The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Governor Murphy here in NJ just slashed state school budgets -Montclair State just lost 12.3 million this fiscal year alone ending in June.

Sorry I can’t put link in but it was in the Wall Street Journal. Mentions Missouri also.

Different article on state budget preparedness, let’s see if this link works…

Opinion piece from the NY Times today -


Someone else posted this from Montclair:
To make up for the unexpected loss of funds, the university instituted a hiring freeze, eliminated temporary and contingent positions including non-tenure-track instructors, deferred capital projects and is planning to offer fewer, larger classes come fall, she said. I’m not sure how it will affect the BFA MT & Acting programs.

Missouri State’s BFA MT & Acting program won’t be impacted by the budget cuts. My d reached out to one of the department heads and asked about impacts to their program.

^ Everyone should be paying very close attention to which institutions are reducing loads or eliminating positions. This has the potential to impact performance programs, many of which often hire staff positions like accompanists through non-faculty avenues. Ask careful questions.

On the other hand, look at which colleges are concerned about the economic impact your family has sustained and is offering financial appeals. Otterbein sent out an email asking parents if they have been financially impacted to please notify them for additional financial considerations

And he may not be leaving. He is supposed to be directing a play but who knows what changes are being made due
To corona virus

@NYYFanNowMTdad My answer is E. I think we’re close to a decision, though.

Here’s a List of Colleges’ Plans for Reopening in the Fall - The Chronicle of Higher Education.pdf

@NYYFanNowMTdad F): Decision made and posted. Now drinking margaritas by the pool enjoying the sun and the reduced amount of stress around the house! Looking forward to reading everyone’s final decision posts.

@TheatreDad69 -#envious

I can’t prevent my college kids from trying alcohol, staying up past bedtime, not always doing homework, making dubious dating decisions, and generally hitting the speed bumps on the road to becoming young adults. What I thankfully can prevent is them dying from a vaccine preventable illness. No brainer for me.

I don’t expect to have a “final-final” decision from D until June at the earliest. We saw a couple of news stories with interviews of incoming freshman that described similar holding patterns. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see this year’s Final Decision thread extend well in to the Summer this year.

@APerez - wow what a success story this has become - so happy for your son! Crazy that you came on this board a few weeks ago with so much heartbreak and your fortunes have really turned - always great to hear good news - but in times like this, even better. Good luck to him!!

@SavsMom - I haven’t been on the board for the last couple of days - but congratulations on Syracuse - just wanted to mention that yes its in NY - but not NY NY… so its not really anything like the NYC or close to it - if that was the draw, or maybe it was just that it’s not in Texas. I wasn’t sure from your post. My d didn’t audition but I do hear it is a good program.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - we have made our decision for a while - I guess technically I am C - working on my post. I have been so swamped at work and I want to make sure I give this some attention - we learned so much through the process I want to pay it forward to the next class.

On the positive side, Syracuse is always one of the 3 ‘snowiest’ cities in America. LOL. Evanston is pretty darn awful in the winter too.

@NYYFanNowMTdad , we are option C! Decision made and working on a post. So many things to remember it almost feels overwhelming to put it all into words. I think writing it all is going to make me feel it’s all over, and I don’t think I like that, believe it or not.

@NYYFanNowMTdad We are A - have a decision if no waitlist comes through - but she is not ready to commit to the offer as she has till June 1 on that school.

However, some schools are STILL May 1 - like Syracuse. Does anyone know which schools are still May 1? Hoping this will trigger some domino effect on the waitlists before June

I was wondering if there was any thoughts on Northwestern, my S is still awaiting his decision but I don’t hear a lot about this program on theses boards which is surprising and was wondering if there is any thoughts.

@NYYFanNowMTdad F) other reason- please specify. S is a transfer which throws a wrench, still waiting on one answer. He is between two if the one he is waiting on is a no. One answer due May 1st the other June 1st, just to complicate things even more.

@NYYFanNowMTdad C) Final decision made but working on a post plus appealing to the FA office for more $ before making a deposit!