The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Mine is in a puddle too @yellahamma. It’s hard for them to keep this in perspective.

@CaMom13 It is tough indeed! All the best to your D and making the most of a less than ideal situation. ?

Apparently Point Park acceptances have been sent out! I don’t know if all acceptances have been sent out or if there have been any WL or nos sent out but I thought I would share this information to whomever needed it! If anyone has any more information on the decision notification process (if there are more acceptances to be sent, if there have been WL or nos sent, or if they’re being sent out in waves depending on the audition dates ect.) please share! Sending good vibes to all today! I hope everyone recieves good news on all ends!

A few things to clarify on my earlier post since there were a lot of comments not specifically related to my question, “Can anyone think of a reason we should reconsider UArts.”

-There are many reasons the four schools that are still floating out there may not be an option: COST is a big one (BoCo and NYU are extraordinarily expensive and don’t typically offer great financial aid). SOME are not true conservatories (Pace was very clear on our campus visit that they are not a conservatory, but conservatory-style training is offered along with academics. NYU, of course, is quite rigorous with academics). LOCATION is another reason (She wants to be in close proximity to NYC with cheap, easy access to get there). Not to mention, all four schools we are waiting on are extreme reaches so it might be a moot point as she is likely to be rejected by all of them.

-All that said, we will definitely NOT be making a final commitment (meaning putting non-refundable deposits down or withdrawing our applications form her outstanding or waitlist schools) until very close to May 1st so that we can try to leverage as much as we can for more aid from UArts (or wherever she could still end up).

-To reiterate the point of my post, she is very close to making an EMOTIONAL COMMITMENT to UArts and I just want her to have all the info possible while she is still leveraging her options before getting UArts stuck in her head and not being willing to consider new information because her mind is already made.

Hopefully, that clears up any misunderstanding about where we are in the process. I really appreciate everyone’s feedback and if anyone has any info about UArts that we should consider, please share it!! Thank you!

@NeensMom for what it’s worth… My instrumentalist son and I were attending an event (College Fair for Musicians) at the Kimmel Center - literally across the street from U of Arts…and then had planned to attend a Philadephia Symphony Orchestra concert that evening. Though he knew that U of Arts doesn’t have instrumental performance majors, he said we should go visit just to kill time and pick up some info for my niece who is going into MT. He left that place with a LOT of warm fuzzies and wishing that they DID have instrumental performance. He loved the whole vibe, location, dorm/apts, faculty and students. And he’s a tough cookie when it comes to being impressed. If U of Arts had his major, they would have catapulted to the top of his list quickly. He wants to go back when my niece goes to visit. Like I said… for what it’s worth… WARM FUZZIES for U of Arts !!

@BenniesMom1 University of the Arts has instrumental Performance Majors! It is more geared toward contemporary music and jazz, not classical. Perhaps it doesn’t have your child’s instrument or style of music but I just wanted to be sure to be clear that the school indeed has instrumental performance. My nephew used to take drum lessons from a UArts faculty member in fact.

@NeensMom congratulations on getting one step closer in the process! Agree with not closing doors on your remaining schools, but it’s a great thing to at least narrow down the choices and say no to the schools you know your D won’t be attending, because that helps the waitlist move for everyone else.

I’m not going to wade into the NYU debate (for what it’s worth my S came within almost a coin toss of going, we thought it was a great school, and for us it will always be the path not taken that we wonder about a little) except to say one thing: as someone who crawled ALL OVER these boards for last year’s class and the class before, I do not believe NYU went to the wait list at all in either of those years. So decision day in late March is pretty definitive, from what I saw.

Correct. I should have clarified that it didn’t have “CLASSICAL” instrumental performance for his instrument - clarinet. Mea Culpa if that confused anybody. I stand corrected. He just knew it didn’t have his major.

Thanks for pointing that out.

For those accepted/WL at Molloy/CAP21 but not actively monitoring the school specific thread @tatteredandfriendly found and shared the following:

From Cap 21’s Facebook page today:
"Due to coronavirus concerns (and an abundance of caution), Molloy/CAP21 classes have been moved to an online format through March 28th and all campus tours and visitations are temporarily suspended.

For ACCEPTED and WAITLISTED high school seniors who have already booked travel to NYC, please reach out to Rebecca Overton at to discuss options.

We are working on the possibility of offering virtual tours and/or live chats, should closures continue into the month of April, and of course we will continue to update students as things progress. Thank you for your patience and stay well!"

@MomMimi - not to get into the NYU debate again - I don’t work for admissions and I don’t have the an exact number on how many came off the waitlist but I personally know at least 3 people who came off the waitlist last year - one very late in the process - none of the three ended up attending.

@NeensMom it’s a great financial strategy to wait for those longshots! We never in a million years thought my dd would be accepted last year to NYU Steinhardt because of how terrible her audition was! NYU gave her 30K scholarship. Miami was also a complete surprise and they gave her 26K. Muhlenberg gave her 38K. We didn’t have any of those offers until the last of March last year! We used them to petition for more money at OKCU where she is now. Keep ALL of your award offers and send them to UArts to see if they will give more aid! You never know what will happen. Hang in there it’s almost over! :smile:

Can confirm that Point Park acceptances have gone out. My S received a “yes” via email sent this morning about 11:30 a.m. He’s super happy. Got “No”s from Michigan and CMU last week.

Never knew CC existed until a few weeks ago. It has been really helpful gaining access to great insight and support. All I can say is that the world needs more of what our beautiful children bring to it. Sending good vibes out there to all.

Anyone else still waiting to hear from IU? D auditioned on Feb 9 and we are still waiting for an answer of any kind. So much for hearing by two weeks after the audition. We have called several times and left messages but are aren’t getting any responses. Anyone else having this problem?

@7Heartsong3 - congratulations to your S! I am sure he’s over the moon!

Maybe they just let my S down gently but last year NYU continuously updated about the waitlist and sent a letter in late May or June that they would not be making offers to anyone on the WL.

@7Heartsong3 Congrats! My D got waitlisted so more waiting on our end!

Point Park has sent no’s too. Ours arrived at 2:34pm EDT

@BeBop1 I have more questions!

  1. What is so terrible about the food situation?
  2. When you say they can audit dance classes, do you mean they can attend for free, they just won't get credit?
  3. You mentioned not doing traditional shows like Legally Blonde. We looked up UArts on youtube and saw clips from many traditional shows, Chicago, Carrie, Spring Awakening, and Legally Blonde! I was under the impression they do one mainstage musical and one mainstage play every year, and then lots of new works, festivals, and student-run productions in between. Is that accurate?

Thank you!!

Any word at all on Coastal Carolina? Do Yes’s and No’s come via email? Call? I do not see a place on the CCU portal to notify of an artistic decision, so assume we are waiting for an email or call. UGH… the waiting is killer.

Sorry to those that got No. I hope WLs get an eventual Yes. Congrats to todays’ Yes’s

Point Park results — redirected into BFA Theatre Arts program. Normally, I would to think this is just a usual “BA Redirect,” but it’s still a BFA and is in the Conservatory. Any perspective on this?