The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@AnxiousNovice how wonderful! I remember being in Savannah and walking past the school. So lovely there! Looks like a great school with plenty of options too! Congratulations!

@Collegegame2018 I heard that Shenandoah woudl call with yes (email with no) late this week or early next week but I don’t remember where I heard this so don’t rely on it!

@iowamtmom Thank you so much for the kind words! I actually have a lump in my throat as I am typing this because you all are truly the only people in my life who really understand the heartache of watching your child take the hits of so many rejections and the relief of finally having 1 acceptance. Thank you all for listening to me vent and rant, be angry and sad.

@AnxiousNovice we know a SCAD graduate in NYC and he raves about his experience there as well as how much he loves and feels prepared for his life now. He works at a big bi-coastal talent agency and is an absolute light there – so at the very least, I can tell you that SCAD turned out a kind, loving graduate into the field! Big congrats to your daughter on the acceptance!

@AnxiousNovice - I am just thrilled to hear your good news!!! Hoping there’s more but you’ve got one big X in the YES column. Congratulations to your D!!!

Congratulations @AnxiousNovice ! I’m so happy to read good news for your daughter!!

@Dance3Looks3 Thanks for the SCAD info. Do you know if he went through the Performing Arts BFA program or some other SCAD program?

@AnxiousNovice Congratulations! I’m so happy for your daughter (and you)! I don’t have personal experience with SCAD, but have heard many great things about it and Savannah is a beautiful city!

It was the performing arts BFA. He came to NY to be an actor, but landed at the agency and absolutely loves his daily work – he can’t imagine doing anything other than what he’s doing and feels like his time at SCAD prepared him for lots of options in the industry. We first met him before NYC Unifieds and asked lots of questions to determine whether it might be a good fit for my MT senior. :smile:

@AnxiousNovice congrats. Your news made my day!! You “ broke the seal” hoping the floodgates open now :smiley:


Congratulations to your daughter!!! Fantastic news!

@anastasiasmom and @everyone else posting congrats to my D. Thank you so much. Lovely to be at the receiving end of these messages for the first time!
@NYYFanNowMTdad Aw! What a kind message. Thanks. As for the floodgates, I would be happy if just one more yes slipped through the tiny hole in the dike so that my D could have a choice.

@AnxiousNovice CONGRATS!!! So happy for you both : )

@anxiousmom CONGRATULATIONS to you and your DD! Sometimes we think we know what we want, but there’s a better plan that we don’t know about. That could be the case with SCAD. In any event, I’m happy for the “Yes” you received :slight_smile:

Yay, @anxiousmom!!! I love how much support you have found on here. I come onto this thread daily hoping I read good news from you and others that have shared the difficulty of this process. I’ve learned so much from all of the kind people who have offered you advice. My D is a junior this year and she was just reading up on SCAD and is interested in their program, so we look forward to learning more from you. Congratulations to your amazing daughter!!

@AnxiousNovice I posted on the other thread too, but wanted to say again that seeing your Ds acceptance to SCAD made me really happy for you all! I’ve heard good things about that program. :slight_smile:

@AnxiousNovice I had such an awful day at work and reading that your daughter has an acceptance put a huge smile on my face. I am so happy for you both. May you breathe a little easier now. Congrats!!! My friends D went there for fashion and loved it.

@AnxiousNovice SCAD is a really cool school in a fantastic place! D auditioned on campus early in the season and they are definitely warm. It’s actually very much in consideration as they may not be a true MT program but they have a lot to offer. One thing of particular interest is their on campus casting agency. (I think they claim to be the only professional casting agency on campus in the country). The bottom line is their kids work. They place a lot of kids, while in school, in acting gigs thanks to their connection (and campus) in Atlanta AND the fact that the head of their program (and of the casting agency) was a major casting director at CBS for a long time. Worked on many well know TV shows, so that’s an interesting wrinkle.

You can also take a minor in music with a MT concentration so you can cobble together an interesting four years.

The bottom line with all this stuff is about training and getting jobs. SCAD is a great option to accomplish those things. Congrats!

@AnxiousNovice Congratulations on your D’s accomplishment! It must have been a thrilling day for you and her! My D has a zero acceptance so far so I really hope she gets at least one yes soon and joins the parade!

Congrats @AnxiousNovice ! SCAD is in a few diff buildings around Savannah and they are all SO COOL. Such a great area of the city w so much to see and do u can walk to. They also have great connections in the film and tv industry.