The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Is your family in the midst of musical theater prescreens, auditions and applications? This is your place! Please introduce yourself and share your journey. Parents and students from previous years are here to help you (if you want that) or we just love to follow the crazy process. @admin please pin this thread to the top of the Musical Theater Major page. Thank you!


Thanks for setting this up! Although College Confidential is such a nightmare to use now. I’ve been on the MT Parents Facebook group. Way easier to navigate.

It’s totally up to you parents of the future class of 2027 which forum to use. It seems like perhaps the tribe has already spoken and that’s fine! Wishing you all the best.


I have also been surprised how there has been no 2027 posting here. I figured people migrated to the Facebook page (I had to exit that group after we finished the process because I found it a little much). The big benefit I found with this page was that it was much more anonymous. I felt like I could be a little more honest with my questions and comments since it wasn’t connected to my facebook account where you could very easily figure out who my child was. Oh well!


Good point - the anonymity is nice. And I am definitely exiting FB group as soon as process is done- I agree with you there too! I wish CC was formatted the way it used to be - they really messed with it :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


S23 will likely pursue music but may look at schools where non mt majors can audition.


My senior D is applying to both MT and VP programs this year. I am a fan of both CC and FB. Question for all of those whose kiddos are applying to CMU, if only for the honor of possibly passing the PS. Someone mentioned to me that, at a recent school visit, they were advised to incorporate nature into their PS videos. Does anyone know what that means? TIA and looking forward to sharing the journey with you!

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I have no idea how you would do that, lol. I’ve never heard that suggestion before. I would advise not trying to over polish your PS and have your D be herself and have fun. Pick songs that show her strengths. Best of luck to her!


Hello everyone! My daughter is in the midst of applications and has just started her prescreens. She has so many schools on her list! I am happy to be here and welcome any insight or advice you might have in this process!


My advice - make sure she has a well balanced list (based on pre-screen results that might even mean adding some additional schools to round things out) and don’t take the results personally. This process sometimes feels incredibly random, therefore taking each acceptance and rejection with a grain of salt can really help you get through the process mentally.

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Exciting times! You can read through last year’s prescreen thread to get a feel for the process and the timing here: 2026 BFA Prescreen Results - #1243 by intheburbs

If you haven’t heard this before, or some variation thereof, you will - and as hard as it seems during the process, it rang true for us -

The right place for your daughter will find her.

Our process was full of wins and losses during prescreens and auditions - as parents, we want what we “think” is the best for our kids - namely the BIGS - but there are many schools out there and the right school is out there and it will pick her and she will fall in love with it and tell you how glad she ISN’T and A,B,C School and you will feel tremendous relief.

We think of it like the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter. Man, there will be times you’ll question EVERYTHING and NONE OF IT will make any sense. Get organized, have a solid plan, work through it. It does work out.

About November-Mid-February you will think about this post again and you will think I’m crazy it will never end and never work out - but it will, and it does. Do what you can to keep your kid healthy, sane, and stress-free if possible. Pick the materials, do the work, and it works out. Strap in and hang on there’s a lot of crazy long exciting weeks ahead for you!!!


Hi there! New to this board-- and this process - would love to join the facebook group too if someone can direct me to the group name. Thanks!


Hi, it’s called MT Parents :slight_smile:

It’s 11/14 today and we are waiting on 11/15 prescreen notifications from Michigan, Roosevelt/CCPA and BoCo should be in “mid/late” November. Anyone heard earlier from any of them? wondering if we might get any results today by chance … I do know one person who heard from Michigan on 11/11 but also know they were super early in submitting all their prescreens.

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The previous round of Roosevelt decisions went out on 10/15, so I’d imagine you’ll hear from them tomorrow! Sending good vibes your way!

@EH27 Thank you!

Just curious if anyone has information on why U of AZ cancelled BFA for next year? Will upper classman still be in the program next year?

I heard that it was for “curriculum changes.” Yes I think the program is continuing for upperclassmen. But I’m not truly in the know.

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BoCo releases prescreens decisions and acceptances in one batch on whatever date they give. They were really good about doing what they said last year.