The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@MTisNutz – wow, things change on a dime! What a drive into the sunset! Congrats. ?

@MTisNutz - First, Congratulations to your D!

Second, I think going through this process, helps to clarify things and what is really important. It’s great that your D was able to find the right fit! Congratulations and good luck to her!

On a separate note, as nice as it is to see everyone settling into their perfect place, am I the only one who is a little sad that things are winding down? Maybe its because I am in NJ in lockdown - I strangely miss the excitement of this process…

@MTisNutz major plot twist!! Congratulations to your D!

@DivaStageMom I’m a little sad too. I haven’t decided if that’s normal or we are all just getting bored stuck in lockdown with every day the same and looking for a little bit of excitement and drama (our kids have to get it from somewhere, right??)

@DivaStageMom @jupdancemom – I hope you both stay plugged in or return in the fall to help / provide counsel for those going through this process as COVID-19 marches on.

@jupdancemom - I think it’s a little of both - before the lockdown, this was reality tv for me - I have a ton of things going on at work and steal some time away to check out who got into some school we didn’t even apply to.

With that said I am beyond bored - heading into another weekend with nothing going on but uber eats and grocery shopping - I am tempted to hack my d’s Crucible Cast Party account lol :).

@Twelfthman - yes, I am hooked - I’m in for next year for whatever advice I can provide :slight_smile:

@MTisNutz Incredible story and awesome outcome! Congrats. Just proves there’s way more than one path.

Wow @MTisNutz that is awesome! So happy for you and your D!

Congratulations @MTisNutz ! Wonderful news, so happy for your D. And @DivaStageMom , yes I am so sad that it is over. I am even hesitating on posting final decision, just to draw it out a little longer. It was stressful, lots of work, sad at times, but also one of the most fun times of our lives. And now my last baby will be leaving. Lots of mixed emotions going on.

Wow @MTisNutz , more proof that MT really is…nuts. Congrats to your D on sticking the landing and best of luck to her!

You are definitely not the only one. It nice to have something to look forward to. And FWIW, I did peek into my D’s Crucible Cast Party account, LOL.

@MTisNutz I am so excited for your daughter !! What an awesome unexpected end to her journey! Congrats !

For all those sad about this winding down - you have so much ahead of you. Why just think about how much fun you’ll have trying to snag the last perfect Twin XL sheet set online at Bed, Bath and Beyond. :smiley: There is always a bit of a letdown after this hectic process, even if your S/D ended up at their perfect fit program. And it gets even harder next year when they disappear into the BFA program and everything changes - they’ll either call or text multiple times a day in crisis mode or maintain radio silence for so long you consider contacting their roommate to see if they are living. There’s some debate between MT Parents which is preferable. The kids are about to take off folks - and you will be left behind. But it’s a beautiful thing, once you’re used to it. There comes a point where you recognize that they’ve “done it” - they are in college, studying as performing artists. They’ve met that goal that was once only a fuzzy, crazy idea. The lift-off is hard on the parents but truly a dream come true for the kids. You get left behind in your normal life and you’ll still feel like something’s missing … and then you’ll start haunting online boards trying to help other people get through this process and rooting for their kids. Welcome to CC “senior member” status, lol.

@MTisNutz this is fantastic news! Best of luck to your daughter for a happy and fruitful 4 years of training!

@DivaStageMom all the same feelings! Part of it is all the end of year stuff is gone too. Right after auditions my D went straight into long rehearsals like many kids here and would’ve had so many performances, celebrations, proms etc that we would have had to do a million things for and now I’m trying to motivate myself to do mundane things. Alas we are safe and in CA starting to crack open a few activities that will break up this situation. So hope we can lift everyone‘s spirits, plan dorms and moving across country.

This was waiting for waiting for a cast list on steroids. Next comes all the long rehearsals.

@MTisNutz CHIRP CHIRP!!! you & your daughter are true survivors, my D is not dancer first but I hear that dancer first survive on broadway as ensemble members way better than most…AND BY THE WAY< when she auditions they will likely be shocked by " wholly smokes this BFA dance girl can sing & act!" wow


@Twelfthman I’ll be around for next year :slight_smile: Like @DivaStageMom says, I like reading the stories and seeing who got in where. I typed up notes and created templates from my excel sheets and shared everything with the kids we know doing this next year.

@MTisNutz That is one of the best endings ever. Good for you and your daughter for making the call and fighting for what she wanted and how incredibly fortunate that you guys reached someone who wanted to find a way for her and helped make it happen. Your D’s journey is a perfect example of hard work meets fate at just the right time. Great big giant congratulations!!

@MTisNutz Congrats! What a great ending! And can’t dance majors audition for all the productions at Ball State? So happy for you and your D!