The BS Class of 2016 Thread

I’m a little surprised our resident acronym lover @GMTPlus7 has not weighed in yet. :slight_smile:

killing it

I need a term for the phenomenon that people are throwing around HYP like chewing gums or a Britney Spears, like people who are associated with them are just Zombies that don’t have feelings and can’t get hurt. I dare you to make fun of a “second tier” school like you do with HYP. I bet you’d be eaten live right here! It’s only fair because hey you got prestige right? You deserve a one-two punch in the face.

@panpacific, I guess those taking the stance you describe are being HYPeraggressve? :slight_smile:

So as a group, are they all called “HYPsters”?

how about HYP-assive HYP-gressive?

HYP - HYP- Hooray. :wink:

The direction the thread has taken makes me HYP-py!

Like THE Ohio State University? Wait, that’s third tier…

She’s busy coming up with something disgusting. I’m on the edge of my seat, GMT. :wink:

@ChoatieMom: Post #88=Wolverine Pride!

BTW, for the 3 people who are interested in 7D1’s college search process…I am working on the write up and and will either post it to my “one family’s story” thread OR post a “if you are interested reading about it, send me a PM” comment there and PM anyone who is interested. Give me about a week.

I disagree. Sparky-gemy? :slight_smile:

@ChoatieMom , were you goading @GMTplus7 by calling him “she”? Anyone who made up PHLEGMS (and worse) is not female. :slight_smile:

Or did SevenDad make up PHLEGMS? I rest my case.

why have I always just felt, to my phlegmatic core, that GMT is a guy? a very, very busy guy

Long Fall Weekend down here, so, naturally (it’s the Class '16 thread, after all), we have a plane to make on Monday and return Tuesday, sometime during Study Hall, on what can only be hoped is his final college junket of 2015. SAS devotes the entire school day on Wednesday to essay writing, with the stated purpose of getting all applications “button ready”. Sounds like a stretch to me. It’s crunch time on the to ED or not to ED front, with two contenders. The boy says he’s really determined to get to bed by midnight, tho many, many classmates are up well beyond that. Football season ends mid-November, when things should get somewhat more manageable. ~O)

GMT-guy. So I thought, too.

@GMTPlus7 has been very evasive on the topic of XX vs. XY, so everybody who thinks s/he’s a guy is making an assumption. Granted s/he did come PHLEGMS and, more importantly, SMEGMA. :slight_smile: FWIW, I think GMT is a woman, but I’ve been wrong many, many times in the past.

It’s a guy. He is active in Parents Forum of college side. Fans go seek him out there and join the threads he started there, some of which are popular.

Interesting. I think GMT is a guy and I also think skieurope is a boy. :slight_smile:

I like to mix things up but, yeah, probably better to use “s/he” when in doubt.

Everyone thinks I’m a mom. :wink: