The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@DramaLlama18 - of course ‘legacy’ would be ridiculous for MT programs, but the thing that annoyed me was that this was for the summer program…and the summer program wasn’t about auditions at all. All they looked at were grades and essays. We plan to do the same on the gear as well. We have lots of CMU stuff from my D’s summer there. We know her getting in there will be basically impossible, but she plans on wearing the stuff even after she gets bad news.

@TimeToFindInfo switch to the 2024 artistic notices thread. A flurry of messages re: CCM was happening there last night. (Seems as if it’s only boys that have been notified so far)

@DramaLlama18 and @StanfordAI2019 - my eldest looked at CMU for engineering, liked it, bought the sweatshirt but didn’t apply. Younger applied for MT, didn’t get in - wears the sweatshirt her sister bought anyway. LOL. No hard feelings in that case at all and it’s a REALLY nice sweatshirt!!!

@CaMom13 @StanfordAI2019 We especially laugh about the overly specific “UMich Musical Theatre” t-shirt. We knew, of course, that it was optimistic to buy it on the college tour. And it was definitely not a fun day in March when two of her classmates and friends were admitted (one to MT and one to Acting) and she was not. But now she wears the t - “it’s comfortable!”

@TimeToFindInfo Some Girls too…not my D just people I know.

@rickle1 I love the comment about fun versus joy in theater. My S is a Freshman at a competitive MT program and has had several “lessons” in that department after a little more than 1 semester. Most of our kiddos have all experienced the fun - getting leads in YOUR high school, maybe some success in YOUR regional theater (yes, some kids have had professional success already as well that know they have what it takes). They all like the applause and accolades from THEIR family , THEIR teachers, THEIR friends. So depending on how hard they have pushed themselves, many of them may not have faced a lot of adversity or rejection.

When you get to school - every one of your peers is that kid. You’ve all had successes and had fun playing the leads in your favorite show, feature choir performer, state drama, etc. I asked my son after his first week last fall how school was going and he sullenly said, “It’s okay”. OKAY??!!?? We went through all of this for you to be having an “okay” experience. He elaborated and said my vocal coach hates me, he stops me every other word and corrects something. And when I do it exactly right, he never gives me any compliments.

The fall musical is cast the spring before so incoming Freshman aren’t even eligible to be performers so my son was the spot operator. He’s 6’2, crammed into a 3’ x 6’ crows nest through every rehearsal and every performance.

Finally by the spring play, he got an ensemble part with 10 lines and is on stage maybe 30 minutes of a 3 hour play and I’m flying out this weekend to see the show.

Now, 6 months into this, if you ask him how school is going - he LOVES it. Joy is knowing that your teachers and coaches are there to help you get better, not to sing your praises. You don’t get to sing your whole song through without your coach teaching. Joy is being the best spot operator you can be as part of a pseudo professional production TEAM. Joy is knowing that every part at this level is an accomplishment. Every call back is a step closer and another learning opportunity. Joy is continuing to support him in his first college performance (it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen him perform anything) even if it’s not a lead - you spend the time and money and celebrate the journey. It’s funny how your yardstick changes from “Did you get THE part?” to “Wow, so honored to be in the running against such a great pool of talented peers.” It really does drive home the sentiment that you hear so many award nominees say - they really ARE just honored to be nominated - the “winning” is secondary at this level. You will win only if you celebrate the joy of all of the steps along the way.

My son would categorize his first semester as a readjustment where the faculty taught him how to learn joy in theater, joy in the daily work, joy in the growth. Dance classes start at 8 am every day, rehearsals go until 9 or 10 every night whether you are a lead or the spot operator. Once you get past the audition process, this will all make sense and give you affirmation of why you started.

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^ FANTASTIC post. Really says it all! Thanks for sharing.

@Jpkcmo ha ha ha. I started reading this post and figured out who you were right away!!! Well said, my friend. And I am flying out to see DS perform in the student written, directed &run theatre show he was cast in -which is only one night and the day before we fly him home for Spring Break -because I haven’t seen him perform for almost a year… I’m with you… and wishing we were there at the same time for a glass of wine. We celebrate every step they make, every compliment they get, every challenge they endure and overcome. BTW - your DS gave my DS a treat the other day because he saw that my DS was feeling a little homesick . May all of the rest of your kids find amazing roommates like the one jpkcmo raised

@gatorbridget and @Jpkcmo where do you kids go to school?

@NeensMom Otterbein
@gatorbridget - what gave it away? The 6’2" spot light operator?

Has anyone who auditioned for Ball State in Chicago received a decision yet?

I auditioned in NY and haven’t heard yet but I received an email from an admissions coordinator stating that the head of the department enjoyed my audition. Did anyone else receive a similar email?

@Stress19372919 My D received the same email and also auditioned in NY.

how did you and your daughter interpret it? I didn’t know what to think of it but I assume it’s positive.

Not sure - Perhaps just a round of thank you’s before they send out decisions?

Regarding the Montclair socks … my kid got socks from Montclair today lol. He had to cancel his audition so, the socks are not from MT - they must be from the school itself.

@Stress19372919 & @GeddyMcNutty my D got that email from Ball State this week too. I felt like it was definitely a positive sign. It clearly went to multiple people because it said to apply if you hadn’t…my D was academically accepted a long time ago so I knew that part at least wasn’t personalized. So not an offer, but also not crickets. It was also a NY audition for my daughter.

Does anyone know anything about the University of Arizona’s musical theatre program? I wasn’t able to find a thread on their program.

Check out this older thread about MT at University of Arizona. Always heard it’s great & wonderful faculty. But likely in “reach” school category since participates in Moonifieds and other large auditions. Tried to get my D to look at it her audition year, but she was too exhausted to add it to her list. But know many kids have loved it. Past jimmy award winners attend the program etc.

Thank you @Kkrazie !