The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

As we are all at the worst part now… the W-A-I-T-I-N-G… and anxious for any information, a quick question about portal changes. I know that Penn State has been updating portals with rejections within a few days after auditions if candidates are out of the running. Has anyone had that same experience with any other schools?

@ SingerDancerMom, has penn state sent out rejections from Chicago unified? shenandoah would send out rejections within 2 weeks.

@Jenny1993 Not sure about Chicago, but Penn State updated the portals for rejected students after NY Unifieds within a week. Curious if any other schools are also doing that.

@flippedout Some programs send out the perfunctory ‘thank you for auditioning’ note via email or Acceptd. If you get a personal communication from one of the auditors that is a more positive sign.

OTOH, nothing means anything until you get an offer. BAL!

@SingerDancerMom heard Missouri State sent out notifications last night after Chicago auditions.

Temple has started sending notifications (via portal) to Chicago Unifieds auditionees. BAL everyone!

Sorry for the repeat question… but this thread is so long now that I can’t find the previous answer. Someone had great language for when you are invited for an on-campus visit after acceptance, but want to wait for the whole picture before doing them. How do you suggest your child replies to that suggestion?

@BoogieMa I got an update in my Temple portal that just shows that I have been admitted to the BFA - I guess that means I am in?

I promised @MTMom2024 and @modanbsmt001 an update when we finally heard from Hartt. We never got an email to check the portal, but decided to check it randomly a few days ago and low and behold, there was a letter of acceptance! It was dated at least a week before and I’m pretty sure we had checked it since the date on the letter, so there’s definitely a lag between generation of the letter and when it appears in the portal. At any rate, my daughter is delighted and I am relieved beyond words. She’s also gotten an acceptance to Marymount Manhattan, so it was a good couple of weeks! We are so fortunate that she has options, regardless of whatever else happens. I hope you all finally heard and got good news!

@ElizaDoolittle Thank you for the update! Congratulations to your daughter! Two great programs to decide between. I am so happy for you guys. I just checked the portal again and still nothing…
I will let you know if and when we ever hear from them :smile:

Best of luck with everything!

@ ElizaDoolittle, congratulations to your daughter! Is your D Harrt acceptance from Chicago unified?

@ElizaDoolittle , wonderful! How nice to have two great options already!!!

@Jenny1993, my daughter auditioned in early December.

Thanks, everyone! Courtesy of @BoogieMa’s post, we checked the Temple portal and got more good news! Crossing my fingers that you all are having the same luck!

Congratulations!! My D got in Marymount for MT AS well !!

If your student has been accepted to Temple’s BFA MT program, CONGRATS!

Have your student join the Temple University BFA MT 2024 Accepted Students Facebook page (students only, no parents ?), and spread the word to anyone else recently admitted to Temple’s BFA MT program—-the Facebook page is brand new and up and running for students to meet each other, meet the current students who are running the page, and have their questions answered by students living the program right now!

@erayann - How long did it take to hear back from Marymount Manhattan?

Just verifying @lovetoact, accepted students or students that have already committed?

@MTMama accepted. I’m absolutely sure that there will be a smaller group for those who have committed as well, but this one is specifically called ‘Accepted Students.’ The current students who are admins started it to help the accepted kids with their decision-making.

@lovetoact love this! Thanks :slight_smile: