The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

No input but that sounds like an exciting offer, @StanfordAI2019 !

That’s awesome @StanfordAI2019 !!! I hope it’s a good fit for her!

@BlessedNStressed crickets here on coastal carolina

For other ‘Point Park’ folks who may have gotten the redirect. I found this snippet on the web site:

The number of students who audition fluctuates every year. Traditionally, the theatre department auditions over 1,000 students for performance majors and admits 26 for the B.F.A. in musical theatre, 14 for the B.F.A. in acting, and 35 for the B.F.A. in theatre arts program.

Our new B.F.A. in theatre arts is a flexible program that offers three years of demanding performance study and theatre making, including sequences in acting, voice, speech and movement, and theatre history, text analysis, devised performance, ensemble labs, and production (crew), among other requirements. Students may self-design beginning in either the second or third year with an exciting variety of concentrations and/or, minors, double majors and study abroad opportunities.

Some of the possible minors and double majors include dance, musical theatre, cinema, business management, applied music, psychology, stage-management, and theatre design, among many others.

Disciplined students are able to complete this degree in three years, or in four years, depending on the requirements in their chosen minors, double major, etc.

@NeensMom Re: Food @ UArts … we were looking for somewhere to eat and were advised to go to the food court in the basement of the Bellevue hotel down the street . It was packed … when I asked the clerk what was going on ( cause it was the typical lunch time crowd ) , he just said … “Students” . I assume UArts students ? For what it’s worth again, it was super cheap and super yummy ? So even if the food is bad, just don’t get the food plan as eating down the street obviously is an option - probably cheaper too. ?

@NYYFanNowMTdad nothing here either from Coastal

Dormed freshman are required to have the meal plan. There have been lots of complaints and they finally just hired a new chef so things may be looking up.
While it is true that Uarts does sometimes do traditional shows, mostly not. last year’s Guys n’ Dolls was gender neutral, with women playing Nicely, Nicely and a male playing Adelaide, etc. It was absolutely amazing.Some shows, like A Chorus Line were true to book. I was just trying to say to expect the unusual.
Yes, they can audit dance for free. My D “retook” advanced ballet twice just so she could have a daily ballet class that fit her schedule. No fee and no grade. They max out at 18 credits under the tuition so if you have a real dancer, they let them audit.
Also, forgot to mention, Uarts has one of the best MBET program’s in the country (Music Business Engineering and Technology) so our MT’s get pro level recordings and demos if they want. make sure she cultivates some MBET friends!

@BlessedNStressed @NYYFanNowMTdad @DramaLove2020

No word from Coastal here either. Maybe tomorrow??? Has anyone heard anything??? I recall them saying that it would be after they returned from NY Showcase & that this week was Spring Break. The waiting…

@BlessesNStressed @DramaLove2020 @NYYFanNowMTdad @Timesfour Coastal is on spring break this week, annnnd just extended it another week through the 20th. They usually email out acceptances right after Spring Break, so not sure if this will impact anything. I read that faculty would be going in next week. Hope you all hear soon!

Our seniors are finally done with the audition circuit and ready to enjoy “senior things”. Unfortunately, a lot of those “things” have been cancelled . BUT ( bright side moment ) , Shows on Broadway are still open AND a lot of them today ( according to Julie James on Seth Rudetskys Big Fat Broadway - so on high authority ) are $50.00 !!! $$$$ being reallocated !! Broadway here we come !! - with precautions, of course, now that we can afford more than one show per year ??

Sooo…still waiting! Got the no’s from BW & FSU. Nothing from Ball State, Point Park or Wright! Ugh. Waiting is hard - waiting on Kent, Syracuse and Muhlenberg too (which D thinks is too small) . D decided to withdraw from her Millikin Audition due to the smallness of the school also. One more audition at the end of the month at SUNY Fredonia - anyone have a student there that can comment?
BFA Acting at Hartt is the her one Artistic acceptance so far - she is investigating that more throughly. We did not choose to visit schools before artistic acceptances…so that is backfiring on us now, hopefully schools will open up again in April (!?). She seems to be fine with whatever happens - likes Hofstra as a back up. In a UVM too, but only as a safety as it is in our backyard and she really wants to leave VT! Hopefully news before the weekend…I think we are both just wanting to know - even if it is a no, so we can move on… Venting. Thanks to all who have been so helpful in answering questions!!

@Rocketwoman37 Be sure to check junk mail. I know of at least two people who had their email from Point Park go to Junk mail.

posted this in the how/where when thread …


call during school today - yes we still have in person classes here :smiley: from Ball State today " priority waitlist"

@BenniesMom1 - Broadway is shutting down tonight for a month :frowning: Not sure if I can post the article but there is one on broadway world.

@Ontheverge yup I heard that too - and I was thinking we would get cheap tickets - oh well

I feel terrible for all the current MT students who can’t do their Spring productions. I don’t know when seniors do their showcases at these schools, but I bet this is impacting those as well. :frowning:

Yup !! I just saw that but that happened AFTER I got my tickets so I’m still good for Easter Break . Any if not back on, they’re exchangeable I just heard on the radio . Plus any theater which seats less than 500 ( the opera? ) is still carrying on ??

Strange times !

The governor of NJ just banned any gathering of 200+ so my D’s musical is postponed. Opening night was schedule for tomorrow night. Such a bummer for all the performers. Lots of tears this morning. Fortunately they had a performance this morning for the lower school that the parents could attend if they could make it last minute. My husband and I rearranged our schedules and got there. I am so glad we were able to.

My D, high school production of Mary Poppins, she has the role of Mrs. Banks, was to start next Wednesday for eight shows. She just text me and said parents can come see the rehearsal today. Highly probable that HS will be closed as of Friday. Super sad for all the kids and teachers. :frowning: Sad for my girl, this was her biggest role to date :frowning:

Senior year is turning out to be such a bummer. Tonight’s Spring Choir Concert has been postponed and administration just announced that the Senior Musical is postponed and rehearsals also cancelled. So, extremely sad for all these performers who have put in so much work and not be able to perform for their friends and families :frowning: