The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@NYYFanNowMTdad I heard a few mention callbacks to Texas Tech. I personally saw ShenCo offer a girl a callback immediately after her audtion. Heard nothing about Texas State.

@NYYFanNowMTdad From Combines: Know of one call back from Texas State; witnessed the Shenandoah call back; know of a few students that received telephone calls from Texas Tech; know a few boys that were called back from Rider and my D was accepted into Wagner.

I am wondering for Chicago Unifieds if the following schools provide an accompanist or if we have to bring our own music -
Temple, Otterbein, Point Park, Rider, Syracuse, Ohio Northern, Long Island Post

Can anyone give any info on those from NY Unifieds

@universitygirl44 Here you go! Hope this helps everyone:

Does anyone have the link to the really long post written by a Dad describing the year his son had? Maybe from two years ago- was very well written but I forget the title?

@DramaLove2020 for LIU students brought their own recorded music.

@mamaboyz if it this one it was 4 years ago and it was AMAZING…

@DramaLove2020 nearly every one required tracks with speakers, some had speakers you could connect your phone to via blue tooth, I saw very few with live accompany

Thank you!!

Syracuse had accompanist.

I would bring a speaker everywhere just to be safe

auditioned for Ithaca at NY Unifieds. Got the no in the portal today.

D had 3 auditions this past weekend with accompanists–NYU (on campus, so technically not at Unifieds), Ithaca & Shenandoah. All schools that provided accompanists sent updated schedule/audition info by email beforehand and specifically mentioned they would have an accompanist. Rider audition required tracks & a speaker. Hope that helps!

I was just accepted to Ball State, and I was wondering if I missed some audition confirmation or if it is coming later. Sorry if this is a stupid question. Thanks in advance.

@MTnervousmom WOW what a fast response! Sorry for the no, but at least it was a quick no. I hope my daughter hears some news from NYC Unifieds this week too. Either way, it’s just good to have answers.

As final acceptances/rejections start to roll in slowly, is there a place on CC where we can connect with current MT students at the schools that have accepted us so we can ask questions and get a sense of what it’s really like to be a student there?

There’s a sub-forum for most MT schools listed at the top of the MT Major main page - you can post a question there and if the school has any active veteran parent(s) or students they’ll be happy to reply @NeensMom. Some forums have many active parents and some have none - few have active students (they are TOO BUSY!). Usually there are accepted student FB groups where accepted students can connect to each other but a caveat to that - sometimes the accepted student chats can be kind of off-putting. Don’t judge a school by that! The best way to connect with current students is to visit and talk to students on campus. Then you aren’t getting a self-selected CC rep and you aren’t getting the mass incoming freshman perspective.

Sorry @MTnervousmom. I hope good news arrives soon to take away the sting.

@crazytheatregoer were you accepted academically or artistically? Did you already audition?

@NeensMom just academically

@crazytheatregoer so you haven’t yet scheduled an audition? When are you hoping to audition with them? My daughter just did a walk-in with Ball at NYC Unifieds so she just submitted her application a few days ago. She enjoyed her audition with them!

@NeensMom Correct. I live pretty close to campus and will be at Chicago Unifieds, so either is fine. I would just like any spot. On their application, there is a small supplemental for musical theatre, but I got academically accepted before I got a response on my audition being scheduled. I am sure it’s just a paperwork error of sorts, but I wasn’t sure if it was just something that happened to others.