The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@FingersXd20, 3 days for Marymount.

My first post/question. I’m a little confused where I am supposed to post this?
Nazareth MT- can anyone give me some info? My D liked it.

@dizzynadrama - welcome! If you use the “magnifying glass” in the upper right hand corner of this page and search for “Naz” you will find recent and prior year posts containing information on the program. I know it’s well thought of and a top choice for many students who visit.

thank you so much.

@lovetoact One of my students had his portal change for Temple yesterday, but he wasn’t sure if it meant he was academically admitted or artistically as well. It says:

“application 1: university acceptance”
2020 Fall - First Time Freshman
Musical Theater
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Theatre. Film & Media Arts (main)

Is this artistic acceptance also? He is trying not to get too excited - yet…

@onette it looks like it is but I understand your hesitation. This process can be ambiguous. I don’t work for the school so I don’t want to guess. It never hurts to contact the department or the admissions rep.

@onette my portal said that as well. I emailed Mt and they confirmed !!!

I had heard that CCM was so overwhelmed with pre-screens that if a video was sent to CCM 3 weeks before the pre-screen deadline they weren’t even viewing them due to the vast amount they had to review. How many talented kids were not given a fair shot? Not to mention how many parents paid for these auditions just have them tossed without being reviewed. If true, first and foremost, I feel bad for the students that weren’t given a fair shot, but secondly, I hope that CCM figures out a way to fix this for next year. I guess we learned our lesson, send in the pre-screen early!

@ajks1020 I agree totally. My D sent in her pre-screen in September and never got a response. I finally contacted them January 31st (after about 10 calls and emails previously) and was told that she would get a response that afternoon. I’m sure they lost it or forgot about it since all responses had clearly already gone out at that time. She got the cursory “no” a few hours later. Pretty sad for a purported top notch school.

Congrats to all who have received good news!!!

Both of my students were called back for CCM. If I have the numbers right, they were told that 1500 prescreens were received and they called back 380. I don’t know if that includes the ones they didn’t watch? I think they know the process was broken this year and from what I was told by the kids, they were more than nice in the audition room. I know they had been told by another student of mine from last year that would not be the case and were fully expecting a harsher environment, but they both actually thoroughly enjoyed the dance call (both are movers) and the audition itself. They are a great program but they heard a lot of negative feedback this year. Hopefully, they can improve for next year!! Both of my kids were thrilled to get a callback. They felt it was an honor to get that, acceptance or not!

It may be too late, but my daughter has short curly hair…for Millikin dance call had hair back via headband. She wore ballet flats, leotard and tights. And got a BFA MT offer yesterday. We had heard they were very big on ballet, and my daughter is NOT a ballerina.

@libish- when where was your audition? thanks and congrats!

I’m just thinking about the numbers… when we were at U Michigan they mentioned how many applied, how many passed prescreens and advanced to auditions but I forget the numbers. Can anyone comment on the numbers you have heard from various schools/ programs? I’m just really impressed at how our dear children persevere and I’d like to give them (and us) a pat on the back for navigating this very rough road. BAL to all :slight_smile:

@tygerpig my son (a junior, just getting started) will be attending Dean College’s Performing Arts Open House next Thursday, he will attend a couple of classes, meet with admissions and take a tour, it’s a full day. We will let you know what we find out. I’ve talked to a few other parents on here and their students enjoyed their visits there.

The handout that Michigan gave us says 1400 applied, 550 were invited to audition and they will accept 20-24 and offer a similar number of waitlist spots.

Pace said they expected to get around 2200(!) prescreens to review and they expected to callback 30-35% of those. They make offers to 45-55 to yield a class of 28.

Texas State said 200 kids are called back out of 900 applicants. Not sure what class size they are aiming for.

Ithaca said they have 1500 applicants. Not sure how many make it to callbacks, but they are looking for 16 MT and 16 Acting and another 50 or so BA Theatre.

CMU told us they see 2000 prescreens, conduct 1000 auditions (I believe this includes MT and acting). They accept 12 each for acting and MT and have 10-30 on the wait list.

I posted numbers on Hartt in another thread, but I don’t remember them now.

I thought Kaitlin from Texas State said they only passed 65 prescreens? She didn’t share how many they received at our info session but she did say they want a class of 14.
Penn State said 1700 prescreens and 440 auditions.
Florida State said 1100 prescreens and 240 auditions.

Well, not really. The easiest Ivy still only has a 10% admit rate. I don’t think I’ve seen any proof that any of these school discard 90% of their applicants in prescreens - even U Mich has a 1/3 pass rate. The 65 audition number for Tx State seems unrealistically low, 200 seems more reasonable? People do need to remember that although the schools try to accept the applicants who want them the most, no school has a perfect yield. So a school that auditions 200 and wants 20 may have to accept 40. The higher demand the school, the better the yield which is why CMU can accept 12 and waitlist another 20 with impunity. In any event, it’s not easy and that’s an understatement! And it’s getting to be mostly over but the waiting for the class of 2024 - Yay for all of you who are done and I wish you continued patience!!! This next month + can be very trying.

@SingerDancerMom There is no way 65 is correct. D auditioned for Texas State in Chicago - there were at least 35 in her audition, 35 the day before and maybe 20 the next day - and that was just Chicago. I think 200 may be a good number - surprisingly Texas State seems to be one pre-screen that a lot don’t pass - so they do weed a lot of people out.

I pretty certain I have the 200 number correct for Texas State.