The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@universitygirl44 I heard from Temple and auditioned in Chicago - have you checked your portal, mine showed up there first then I got the email after.

@DramaLove2020 yes been checking frequently. Do you mind me asking if your result was a Y or N?

@rickle1 I will never forget the experience last year when S was rejected from his top choice. It was so hard to watch. Fast forward a year, and he is happy and thriving at his second choice, where he came off the wait list in late April. There is still a long way to go in this roller coaster for class of 2024, and I truly believe that all of your kids will find their fit and thrive where they land.

@rickle1 I’m sorry for your D! I was so appreciative of the info you shared about UNCSA auditions and I was totally rooting for her. I’m sure a great acceptance is headed her way. Reading the reports this week of all of the acceptances and rejections is making me super anxious for next year. Thank you to everyone who generously shares. It really does help those coming up to know what to expect!

@universitygirl44 it was a YES from Temple

So, today my D got into her second non-audition safety, Cal State Northridge, which has a Theatre program with a minor (emphasis) in Musical Theatre. She previously was accepted to her non-audition match/safety, Cal State Long Beach, which is actually a BFA in Acting.

We have until about March 20 to find out if she is admitted to any of her reaches - UCSD (BA in Acting - optional video of monologues), UCI (Drama (B.A.) major with option to audition for the Music Theatre (B.F.A.) major once completed certain courses, and UCLA (BA in Musical Theatre - audition-based).

I am passing the time reading everyone else’s results and I am loving it! Congrats to everyone who has at least one acceptance so far and hang in there those who are still waiting.

Truthfully, I cheer every time I read of an acceptance! And, sigh every time I read of a rejection.

@MommaCat congrats on today’s CSUN acceptance! Love that campus. Just out of curiosity, why not Chico State that has a non-audition MT? I’m from LA, but on the East Coast now and we have no non-auditon MT’s any where near us. During this process I’ve been envious of the West Coast non-audition safety options, particularly Chico which is such a cool college town.

@SingerDancerMom thank you! So funny, we are originally from the East Coast so I actually had to Google where Chico State is located. :blush: It is actually too far away for my D and too inland. She wants to be in driving distance so we can attend any shows she works in or on, wants to be near LA, as well as the beach (priorities).

I was so surprised to see how many East Coast schools are the hot ones for MT! Especially JMU which is in Virginia where we lived. I had no idea until I started doing research.

Right there with you. It’s my birthday today. I walked into the house tonight after work and my D said, “No from UNCSA. No from Texas State.”

UNCSA was her first choice. She fell in love with it two summers ago. Well, needless to say the Birthday cake is uneaten and she’s in a bubble bath.

I can’t tell you all what this forum has meant to me. I’ve been reading all season and this is my first post. You all are really keeping me going!!

@MommaCat that’s so funny! I did the opposite! I still have family in CA and my daughter wanted to be near them but I was really surprised that we couldn’t find any MT BFA’s near LA that weren’t cut programs.
Yep… JMU is GREAT! My D auditioned for them. No decisions yet. Beautiful campus. We have many friends in the program that LOVE IT.

@moosegirlemy Happy birthday!! I’m sorry you have to celebrate with a sad girl, but I hope you still get to eat your cake!

@rymamom We went to the audition in Chicago, and when we heard the price tag, I was floored. I figured even if she got in, there was no way we could afford it. I know it’s a great opportunity. Good luck to your son!

@toystorymom, Good luck to your daughter too! My daughter has moved on already. It was a dream school, but pretty much out of our price range, so she had several backup schools that are still in play. It’s all good!

@rickle1 , we had a day last year when my son was rejected by 2 of his top 5 schools within a 2 hour period after he’d received personal emails from the faculty at each audition. And for both programs he had a close friend get the acceptance phone call shortly before he received the rejection email. It was the hardest day of the entire process by far and I can still remember the palpable heartbreak and helplessness I felt that evening. But he had another good friend come by and force him out of the house to get ice cream and by the next day, he was ready to move on. I hope the same for your DD and that the disappointment of today is quickly erased by the excitement of acceptance to a program where she knows she will be valued and get a great education.

Happy Birthday to you @moosegirlemy - I am so sorry it’s a sad day in your house. I think the advice everyone gives is to have them take a day to grieve … and then move on. Put the “no” schools on the Dead To Me pile and say “Next!” . This process (and the related career) is filled with hard knocks and we are blessed to have such strong, hard-working, resiliant children. Hope that bubble bath helped a little.

@moosegirlemy, ugh! I’m sorry. Those a tough results to get, especially on your birthday. :frowning:

My D is a freshman BFA-MT, and the month of February has caused my husband and me to have a recurrence of our PTAD (Post-Traumatic Audition Disorder). I’ve been reading this forum for over a year (but should have started much sooner), and it has been a great source of support, information, and some sorely needed gallows humor! My heart truly goes out to all of you who are suffering through the winter doldrums of this excruciating process.

One observation: I think we do both our kids and these schools a disservice when we say that the prescreen and audition results have no rhyme or reason, or that they are totally random. While it does often feel that way, I think it would be more accurate to say that they are unpredictable. The people behind the table are experienced professionals; they know what they are looking for. They are hoping everyone who walks in will wow them. They understand how much this means to our kids. They are searching for the right blend of talent, teachability, and fit. They are only human, and they may not always make the right call…especially when it comes to OUR wonderful darlings! But based on sheer numbers alone, they are sincerely doing their best with some very difficult decisions. The head of our D’s MT program made an interesting statement in a parent talk on move-in day last fall. He said that he and his faculty spend April feeling the way we all do from January to March, hoping that the kids they have gotten so excited about will accept their offer, and walking around on pins and needles while they wait to hear a “yes”.

So, although it doesn’t make the rejections any less painful, I think it helps to remember that these schools don’t make their decisions carelessly. They do have their reasons; unfortunately, we don’t get to know what those are. It’s not random, just unpredictable. (And yes, downright hellish!)

Deep cleansing breaths, Class of 2024! You will soon see a glimmer of light at the end of the MT tunnel.

For Montclair… Does anyone know how you get an acceptance to MT. Have acceptance to academic but “undeclared”. Letter says must wait for decision from MT to see if that will be major. So… huh? Nothing else yet. AND… drumroll… no socks

@collegehelp! - check the Montclair portal - they posted a decision letter about acceptance / or denial there. Nothing by email or mail yet for my D (except the dreaded socks), she only knows because she checked the portal on her own.

@BoogieMa We live on Cape Cod and know quite a few BSU graduates who are going on to local and regional success as performers. My D is a sophomore at NYU/Tisch NSB and many kids and adults she has worked with in the past attended BSU - really good program!