The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@WhiskersStone also I know some freshman BFAs at Missouri State that are in program were TPAP participants last summer too. I think they went to the longer session called Panaroma though. I think that’s what the longer session is called. So might bring that up as conversation starter.

Does anyone know about the program at University at Buffalo?

Also interested in knowing about SUNY Buffalo my D auditioned in NY . . My husband and D are at Ferdonia MT auditions now as we speak . Anyone input on Ferdonia as well?

@crazytheatregoer Trust your gut on Millikin- it’s a tough environment even for those who are accepted to BFA MT. Syracuse acting program is great, but if D is truly wanting to do MT, it would be better to go with a BFA program at a lesser known school. Have you looked at UABirmingham or Eastern Carolina? Both less heard of with incredible programs.

@erayann I don’t have any direct info on Fredonia but I have mad respect for it based on 2 working actors I know/have seen. Had S apply there based on a performance we saw in summer stock that made us read our programs because “where did HE train?” BAL to your D.

Congrats to all for having survived the height of this crazy process. Through it all, I have been blown away by not just D, but every single kid I have watched put his/her heart in to this work. Society seems to have a lot to say about the teenagers of today, but based on what I’ve seen, even beyond artistic ability, Theater Kids could change the world!

Had to go dark for a little while with all things MT Auditions for my own mental health. This stuff is not for the faint of heart. An observation for future Classes: D had two shows knee deep in rehearsal to dive in to during this waiting period and it was absolutely the best thing she could’ve done. I had initially been concerned it would create burn out but it’s had the opposite effect. D was completely reenergized. There’s been no time to overthink The Waiting and the fast reminder of the joy she finds in this work was very much needed.

Question about Waitlists. I’m digging for info on old posts, but it seems to be all over the place. If D chooses to ride out a Waitlisted school, should she be reaching out periodically to express continued interest? The experiences of waitlist movement and how students have handled it here on CC is so varied. Would love to hear from some families with experience.

@runnernyc and @erayann I know two girls who are in the Buffalo MT program. One is a senior and has loved everything about the training, performance opportunities and education. She has had great summer theatre internships and feels very prepared for her future . The other girl is a sophomore and loves it as well. She hasn’t done a summer internship yet but did perform in a professional summer show in her home city . Buffalo has a great arts vibe and the professional theatre community is very vibrant . Academics are still important there.

@Sitzprobe My D was on 6 waitlists last year. When she received the waitlist notifications, she immediately reached out to tell them she was very interested. Our coach told us to keep them updated: if you have any personal news (I received a Gold Medal at my theatre festival etc.), send them an email and certainly respond to any emails they send you. We actually were able to visit three of her waitlist schools while she was on their waitlists (one was on the way back from a late audition and two were very close to an accepted school we were visiting over spring break). I don’t know if that made a difference, but we felt we had to do it because she liked all of her waitlist schools more than her accepted schools, and we wouldn’t be able to visit them if she got off their waitlists late. The waitlist schools all let her sit in on classes, have lunch with the MT students, tour the dorms, etc. She ended up getting into 5 of the schools (one was a redirect, but a good redirect), but all the acceptances were at the end of April. She got an email from her favorite school the last week of April, saying that she was on the top of the women’s waitlist and asking if she was still interested. She said, “I just want to tell them I’ll commit to go there if I’m accepted,” and I told her that was fine, as long as she really meant it! So, she did. Within 24 hours she got an email acceptance into that program, and that is where she is happily attending as a freshman today. It was so stressful because as she got off waitlists, we would envision her attending that school, and then another one would come through that she liked better, so we’d envision that one. It was a roller coaster! She did make sure to notify the schools that she was sure she wasn’t attending as she went along so, hopefully, someone else could come off that waitlist! We were very surprised that she got off so many. Of course, the waitlist experience will vary A LOT depending on what schools are involved, but our story shows that there is hope if you’re on a waitlist. Please PM me if you want more details and BAL to your D!

@Kkrazie or @RosaMT, do either of you know how Missouri State does their private voice lessons? As in when the students begin taking them, how often they are, and how long the lesson is?

@depejohnson @Kkrazie They begin taking weekly voice lessons freshman year. I think it’s an hour (unless my D has an hour now because she’s a junior)…I’ll check with her. They also have voice studio once a week and they perform at studio maybe once a month (at least in my D’s studio).

Has anyone auditioned for Manhattanville? They have a BFA MT program in New York - we visited the campus which is gorgeous. Program is up and coming.

@RosaMT can you PM me? I have a few questions for you, but I can’t PM yet. I read where I can respond to PM’s, but just can’t start them due to my lack of posts.

@depejohnson I sent you a PM

Thank you !! Great to hear and best of luck !!

Thanks you !! Best of luck To you too .

@user_752736, What did you all think of Manhattanville? They are on my son’s list too. We are debating on going to their Open House on March 7th. We are looking for a time that we could tour both LIU Post and Manhattanville, as well as possibly Five Towns College. We are searching for any of these three schools and have not found too much.

@Sonnie323 make sure Molloy/CAP21 is on your list too!

Is there an Elon MT thread? I wasn’t able to find it if there is. Specifically wondering if anyone knows how many prescreens are submitted to Elon, how many students they accept, and how many are they hoping to yield in their freshman class? Was at the audition yesterday and this did not come up in the info session. Curious if the faculty shared this information with other groups? TIA

@depejohnson @RosaMT yes agree with RosaMT. They start taking private voice lessons freshman year, plus weekly vocal class with their class of MTs @ Missouri State. Sophomore year they also have Voice for the Actor with Robert Westenberg. I know first semester this Sophomore year my D had the pop/contemporary vocal classes too with that teacher RosaMT mentioned earlier. Last semester was heavy with several singing classes weekly and “Oklahoma” & “Cats” musicals. Normally they do one musical a semester. But this Fall they did two. “Cats”on the MSU main stage & professional production of “Oklahoma” with the Springfield Symphony at the Hammons Performing Arts Center. First time “Oklahoma“ was staged with a Symphony, so it was the world premier. Rodgers & Hammerstein executives came from NYC to film it. They let Freshman MTs participate in “Oklahoma” first semester. Normally the Freshmen are not cast in shows till second semester to let them get acclimated to college life. But since it was a special production of “Oklahoma” they let Freshman in show. But Freshman are able to get cast 2nd semester like everyone else. This year was a fun-filled exception.

Does anyone know the name of the Facebook group for students to discuss acceptances?