

<p>Learn this, you will definitely impress your friends.</p>

<p>I had the highest PSAT score in my school when I was a jr. while also being a cheerleader.</p>

<p>S2 and friends played paintball with Steve Smith and friends from NFL’s Carolina Panthers football team. S2 reported that Smith was even faster than he looked on TV.</p>

<p>S1 (who graduated magna cum laude) now detonates/defuses bombs for a living. </p>

<p>My family received a land grant from England for a large tract of land in the south in 1714. My cousin still farms it. </p>

<p>I can drive a manual transmission truck with the gears on the column. </p>

<p>DH and I watch Jeopardy every night during dinner. We don’t have time in our schedule to be on the show.</p>

<p>*can drive a manual transmission truck with the gears on the column.
me too! Hs’ Ford truck also a has manual choke & no power steering/windows.
fun times.</p>

<p>I sold yD’s stock at the “tippy-top” in 2008, just a few days before it tanked! :D</p>

<p>My little brother babysat Grub, Jane Goodall’s son.</p>

<p>My husband’s scientific research was featured in Ripley’s Believe it or Not.</p>

<p>I have a cable sent to my parents saying I got into Harvard which was signed by the then current Secretary of State of the United States.</p>

<p>I can drive a stick shift car with a British layout.</p>

<p>Once our color TV broke down 3 days BEFORE the warranty ran out. That was in the early 90s, and we haven’t had anything like that happen since

<p>Our car developed a $4K engine problem about a hundred miles before the expiration of the extended warranty (I think we paid $600 for the warranty and I had all sorts of buyer’s remorse about it!). We did not pay a penny for the repairs. :eek:</p>

<p>Our transmission went out JUST before the warranty expired; I convinced the dealer to repair at no cost AND extend the warranty FREE. This was good because the transmission went out AGAIN just before the extension ended. The next used car we had, we had an extended warranty and again, the transmission needed to be replaced just before the warranty expired!</p>

<p>Since then & prior to then, we’ve had no transmission issues. Both our kids computers were under AmEx free extended warranty when they died–got full refunds for both!</p>

<p>My dad was the group leader of underground testing at Jackass Flats in the 60’s (you can hear his voice doing the countdown on several PBS shows). The super-cool thing is that JFK visited the test site in 1963, and I have a photo of Dad shaking hands with him.</p>

<p>My college GPA: undergrad 3.49, grad school 3.51.</p>

<p>Recently, I stood on a long, winding security line at LaGuargia Airport near James Carville and Mary Matalin. I watched them for quite awhile and they didn’t speak to each other.</p>

<p>I have a letter from the White House (letterhead) dated Oct.31,1964. It was sent to my father who was the Sheriff of our rural southern county. The letter references a Whistle Stop tour that made a stop in our county and thanks him for giving his time and assistance. </p>

<p>It ends with “The President joins me in sending best wishes” and is signed Lady Bird Johnson.</p>

<p>Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn were on the train with Lady Bird Johnson and my Dad had his picture taken with them. He was always more proud of his picture with Loretta Lynn than meeting the First Lady.</p>

<p>I went to the Pittsburgh Steelers Ladies Night Out in 2009 and the marketing director allowed me to wear his Superbowl XLIII ring. It was HUGE. It has two circles on the back to slide your finger through because one isn’t strong enough.</p>

<p>I am the best finder I know.</p>

<p>While in high school, I dropped a hard contact lens on a Friday night at a football game while sitting in the second bleacher from the top. I found it under the bleachers the following Monday.</p>

<p>Using only the information in a job description provided by a placement agency, I searched the internet and found the name of the company, the name and personal information of the newly-hired company president (to whom the job reported), and, most importantly, the president’s salary.</p>

<p>I am the only person in the history of the world that can read my mind.</p>