The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

I posted this on a different thread but I’ll repost here:

China and Korea provide examples that suggest that we don’t absolutely need a vaccine for life to resume once the outbreak is contained. However, the American public may not have the patience to comply with the restrictions the situation requires.

I expect the measures being implemented now, if adhered to, plus widespread testing coming online in the near future will allow things to normalize by sometime in May (7-10 weeks).

I sure hope so because we need to make campus visits…

The CDC says they predict some semblance of normality by July. So hopefully our kids will go to school. I’ve worked really hard not to drop swears in these posts but geez it’s getting hard not to call things what they are, using profanity!

Anyone have any advice about not getting your hopes up about waitlists? I am waitlisted at my dream school!! I have another amazing program to go to if I don’t get off, but the program that I am waitlisted at is perfect for me. :slight_smile:

Reach out to your dream school and tell them they are your first choice! And that if you are offered a spot, you will commit! Keep the communication flowing…

@bfayay maybe try calling the department and asking what the realistic chances are, or how their WL process is. They do understand the position that WL kids are in. It might help give you a better idea if you’ll be waiting, or even willing to wait until May to see if you get off of list. Now that many schools have pushed back the decision date to June 1, there could be a lot of WL movement in June also. Unfortunately, it continues to be an even longer waiting game for everyone. Hope everything works out…sending positive vibes your way!

My son was waitlisted for a university on February 5, where he had already gotten some good verbal feedback from the music department folks when he auditioned. He sent a letter to the professors and music department head who were on his audition panel. On March 1st, he received a letter from one of the directors. On March 5, he got off the waitlist and fully accepted. Now while this might not work the same way for MT, it doesn't hurt to try making contact AND keep your hopes up. Here's the letter he sent:

I was saddened to find out today on the XXX University portal that my admission to XXXU as a Music Major is Wait-listed. From what I’ve read about previous applicants, those never turn out well ?

Assuming my audition went well, is there anything that a word from one of you in the Music Department can say to admissions to get me off that waitlist? I was really looking forward to being a part of XXXU’s Music department in the Fall. I have guaranteed admission for Spring, 2021, but programs will already be underway by then and would be tantamount to being a part of the " freshman class", so to speak, starting a semester later.

I’d appreciate any input you have on this matter. I’ve attached my resume for reconsideration. If I didn’t do so well on the audition, I’d appreciate some feedback regarding that as well.

Thanks for your consideration.

_______Notes from couple of professors in the Music department in response … dated 02/06

I will talk to other professors to find out what was the factor for the University’s decision.

Thank you for your patience.

Dr. S

Thank you for contacting us about your admission status. We are also eager to have you join our Department of Music. I am just reaching out to let you know that I am currently seeking more information about your admission decision; I hope to have more details for you early next week. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you are enjoying the remainder of your senior year.


Dr. H
-------------------------- Then on March 1st… late at night…This email.

I have now been able to confirm with our Admissions Office that your status is updated to ADMITTED! It may take up to another week before this is reflected in “the system,” but please know that you are accepted as a music performance major here at XXXX U

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns at this time. Thanks again, and congratulations.

Dr. H

Soooo, people DO get off the waitlist !!! Keep Hope Alive!!! By the way, ALL the instructors my kid got notes from had received Thank you cards from him previously. I’m a BIG proponent of keeping the chain of communications open from first lesson to acceptance. imparted that little tidbit to my kid. He complained, but I insisted. That was just a tip for the newbies who might be reading this. Send Thank you cards. My S got into EVERY single music program he auditioned for. His grades suck so outside of the audition results, it must have been the cards and open communications that got him in. ?Whatever works, right? Good Luck to you.

For the folks that were waitlisted at BW, my D released her spot.

@Jasklo thank you. Was your D previously accepted or on the waitlist as well?

@All4FSU Sorry for delayed response. Just seeing this now. Have been off CC since 3/4 (for reasons detailed in Acceptance thread so will not repeat here for those who read both threads). Anyway, I would love to connect with Jay Jaski! Seems especially useful now that campus is closed for rest of the year. Would you send me message with best way to contact Prof Jaski or do an electronic intro? Thanks again.

@grundygirl Sorry for delayed response. Returning to CC after two week hiatus. Thanks for useful SCAD info. My D actually loves Design and tech in general so that may actually be an asset for her. We will explore further (to the extent possible these days). Any chance you might connect her with one of the current students who you mentioned?

Does anyone know if syracuse will come out today? I know it came out last Thursday and it’s supposed to be the last 3 weekends…

My goodness. This is just such as rough time. In the advent of all this COVID-19 and audition result stress, my D was formally diagnosed with BOTH Lupus AND Hemochromotosis today. :frowning: She has the appropriate lifestyle to ‘manage’ both of these with proper medication (She’s a strict vegan who exercises 5 days a week), but it will still be hard.

She’s maintaining her humor thought it all though. When the doctor told her she had Lupus, she replied, “Selena Gomez has Lupus too…so when do I get MY show on Disney?!” :wink: :smiley:

Elon is making phone calls today. DS got one!!

@StanfordAI2019 I am so sorry to hear this! For sure a very tough time just got even tougher for you and your D. Wishing you all the very best. Your positive attitude has definitely rubbed off on her and you guys seem like such a great family!

@StanfordAI2019 I am so sorry to hear about your D but it sounds like she has a good attitude. I hope she gets her show too!

@StanfordAI2019 Sorry to hear about your D’s health issues on top of everything at this time of year especially. Your D sounds awesome and has a positive attitude and creative spirit. She will do well in whatever she does.

@chenggang Congratulations on ELON! So exciting! @StanfordAI2019 I’m sorry to hear about your d’s diagnosis, but I’m happy that she already lives a lifestyle that will help keep her healthy and strong. She’s got this!

@StanfordAI2019 oh goodness!!! I am so sorry to hear about her diagnoses! Literally…it HAS to get better!!! It sounds like she has the right attitude to handle it!


Wow, @StanfordAI2019 , what a series of blows your D is weathering this season. I am so sorry to hear of her diagnoses. I hope that in getting them that it gave you answers to long-standing questions, and that she is able to move forward with a solid care plan. She has a stupendous sense of humor - I know where she gets that from! Much love to your family.