The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@NeensMom Montclair sends out artistic and academic separately - both are on a rolling basis. We got our academic acceptance about a month after she applied so if you haven’t heard anything I would contact admission. The artistic and academic are completely separate so, the artistic acceptance has a contingency that it’s only good if you are accepted academically - but it can come out before - they don’t coordinate the two.

@DivaStageMom Unfortunately I did reach out to Montclair admissions and got no response from them. I’ve heard others complain that their admissions department can be unresponsive.

@NeensMom - when did you apply? Also, I don’t believe that the artistic acceptance will be held up - the artistic acceptance and it says you are in the program as long as you are accepted academically. So they don’t coordinate like some other schools - it appears they just send things out and see where everything ends up.

@DivaStageMom Application was submitted in mid-December. Received an email in early January that HS transcripts had not yet been received and they were sent electronically that day. Followed up by email 3 weeks later but never got a response.

Looks like CCM is starting the notification process. My S just got waitlisted for MT via email. Email said they had the most applications in history for the musical theatre program.

UNCG sends socks for those that are interested :smile: My daughter loved them. She wore them the day they arrived even though we had to cancel her audition there.

Does anyone have current info on the program at Viterbo? Thoughts, good, bad? I would love to connect with a student or parent who could speak to the programs pros and cons. Thank you in advance!

I hope he’s not too disappointed @TheatreDad69 ? Waitlist for CCM means he rocked his audition so that’s quite a compliment even if it’s probably not what he hoped for.

There is a long thread about Vitterbo from last years page with same title as this one from a student that is very detailed. Great program but remote location. So great fit for many. If memory serves me the comments from the BFA student talked about transporting to campus from Chicago. But look back to about this time frame of last year’s class thread to find it. Lots of Vitterbo info.

@CaMom13 he isn’t disappointed at all. He walked out of the CCM audition not being able to read the room at all and wrote that one off in his head. So he was pleasantly surprised. We told him it was a nice compliment.

@Kkrazie - thanks for the tip! I did not see the post from last year, but I’ll go searching. :slight_smile:

Nice! Best possible position to be in @TheatreDad69 - happy for him!!!

Off topic, but I was a bit perturbed with Northwestern last year. My D didn’t even get into their SUMMER program. I know it’s unrelated, and I’m not trying to be Felicity Huffman here, but 1) I’m an (MBA) graduate from Northwestern’s business school (Kellogg), and 2) Recruit and hire 8-10 new grad students a year (interview about 30. Make 8-10 offers). Oddly enough, we got the notification one day last year that my D didn’t get into their Cherubs program…and later that day I get an alumni phone call asking for a donation. Wrong day buddy! LoL. Funny now, but I wasn’t laughing on THAT day

@StanfordAI2019 - I feel for you but the situation is pretty common. Stanford had an article a few years back describing the emotions expressed by alumni parents whose kids were not admitted to the school, including one who went and destroyed all of his Stanford gear afterwards. The fact is that only some schools even consider legacy as part of the admission package and in Drama I would imagine a legacy connection to the school will get you bupkis.

@CaMom13 – yeah, not surprised. I also attended Stanford (hence my board name) for another graduate degree (plus Yale undergraduate), so I’ve always been lucky in terms of academic admission and success. Sucks seeing your kid not getting the same level of success (albeit in a much tougher field)

Honestly, @StanfordAI2019 - my spouse and I both went to top-tier schools and our kids went to second-tier academic schools and we couldn’t be happier for them. Yes, going to an elite school gives a student a leg up on success but these days the price of getting into one seems too high: socially, emotionally and mentally. We feel truly blessed that our kids both ended up healthy and happy in schools where they could be challenged and thrive. IMO doesn’t get any better than that - period! :slight_smile:

@StanfordAI2019, in my opinion this process is not about the parents but about the kids. My actor son didn’t apply to the Ivy I went to as an undergrad because it’s not the right fit for him. He did apply to the school I graduated law school from because it has a great acting program. I expected (and probably received) no benefit from my alum and donor status. He got in anyway and turned it down because there was another program that was a better fit. I am 99 percent sure that, between him and my younger son, we won’t have any Ivies in the family in this generation, and I am 100 percent sure I’m okay with that. It’s about the kids, not me.

A legacy is usually considered to be if the parent attended undergrad at the institution. If the parent attended graduate school there, that is not typically considered legacy status.

Legacy would be a terrible element to add to this BFA MT audition process. But the urge to vengefully burn things is perfectly normal! I kept a “dead to us” list, during my daughter’s year. A small rebellion. She, however, still wears gear we bought from schools that rejected her. Part of the healing process.

I saw that some CCM MT decisions were coming out - does anyone have info on timing of CCM Acting notifications?