The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@Twelfthman - Interesting when you say that her “best audition” was U Miami - they bonded over some silly thing she had on her resume, they were all laughing … they kept her in the room forever, the head of the program told her he adored her and took a polaroid of her… and she was waitlisted. So it’s hard to read the room - she thought that was a yes. The WL came in after she committed to BU so it was fine - but proves that point it’s hard to tell…

With BU I think they got to know her as an artist, not just a performer - she also does photography and takes videos. She had a great conversation during her audition with the girl who runs the program (McCaella Donovan) - things came up spontaneously - she left the audition with a clear vision of what she wanted to accomplish as an artist. It was kind of life-changing in that way.

Most of the students she has met in the program are artists outside of performing like composing music etc… So I guess they look for that - I think at the audition MCCaella pokes around to see if there is something else there - beyond the monologues and in doing so opened d’s mind to a whole other world of possibilities. So there was a fit on both sides.

Although right after the audition I contacted a friend whose D applied two years ago to BU and didn’t get accepted. She auditioned for McCaella - was asked for a third monologue and MCCaella told her she could see her in the program. She didn’t ask my D for another monologue or say that - actually at the end of the audition, she told my D that she has something real and not to let the business turn her into a Rockette. Which we thought was a compliment but we couldn’t figure it out.

Some of the other auditions fit is harder to calculate - some of these programs blow through kids at these auditions so quickly I honestly don’t know how they make their decisions.

Anyway, I can’t wait to read about all about your D’s journey - it’s coming up soon!

@DivaStageMom And as proof that you really can’t read the room, U Miami was probably my d’s quickest audition. They said nice things to her, but said them quickly and got her the heck out of there. And she also was waitlisted.

Hi all! Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the moms out there and, as I always say, anyone who mothers, nurtures, supports, and cares for our children.

To say we are living in uncertain times is an understatement. As an eternal optimist, I know I have to temper all of my hopes with reality. But… I do want to share some good sources of information and what I think is some positive news. JHU has the premier non-governmental web site on COVID-19 and it is full of really informative information. From everything I read and understand a crucial indicator in the march to get back to a “new normal” is the rate of positive COVID-19 tests. The lower the rate the better. This mainly indicates that states are doing enough testing to get a handle on where the virus is which allows them to isolate and trace. Of course the JHU website explains it way better.

So… all of that said, I think it is good news to know that 38 of 52 states/territories (DC and PR) are meeting the WHO benchmarks for % of positive tests. And of the 14 that are not, 5-6 are quite close.

If you are a person that is comforted by learning more about an issue (even if you can’t control what’s happening) here is a link to the JHU COVID-19 resources on testing:

Hope this helps. Wishing everyone health and peace.

Thank you for sharing that link @7Heartsong3. I feel like everything I read is biased one way or the other; nice to just have actual stats to look at.

Thank you for sharing the link @7Heartsong3.

Thank you so much for sharing this link. Watching Dr. Fauci speak to how Universities could open this Fall was interesting to hear as well. Like @7Heartsong3, we are trying to balance Hope with realistic expectations.

On May 8th, the president of Roosevelt University announced plans for classes to resume on campus in the fall, including CCPA. A video of his townhall presentation is available on the school website. There are many details that have to be worked out, but it is encouraging that they think they can come up with safe solutions. CCPA also announced its shows for the coming school year. So far, so good!

@jupdancemom I like stats too and the JHU site explains in clear terms and then provides data. When you look at the logarithmic curves of infection rates, etc. etc., you see that we are indeed flattening the curve which is hopeful. Cheers.

@7Heartsong3 I hope it stays that way. The majority of our state went to Phase 1 almost 2 weeks ago and our county started on Monday. So far so good… waiting to see what the stats are in 2-3 weeks before I get too hopeful.

My kid got a scholarship offer email TODAY for a school’s program she was not accepted into. Bizarre. Kind of funny, kind of just annoying. Instructions to log in to a portal to review, accept or decline. Let’s keep rubbing salt in old wounds in case they are beginning to heal. Just venting :slight_smile:

@Ontheverge - this year is really bizarre. There have always been late offers, talent scholarships offered with artistic rejections, BA re-directs that won’t leave BFA applicants alone but THIS year with the increase in WL activity even at programs with low acceptance rates, late acceptances coming from programs that initially rejected the applicant, concerns about gap years and on-site Fall making class sizes unpredictable… it’s just one big weird-a-palooza.

@CaMom13 - Indeed! I expected weird movement and we have first hand experience the talent scholarships for BA’s offered during the original cycle where a BFA was sought, etc, it just seems like they would have this stuff under control at this point. Considering this school is in NY, and how impacted they were by Covid-19, I guess I should not be too surprised people from that region are not 100% on their game. We even had one school who my kid declined come back with an email weeks after she declined stating that if she changes her mind and would like to attend next year they would still honor scholarships and acceptance, as long as she did not attend another school. But yeah, I like the term weird-a-palooza! Hoping this is the last of it for us as we are all trying to look forward and hope for the best with the plans we are making.

We got word today that Ithaca is opening on campus October 5th. Not exactly sure if that means going longer at the end of the year or starting some classes online, but it could be worse news for sure.

@MTSthistime - I hope other schools will get creative like this. I am sure there are contracts that need to be negotiated, etc but I am really hoping for more thinking like this rather than everyone just going online. I have heard it just does not work well for MT and other hands on programs.

I, too, hope schools get creative to get kids back on campus in the fall. D is really hoping her school does. By the end of the semester, she was done with the long days of looking at a screen and trying to dance/act. I read that the University of South Carolina will start in the fall as usual, cancel fall break, and then end for the semester at Thanksgiving break. D would accept something like that.

Boy, that’s interesting @MTSthistime ! I have seen a couple of schools announce they will be teaching face-to-face only up to Thanksgiving break and remote for the last 2-3 weeks of the semester. I think they are wanting to avoid having class in sessions when the “cold and flu and presumably covid-19” season kicks into high gear in November and December. I like that approach because it avoids the mass “home and back” trips for Thanksgiving that are so likely to cause problems. Since class time after Thanksgiving is 2-3 weeks it’s a small loss for a large gain. I wonder if Ithaca is planning on eliminating the Thanksgiving break entirely?

@CaMom13 , some of the parents in the Ithaca Facebook group are speculating that things will change with Thanksgiving too, but that part wasn’t mentioned yet by the school. That would make sense for sure. Not that I don’t want him home for Thanksgiving but the less back and forth with potential exposures the better.

ITA @MTSthistime - I love my kid as much as any parent but we already discussed that a cross-country plane trip home for Thanksgiving weekend was not going to happen this year!

I think Thanksgiving in general has to change this year - another temporary casualty of the pandemic. After spending all this time keeping each other safe by self-isolating the idea of “let’s bring all the family members from far away places back to one location so they can spend quality time together and visit the elderly” sounds borderline insane!

Yeah, coming home for Thanksgiving was doable for my S – an easy 3-hour drive. His university declared the Wednesday before to be a “reading day,” so almost everyone could leave late in the day on Tuesday. However, with a flight involved during the busiest travel time of the year, I’m not seeing a Thanksgiving trip home for my D work very well.

That’s interesting about only having classes through Thanksgiving Break, but it makes a lot of sense. My D’s school sent a very detailed letter out last week from the university president regarding the new task force, etc and stated that if current trends stay the same, they are planning on starting back in August. It went on to say that it will look different and please have patience with the new rules, etc because their main goal is getting everyone safely back on campus. They will send out more details later this summer.