The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@StanfordAI2019 - You just made me spit out my soup ?

@DancerMTMom I don’t mean this to be hard and fast but I think most of the schools that are typically known as or known for Musical Theater Schools have no issue with housing. It might be a little harder for Universities that are also known for engineering or football or large state schools (TCU, Oklahoma, Michigan, Carnegie Melon, Syracuse, etc). Obviously, lot’s of gray area what a school is known for.

The kids are very quick to connect with each other on social media when they find out where they have been accepted (or even before they decide). @gatorbridget son and my son are room mates at Otterbein and had that settled fairly quickly. I don’t know that it is required to room with another MT student but the similar schedules does make it helpful (both have 8 am dance and late nights after rehearsals). That coming and going may not work so well with a different major.

Hi all! My son is a freshman MT at Nazareth College! He loves the program!! If anyone wants to connect to talk about it, just let me know. It is definitely in a very safe, suburban area of Rochester. Pittsford is a very nice neighborhood and the college is located right next to 2 country club golf courses, just to give you perspective. It is a suburban environment with a Wegmans, movie theatre, 5 Guys Burgers and Home Goods right down the block! Wegman’s pharmacy even delivers to campus.

If anyone has MT program questions, just give me a shout. Happy to answer them.

@AnxiousNovice If it hasn’t been mentioned yet, take a look at Western Michigan University. They have an audition March 13 and you can apply on line through the website.

@AbigCurveBall Also waiting for Pace Roosevelt and Point Park from Chicago Unifieds but according to list of likely notification dates on other thread all three of these do not notify until March (of course Sunday is March 1st…)

Hello… I think I need to write tonight as a form of therapy…I also have a question… I’m a lurker posting occasionally and tonight I sit after a heartbreaking talk with my daughter after receiving an otterbien rejection today. This comes after a few others and the realization her list is quickly shrinking. D’s net was not cast as large as many I read about here so that has me concerned but another concern I have is should my D have been writing anyone who she did a call back with … by writing I guess I mean constantly touching base and saying how interested she is? We have one school which she did touch base with well after nyc unifieds and they basically said we did not hear much from you and although we were initially very interested we’ve kind of moved on… I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist… I’m so confused by this process and aspects of the game. My D has worked very hard had amazing feedback at CAP. Had 5 callbacks at NYC Unifieds that all had positive feedback but maybe not enough was done. After ? Sigh

@lkcmom If she contacted the school once, that’s more than most people will do. Never heard of a school saying that before.

@lkcmom - Otterbein is a very fine program and hard to get into. Don’t beat yourself up about what wasn’t done - the chances are very slim that constant communication would have made any difference. She rocked her auditions so that’s a major plus. Stay positive, this process has lots of ups and downs!

When you say her net wasn’t as wide as it could be, do you mean she only applied to a few “targeted” programs or she only applied to highly competitive programs?

@CaMom13 I guess both a little bit. Her number was about 12 and yes I guess now looking at it her schools were mostly far reach. She did not apply to one “safety” school really in our state… I feel like we both have been so busy and focused on this since the fall and have done so much but now here I sit agonizing over if she/we did enough. Crazy brutal process to say the least.

@lkcmom As hard as this process is, I think the second guessing and what-ifs are even worse. Hang in there! I hope a school your D loves comes through soon!

@speezagmom thank you! Best of luck to you as well.


The only school I know of where staying in touch with them is important is Lara Teeter from Webster. He’s notorious for lots of communication and needing to hear of your continued interest in order to stay in the pool.

It’s not too late to cast a wider net!
Between this thread and the notifications thread, lots of people have posted suggestions for hidden gem programs that are still accepting applications and having auditions, including digital auditions. (my daughter just got an offer from a digital audition for a new MT BFA at West Virginia university… and a big scholarship package.)

Don’t beat yourself up! This process is hard and there are just things you can’t know until you’re in it.

As a last resort, if your child doesn’t land in a program that is a fit, many people take gap years and land their dream school the following year when they go in better prepared and with the wisdom that comes with experience.

Penn State posted the “no” to portal (I think this morning) so, I’m thinking the yes calls went out yesterday.

Thank you for that info @cruisemama4. I am so sorry for your “no.” I have a dear one waiting to hear from that school. :confused:

As many are saying, the process is crazy and no sense in beating yourself up over what you did / didn’t do. We didn’t apply to certain schools that we should have. Some of our apps were last minute and others via walk ins.

Always wonder about walk ins. When they tell your kid, “that was great, make sure you apply right away”, are they really just looking to up their app count and fees? So far she’s 0-1 on those and the one was really positive, explaining to D to do X Y and Z vs. just regular submission. “Email this person, use my name, tell them I told you to X…” and still got rejected.

Anyway - the rant will end in a month (hopefully) when we all have some clarity on our kid’s situation. Nothing more we can do. I feel like we likely made mistakes but gave it our best shot. I’m comfortable with that. This is the life they’re choosing. If they can’t handle this rejection now, what will they do when it really matters (like for survival)?

@lkcmom I second what @SingerDancerMom says about the gap year. Someone very close to me is doing that this year. It’s been harrowing to see all the “nos” roll in again, especially after a very disappointing first time through (with the most top-heavy list you can imagine), but there has finally been one hotly-desired “yes” so the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to show. It’s very hard to go through twice, especially when the “nos” start rolling in, but can be very worthwhile.

I’m sorry @cruisemama4. I also have a D waiting on Acting decision from Penn State

Sorry, I neglected to say, it’s OK about Penn State as he got a yes from another school that he is happy about. BAL to everyone involved in the process. And props to us parents too :slight_smile:

@cruisemama4 did he just happen to check the portal? Or was there an email saying to check portal? My daughter is Acting not MT and she just auditioned last weekend so we may still be a week out

He just happened to check Penn State portal. No email yet