The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Congrats!@Dramalove2020! My daughter will likely be there too in the BFA Physical Theatre program. She auditioned for MT and Physical Theatre but loves the Physical Theatre as she is a dancer and a diver so the aerial acrobatics on top of singing,dancing and acting really appeals to her(also the junior year in Italy is pretty cool). She is just awaiting a decision from U of Miami but we also have a deposit at Coastal Carolina and are going to dinner tonight to celebrate! Congrats to your daughter and feel free to private message me if you want to connect. The kids may have already connected through Crucible Cast Party for the accepted students at Coastal

Wait… Coastal Carolina has a program with singing, acting, dancing and AERIAL ACROBATICS!!! Where was THAT on their website?!! All that plus the beach. That’s cool!

Congrats @CASAmom! It must feel great to have the final decision made!!

WOOOO @DramaLove2020 and @CASAmom Welcome to the family! Chants UP!

Thank you @MommaCat and @stagedoormamma! Thank you also @SingerDancerMom- check out the Physical Theatre page on Coastal Carolina’s website- its a very cool option for some kids. Not for me as I am terrified of heights!

@CASAmom and @DramaLove2020 If you all have any questions about the programs/school/etc just send me a note. My D is a recent BFA MT Grad and was a student recruiter for years for the theatre department.

Thank you for your offer to answer questions @stagedoormama! Can you tell me what the Common Hour is that they have each semester? Also my daughter was accepted into the Honors College so she will be living in the section of the dorms for honors students but would you recommend she try to room with another BFA in Theatre Arts student if possible? Do students have a faculty mentor and private voice lessons throughout their training? Thank you for any insight you can share!

@CASAmom. My D is in the honors college too and is torn about having a roommate who is a BFA or not… My D says the common hour is like a meeting of all the department BFA kids - kind of like to be updated on upcoming events and things like that is what she understands

@DramaLove2020 Thank you for the info!

@CASAmom As @DramaLove2020 mentioned, common hour is a meeting every Friday at 1pm with all the students in the department. They do any number of things. They bring in speakers, they watch/do presentations, learn about anything the department thinks they should know, etc. It’s the one time every week that the whole department can get together in one place, which I think is really cool. In regards to the rooming with a BFA- that is really a personal decision. My D chose not to room with a theatre student because they are together most of the time, and she wanted to branch out a little. But some kids feel more comfortable rooming with another theatre kid.
In regards to mentors, they don’t have a specific assigned one, but we felt that all of the professors are mentors. The department is small enough that the students can go and connect with their professors very easily. For voice lessons, the MT’s get an hour private every week and also a group voice studio all 4 years. For Acting and PT just ask about getting voice lessons. Most of the kids I know didn’t have any problems getting in, even the BA’s that wanted them.

I would love to know which schools are moving their acceptance dates to June. Should I start a new thread where people could post this information or would it be just as well to have that information posted in this thread?

I just think it would be helpful for those of us whose student’s are on a waitlist and having the abilitiy to see how long we could stay on the waitlist.


A new thread. Then it’s easier to find. Information gets lost in the these super-long threads.

@stagedoormama Thank you so much for answering my questions!

Did anyone hear from Elon today?

@frogandtoad I saw somewhere on the Crucible Cast Party Facebook that Elon MT decisions are delayed to the 20th because of coronavirus. I’m guessing this also applies to acting!

@frogandtoad We’re also waiting on Elon… no word. Thank you @evangl2002 for the update on that. Now I can put my mask on and go see if Costco has anything left on the shelves! :wink:

Still waiting on Wright State (10/12 audition) and Missouri State (1/17 audition) - anyone else?

@GeddyMcNutty same here. Both

We are waiting on Wright State as well.

wright state here too