The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@SingerDancerMom thanks!

@StanfordAI2019 thanks!

@moosegirlemy2 I hope your d finds her perfect place, either off the waitlist or it turns out that her one yes really is the right one for her!

@moosegirlemy2 we are on 4 waitlists…so this might sound hopeful or self serving but if u look back at my posts BEFORE my D had any waitlists and BEFORE school visits went poof I thought that there would be a fiar amount of wait list movement this year…if you look at the number of programs applied to this year or even just the acceptance thread on CC it seems like there are many kids with 4-5+ acceptances…they can only take ONE…I think this is a byproduct of so many applying to 20+ programs… will keep our fingers crossed for you and everyone who needs WL movement…I do think timing will be stretched in to june this year w decision day being pushed back but this is all conjecture on my part…as my W & D often tell me- I KNOW NOTHING :smiley:

Is anybody worried this won’t be cleared up and our kids might start Freshman year online?

@NYYFanNowMTdad Another #theaterdad privilege: being reminded how expendable we are ???

@wishiknewtgen I am very worried about this… I hope some of the colleges will offer some alternative plans of action as we move forward in our decision making. Maybe they will say it is okay to start in the spring if needed? Or take a gap year? I don’t know how most of the classes (dance!) could be taught virtually and if the tuition rates would even be worth it all from home. We have a lot to think about, right?

@MadameT thats what I keep thinking. It’s so expensive anyway. So maybe not the best financial decision. I agree that dance classes and voice classes will be challenging online but not only that, there may not be any productions. Seems like that would be a wasted semester. I know some schools don’t let freshman audition but for the ones that do, it would be a lost opportunity.

@wishiknewtgen I usually worry about this kind of stuff, but I can definitely envision all schools starting on time this fall…

  1. My gut tells me that this period right now of "staying home" is super important for the summer and fall
  2. More, better SARS-CoV-2 testing and a comprehensive testing strategy would help too

I’m actually more worried about support for performing arts as a whole near-term / mid-term.

I agree most charts show ending in June. However I have thought that with this springs shows being moved to the Fall and were already in rehearsal what does that mean for our kids-obviously won’t be cast in the show right??

In similar news did you see the NYU Tisch Dean doing a dance on video after she told people they wouldn’t get their tuition back? Google it. It’s unbelievable unless you actually see it!

@mamaboyz Thank you for sharing the Dean from NYU dancing after informing her students they would receive non of the $31,000 they paid for the spring semester back. How appalling! I didn’t allow my daughter to apply to NYU due to the price but after seeing that video I am so grateful my daughter committed to a university that is reaching out in support of their students and featuring on Facebook interesting alum stories and highlighting their incoming students who have committed. Definitely feel good that she will be at a place where she is supported instead of mocked by her Dean

That is terrible about NYU. I just heard that my brother in law already received a refund from U of Miami for the spring semester. It is good to know for all the folks sending their kids to U of Miami next year.

I am definitely concerned about Fall semester. Everything that’s been coming out in recent weeks about the virus says to expect a relapse in the fall. NYC is the epicenter at this point, so major concerns about sending a student to school at that time. We’ve been having many conversations with advisors about this fact and most feel a gap year might be prudent.

In addition, this pandemic is going to change the course of Broadway, college, and how we live/interact in general, so a gap year gives everyone a chance to see what is going to happen and an indication of the many changes to expect as a result. Just my 2 cents.

@PNWdrama - hopefully the colleges will cancel and move to the spring semester if that’s the case. My older son is doing on-line learning in college and its really pathetic - they just told the kids they can switch all their classes to pass/fail - we are getting something back for room and board and he will get credit for the classes - but if this is how next semester is going to go I would hope they would just move it to the spring

Good luck to everyone waiting to hear from a school today!

@IStressSoDWont - what schools are people still waiting for?

@DivaStageMom - we actually still have a few out there:

  1. Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (was actually probably my D’s preferred, over Boco, but chances are so slim, we don’t really even count it)
  2. Shenandoah
  3. Ole Miss
  4. West Virginia
  5. Manhattanville

@PNWdrama I think a gap year makes a lot of sense which is why I am hesitant to consider it! I fear that so many kids will take a gap year this year (because there are so many good reasons to do so) that the following year will be super crazy competitive!

@BloomingGirl totally agree with you! Some schools may hold their acceptance for one year, however (I found that out by contacting the schools directly).

Yes, our school district just announced that spring semester hs grades will not count toward GPA or class rank for freshmen, sophomores or juniors (but it will for seniors???). This is a just a personal opinion, but based on the data that has been given, I don’t see how we will be “ready” for school to start in August in a traditional sense. If a miracle happens, that would be awesome! But for now, I don’t see how.