The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Woohooo!!! TWO final-final decisions for my students!!! Hallelujah!! Cannot post yet until they get their shirts and make their personal announcement, but wonderfully happy about what they decided. I believe both places are the best for them for everything! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

@tsamuique (and anyone else heading for NYU)- in case you didn’t read Andy Hamilton’s update on covid-19, it’s linked below - NYU is planning on Fall semester being on site in NY. Cause for rejoicing in our house, even though the message is (understandably) less than cheerful overall. The financial strain of the virus and shutdown on NYU finances is severe, as it will be elsewhere.

That’s great @onette! Looking forward to hearing their stories!

@camban - I have a thread somewhere out here on NU -

This is what I found out - It doesn’t have a traditional schedule - it goes in quarters - the good thing is it makes it easier to double major - I thought the drawback is that you aren’t following the same schedules as all your friends in other schools - it makes it hard to do summer stock etc…

You have to audition for everything in the program, although current students say you can still take some of the classes even if you don’t get accepted to the MT certificate program. I think 25% get into the MT Cert program.

@StanfordAI2019 (don’t let the name fool you) is a graduate he can fill you in on the campus and the vibe. My d was invited to an accepted student group - I would suggest your S do that if he hasn’t already - there is also a private FB group for MT only - if he hasn’t joined that he should.

At the end, my D decided on BU - but I have to say, saying no to NU wasn’t easy - its a great school. If things were different she would have visited - who knows… She visited BU, loved it - it wasn’t an apple to apple comparison. But at the end of the day if she was going to NU I would be just as happy. It’s a great school, you can’t go wrong - good luck and congratulations to him!

@NYYFanNowMTdad our response is G) Trying to figure out time travel in order to go back and apply to more schools and stock up on toilet paper and tequila. If it works I will come back and post my d’s story now.


you go girl @BloomingGirl

@BloomingGirl here u go. the classic method:

@NYYFanNowMTdad Taking my dog to the car now…

@CaMom13 , thank you for that link! We are holding our breath and crossing all the digits in hopes that things start out in person. Contingency plans percolating.

@onette how thrilling for you, the kids you work with, and their families to have a conclusion to the year’s work! I can’t wait to hear it all, once they’ve got the swag and are all ready to go public.

@gatorbridget I agree—whole not all schools are able to handle this difficult financial situation, it’s great to hear when a school is trying to help

What’s that famous line from Shakespeare’s Richard III?

“My kingdom for a DeLorean!”

@onette Oh, I can’t wait to hear, although it sounds like there are 2 different schools. I was kind of hoping they ended up at the same school given how well you described them working together.

@BloomingGirl @sarahsmom02 @tsamuique Thank you!! I will let @MissyNNT tell her daughter’s story, but I can tell you that so many things have changed the direction of their paths. 3-4 weeks ago, I would not have guessed the outcome would be this. Partially (I think) due to COVID19 issues — especially in NY area. Plus, financial aid has been slow moving. One of them had verification and there are at least two schools that have not processed it yet and it looks like it will be May or June before they can.

Then, we get 11th hour new decisions…what to do! what to do! Ultimately, I think they both made the right choice. New factors came in toward the end that I feel made these the right decisions, although from the list that they had, may not seem like the clear choices. But trust me — no stone was left unturned in the pursuit of the best training each one could find and the right environment (holistically) that each one wanted.

And no, several wanted them to end up at the same school. They do play very well together onstage and have been partnered for five years. I have no doubt they will be onstage again in the future, but I think they both need to go fly and grow and experience working with new people!

I have literally cried half the day today!! And, then one of the local high school musical awards came out this afternoon at 5 (Schmidt & Jones) and more of my kids were nominated (including my son’s girlfriend who will be a Senior next year!! More crying…Too much emotion for one day!! LOL!

@onette I’m excited to hear their final decisions. They had lots of good ones to consider.

@NYYFanNowMTdad we are really close the finish line. We still have one WL of interest but I think my D has made up her mind.

@onette Excited to read their stories. Congrats to both!

Not your typical gap year story…

@CaMom13 Thanks for sharing that encouraging news about NYU’s plans for fall classes on campus. Let’s hope others follow their lead.

This article indicates that schools like Northwestern which are on the quarter system may benefit from their later start.

@upstaged - I think most schools will have to reopen in person in the Fall if they are going to open at all so I’m excited that the schools are starting to plan now - they have to if they’re going to be prepared for the challenges of operating during a pandemic. I know Purdue (not MT! but my kid’s alma mater) and CalArts have also said their goal is to open on campus this Fall and they are actively working to figure out how to make that happen safely, whatever it takes.